D's were going to try to impeach Trump over Flynn. All makes sense now.

'D's were going to try to impeach Trump over Flynn. All makes sense now'

Flynn was only 1 (ONE) tool the snowflakes were / are planning to go after Impeachment of Trump.

Sad - Obama spent 8 years violating both Constitution and Law, lying to Americans, STEALING tax dollars to give to the UN / Al Qaeda / ISIS / Palestinians / Mexican Drug Cartels, etc...and not once did the thought of 'Impeachment' enter their partisan little minds. It's all about Party / Partisanship for them...

It's a damn shame. There's going to have to be a lot of housecleaning. I would go right behind and extract every appointed position Obama ever stuck people in. Have to work fast, too.

At least Flynn had the decency to admit wrongdoing and resigned with grace.

Not double-down and hope he gets protected.
Does anyone actually believe that Flynn was not giving the Russians a message from Prs Trump when he told them that the Obama sanctions for the hacking of the DNC and 4 democratic congress critters running in the election, were going to be reneged when Trump is sworn in?

Does anyone really believe Flynn did not update Trump on the conversation he had about the sanctions with th Russian Ambassador back on December 29th?

Of course Trump was in on this from the beginning or at least the day Flynn made the call....

Yet Trump LET Pence tell a lie on January 15th Meet the Press and other news stations....it was ONLY when the intelligence community finally leaked this to the press that the trump team is playing the angle that he lied to Pence, on Feb 10th....

Why didn't the Trump team notified of the lie, tell pence on January 16th whn they were TOLD? Why did trump still appoint Flynn as his nationally security guy, AFTER he already knew Pence was told a lie?

Trump was in on it, he told Flynn to give that message to the Russians....can be the only answer...
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None of this has anything to do with the dems. Trump's bormance with Vlad the Impaler is ... odd. Russia reset be damned, they hacked the election. There shouldn't be any reset from that.
Does anyone actually believe that Flynn was not giving the Russians a message from Prs Trump when he told them that the Obama sanctions for the hacking of the DNC and 4 democratic congress critters running in the election, were going to be reneged when Trump is sworn in?

Does anyone really believe Flynn did not update Trump on the conversation he had about the sanctions with th Russian Ambassador back on December 29th?

Of course Trump was in on this from the beginning or at least the day Flynn made the call....

Yet Trump LET Pence tell a lie on January 15th Meet the Press and other news stations....it was ONLY when the intelligence community finally leaked this to the press that the trump team is playing the angle that he lied to Pence, on Feb 10th....

Why didn't the Trump team notified of the lie, tell pence on January 16th whn they were TOLD? Why did trump still appoint Flynn as his nationally security guy, AFTER he already knew Pence was told a lie?

Trump was in on it, he told Flynn to give that message to the Russians.

You're talking to Trump cultists who honestly believe Trump can do no wrong. Never forget that.
Does anyone actually believe that Flynn was not giving the Russians a message from Prs Trump when he told them that the Obama sanctions for the hacking of the DNC and 4 democratic congress critters running in the election, were going to be reneged when Trump is sworn in?

Does anyone really believe Flynn did not update Trump on the conversation he had about the sanctions with th Russian Ambassador back on December 29th?

Of course Trump was in on this from the beginning or at least the day Flynn made the call....

Yet Trump LET Pence tell a lie on January 15th Meet the Press and other news stations....it was ONLY when the intelligence community finally leaked this to the press that the trump team is playing the angle that he lied to Pence, on Feb 10th....

Why didn't the Trump team notified of the lie, tell pence on January 16th whn they were TOLD? Why did trump still appoint Flynn as his nationally security guy, AFTER he already knew Pence was told a lie?

Trump was in on it, he told Flynn to give that message to the Russians.
No, I don't. But that scenario is still unproven. If Trump knew, then what was his motivation is the question.
Hysterically the Deplorables are blaming democrats for the Russian stain on the Trump administration.
Russia is going to dog President Man/ Child for the rest of his administration however that long that may be.
Typical leftist much ado about nothing. He lied, he resigned. Clinton lies, gets nominated for president. The RaTz way versus the American way.
How many times did we see Maxine Waters out on the talk show circuit babbling away about investigations and impeachment?

