Dtr first, WH non paid employee, and classifed info privy.

I often wonder what is Ivanka's role, just to make men have a brain throb, or just to back her Daddy. Video and go to 1:40 min.

You shouldn't ask a daughter if she believes the women who accuse her father of molesting them?

She then said she believed her father.

What is her role, non paid gov employee who has access to classified info. She and her husband are not paid just to avoid nepotism laws.

She and her husband should not be in the White house or have any classified info.

I can assure the Pubs would have a stroke if Clinton has won and if Chelsea and her husband were unpaid employees, and Bill was first husband.
Ivanka Trump: ‘I believe my father’ on sex misconduct allegations

What have you got against Ivanka? with all the clueless miscreants running around the Trump White House, she seems to be one of the few people there that actually has her shit together. :dunno:

The only real issue I have is that I do not think "President's Daughter" is a valid job.
Neither is "First Lady" but the fact of the matter is that it's a position that the POTUS has regularly relied on for advice/assistance throughout the history of the Presidency, probably because in the nest of vipers also known as Washington D.C. it's difficult to find advisors and confidants that are trustworthy.

I am not sure why you think she has her shit together since she does not seem to do much but show up places that we are supposed to be sending actual representatives of the country to.
I think she has her "shit together" because she's a smart, competent, charismatic and successful woman in her own right, if I was POTUS and she my daughter I'd definitely want her around for her counsel, so I can understand why Trump wants her working with him in the White House.

Truth be told If I was forced at gunpoint to make a choice, I'd rather have her as POTUS than him.

and born to privilege with a gold plated spoon in her mouth. How would we know she is smart?? With money you can do anything.

Jealousy and envy eat from the inside out.
I don't think you are going to make it another 7 years.

You will miss Ivanka's inauguration in 2025.
Jesus Christ

No I'm not. Tell me how you'd feel if Chelsea had an office in the west wing and her husband was Hillary's main guy , and neither of them had security clearance??

for that matter, Trump himself should not have access to classified info.
How did you feel when hillary had a spot in bills white house?
I also remember you not being upset that obamas govt bought tens of thousands of copies of his book he made money on.
Your disingenuous trump hate is hysterical!
If they arent getting paid, they aint breaking the law. Period. The rest if malarkey.

They buy all books for libraries, just like I'm sure they bought Trumps books for libraries and as gifts.

Hillary's spot in Bills presidency was the same way I felt about Bush's wife and Nancy Reagan. At least Hillary tried her best to put a health ins plan forward. What did Nancy do, oh right , Just say No commercials, what has Michelle Obama done, tried to make kids eat healthly, and what has Melania done, hiding away in shame.
I hope she is happy now, since she wanted a man of power and wealth( all that glitters is not gold)
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