They didn't warn the President's WH counsel until just recently. Yates said they did it when they realized Flynn had lied to Pence.

Time lines count.

Think about how late in the game that was. That meant between the December 29th phone call when Flynn was still a private citizen btw, they were investigating Flynn and DID NOT INFORM the President elect.

No doubt about it; they were combing thru anything and everything to try to tie Trump to the call to impeach him.

Sons of mother fucking bitches.
Nah. They'd love to, but there are no gounds .... unless money ties are found between Trump and Russia.

Money ties? Trump is a businessman for crying out loud. AND Russia was a member of the G8 and the G20.

All fucking legal.
Not necessarily given the sanctions. That's the question. Why does he want them removed?
Typical leftist much ado about nothing. He lied, he resigned. Clinton lies, gets nominated for president. The RaTz way versus the American way.
The sky will fall if boneheads like you ever admit what the whole country is talking about.
That this is the lyingest administration in history. Somewhere Tricky Dicky is smiling.
Does anyone actually believe that Flynn was not giving the Russians a message from Prs Trump when he told them that the Obama sanctions for the hacking of the DNC and 4 democratic congress critters running in the election, were going to be reneged when Trump is sworn in?

Does anyone really believe Flynn did not update Trump on the conversation he had about the sanctions with th Russian Ambassador back on December 29th?

Of course Trump was in on this from the beginning or at least the day Flynn made the call....

Yet Trump LET Pence tell a lie on January 15th Meet the Press and other news stations....it was ONLY when the intelligence community finally leaked this to the press that the trump team is playing the angle that he lied to Pence, on Feb 10th....

Why didn't the Trump team notified of the lie, tell pence on January 16th whn they were TOLD? Why did trump still appoint Flynn as his nationally security guy, AFTER he already knew Pence was told a lie?

Trump was in on it, he told Flynn to give that message to the Russians.

You're talking to Trump cultists who honestly believe Trump can do no wrong. Never forget that.
Indeed. Trump over country is their motto.
This is only the first domino to fall. To all those patriots who are within the government and part of the silent resistence keep giving those leaks to the media.

And keep investigating the truth and the trail back to the Communist dictator and all the rubles that is pouring into this swamp infested cabinet.
This is not going to end well for the Liar in Chief.
Just now on CNN one of Trump's whores tried to use the excuse of the administration being new and getting their footing. Shouldn't they have gotten their footing before they started dismantling things that were beneficial to us? They are dismantling everything President Obama did, even though President Obama represented us, while the Trump administration may represent Russia. Russia benefits if America is torn apart from within. Makes one wonder who is pulling their strings?
Typical leftist much ado about nothing. He lied, he resigned. Clinton lies, gets nominated for president. The RaTz way versus the American way.

Far more than lying, but, as you see, in typical RW propaganda fashion, the Trumpbots latch onto a narrative of lesser culpability,

and run with that until every RWnut in the country has it embedded in the space between their ears.
'D's were going to try to impeach Trump over Flynn. All makes sense now'

Flynn was only 1 (ONE) tool the snowflakes were / are planning to go after Impeachment of Trump.

Sad - Obama spent 8 years violating both Constitution and Law, lying to Americans, STEALING tax dollars to give to the UN / Al Qaeda / ISIS / Palestinians / Mexican Drug Cartels, etc...and not once did the thought of 'Impeachment' enter their partisan little minds. It's all about Party / Partisanship for them...

It's a damn shame. There's going to have to be a lot of housecleaning. I would go right behind and extract every appointed position Obama ever stuck people in. Have to work fast, too.

At least Flynn had the decency to admit wrongdoing and resigned with grace.

Not double-down and hope he gets protected.
Flynn had the decency? The CIA had him nailed to the wall knowing he lied. Flynn had no choice. And if you don't think Trumpy wasn't knee deep in this with Russia I have some swamp land in the Everglades to sell you.
With all the leaks in the WH and all the unscrupulous people there and in the cabinet and Pinocchio himself as president, the iceberg is already in view up ahead.This is the Titanic administration.
[QUOTE="Reasonable, post: 16574071, member: 61588
Flynn had the decency?[/QUOTE]
Comparatively speaking, YES.

When Charlie Rangel was busted dead-to-rights for tax evasion, tax fraud, etc...for the SECOND TIME....while being a member of the committee that WRITES tax law...he never resigned. He was 'rewarded' by his fellow Dems by no jail time, no fines, no Censure, to interest on back taxes he owed - he just had to pay the taxes he owed.

Hillary Clinton was under MULTIPLE FBI investigations within days leading to the election - under suspicion of ESPIONAGE, FRAUD, Influence Peddling, etc.... Did she resign? NO. Would a Conservative have been allowed to do what Hillary did - refuse to step down despite being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations for such crimes? NO - Liberals and the All-In media would have made sure a Conservative would have been FORCED from the race.

So, comparatively speaking, Flynn did the 'honorable' :)p) thing...
The real issue is NOT whether or not EVERY SINGLE ADMIN IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA has had some bad eggs.

What differentiates administrations is how they deal with those bad eggs.

The press will make sure Trump is embarrassed and a big deal is made out of any misstep by his people.


You are a butt-reaming dickbag if you think OBAMA never had one single solitary issue with anyone in his admin.

The difference is that the LEFT WING media chooses to ignore Obama scandals, and chooses to make anything in Trump's administration INTO A SCANDAL.
Anyone on either side would be best served to look at source documents and make up your own minds.

Flynn lied to Pence. He resigned. Sounds like the admin handled it the way it should be handled.

Why didn't Obama make Lynch and Holder resign for their GLARING misdeeds? That would have been the right thing to do....Obama chose not to , and the press refused to hold him accountable because he is a liberal snowflake, like the MsM is.
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Typical leftist much ado about nothing. He lied, he resigned. Clinton lies, gets nominated for president. The RaTz way versus the American way.

Far more than lying, but, as you see, in typical RW propaganda fashion, the Trumpbots latch onto a narrative of lesser culpability,

and run with that until every RWnut in the country has it embedded in the space between their ears.
Much more than lying, how so? Please present your evidence to prove that your post is more than wishful leftist political masturbation. Flynn lied, he resigned. Those are facts. Now...present your facts that go beyond that...
Does anyone actually believe that Flynn was not giving the Russians a message from Prs Trump when he told them that the Obama sanctions for the hacking of the DNC and 4 democratic congress critters running in the election, were going to be reneged when Trump is sworn in?

Does anyone really believe Flynn did not update Trump on the conversation he had about the sanctions with th Russian Ambassador back on December 29th?

Of course Trump was in on this from the beginning or at least the day Flynn made the call....

Yet Trump LET Pence tell a lie on January 15th Meet the Press and other news stations....it was ONLY when the intelligence community finally leaked this to the press that the trump team is playing the angle that he lied to Pence, on Feb 10th....

Why didn't the Trump team notified of the lie, tell pence on January 16th whn they were TOLD? Why did trump still appoint Flynn as his nationally security guy, AFTER he already knew Pence was told a lie?

Trump was in on it, he told Flynn to give that message to the Russians.

You're talking to Trump cultists who honestly believe Trump can do no wrong. Never forget that.
Indeed. Trump over country is their motto.
This is only the first domino to fall. To all those patriots who are within the government and part of the silent resistence keep giving those leaks to the media.

And keep investigating the truth and the trail back to the Communist dictator and all the rubles that is pouring into this swamp infested cabinet.
This is not going to end well for the Liar in Chief.

People who take money from the government to do a job, then sabotage the government, are traitors.

They'll be fired. And prosecuted. Hope you aren't one. I know the EPA trolls have been crapping their panties since Trump took office and started tracing all their internet use.

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