'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

UPDATE: 12:30 p.m. -- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) joined Jindal and Palin in defending Robertson, writing on his Facebook page Thursday:

If you believe in free speech or religious liberty, you should be deeply dismayed over the treatment of Phil Robertson. Phil expressed his personal views and his own religious faith; for that, he was suspended from his job. In a free society, anyone is free to disagree with him--but the mainstream media should not behave as the thought police censoring the views with which they disagree.

Bobby Jindal Defends 'Duck Dynasty' Star Who Compared Homosexuality To Bestiality

Free speech is obviously only accepted by liberals when it's speech they can agree with.

Like Bashir saying in a preplanned statement that Palin should be whipped, have her mouth defecated in and her eyes and mouth pissed in.

Apparently to libs that's just fine and dandy.
UPDATE: 12:30 p.m. -- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) joined Jindal and Palin in defending Robertson, writing on his Facebook page Thursday:

If you believe in free speech or religious liberty, you should be deeply dismayed over the treatment of Phil Robertson. Phil expressed his personal views and his own religious faith; for that, he was suspended from his job. In a free society, anyone is free to disagree with him--but the mainstream media should not behave as the thought police censoring the views with which they disagree.

Bobby Jindal Defends 'Duck Dynasty' Star Who Compared Homosexuality To Bestiality

Free speech is obviously only accepted by liberals when it's speech they can agree with.

Like Bashir saying in a preplanned statement that Palin should be whipped, have her mouth defecated in and her eyes and mouth pissed in.

Apparently to libs that's just fine and dandy.

Since I have been backing Phil through this whole thread, you might want to rethink the broad brush you've chosen.
A&E is privately owned so has every right to censor as they see fit.

Just as Americans have every right to decline to watch but, in addition, have the right to boycott sponsors of A&E programming. Flaw in that is they'd have to watch A&E to know who's advertising.
He will issue an apology and that will be that.
An apology for what dumbass? Christian? Human? Exercising his 1st Amendment rights and getting fired for it? YOU are real tolerant of all views...just that which YOU agree with...right?

Go away. YOU have nothing.
From what I read in one of the many threads about this, sponsors are pulling out.
Might have a list of said sponsors on the FB page.
remember when people were entitled to their own opinions in America? also kind of strange that the acceptable attitudes are, I don't like your opinion or perspctive on things so I am going to boycott and call for others to boycott your products or services. then in the next breath, you don't like my opinions or perspectives but i am still going to force you to supply your products or services to me. WTF is up with that?

Liberals have been hard at work for decades to silence anyone who disagrees with them.

Say anything negative about a person of color regardless the context, you're a racist.

Likewise about a woman, you're a sexist.

Same with someone gay, you're a homophobe.

Liberals make these accusations with the intent of ending the debate by silencing people. No one wants to be accused of being racist, so they simply shut up. Just look for instance at how liberals scream racism when any of us criticize Obama. It doesn't matter that half the nation disagrees with his policies, it's only because he's black that we fight back according to liberals.
From what I read in one of the many threads about this, sponsors are pulling out.
Might have a list of said sponsors on the FB page.

What's not clear is whether any such sponsors are jumping ship because of what was said or because of A&E's Kremlinesque censorship.

If it's just the one show then it's the leftist machine in action.

If it's the whole network losing income then it's freedom-loving Americans.
The family released their first official statement on this the most important part in my view is this.

We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family."

To me that sounds like either Phil comes back or their finished with A&E if that is the case I have no doubt there are plenty of networks ready to give Duck Dynasty a new home.
ROBERTSON FAMILY STATEMENT ON Duck commander website at 7pm

We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E’s decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word. While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Phil would never incite or encourage hate.We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right. We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.

How very noble of them. They are good people.

probably one of A&E's more highly rated shows. they will shoot themselves in the foot with their political correctness. I know i'll avoid the station. as far as the sponsors who choose to boycott because they claim his views differ from theirs, I say fine, you're opinions differ from mine so i'll gladly avoid your products. you have plenty of competitors more than willing to take my money.
A&E is privately owned so has every right to censor as they see fit.

Just as Americans have every right to decline to watch but, in addition, have the right to boycott sponsors of A&E programming. Flaw in that is they'd have to watch A&E to know who's advertising.

Phil's comments were not broadcast on A&E. He answered a question from a GQ interviewer...and he has been paraphrased into appearing bigoted when he is definitely NOT!

A&E fucked up...big time! A&E promotes other shows that are far more socially INCORRECT than what Phil said.
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I will say this, A&E is in a no win situation here.
They don't suspend or fire the guy, they face a backlash.
They do suspend or fire the guy, they face a backlash.

They've made a business decision hoping to limit the damage as much as possible. It could end up being the best position of a very bad situation. Or, it could be the least damage would have been to keep him on.
"Phil Robertson's remarks are not consistent with the values of our faith communities or the scientific findings of leading medical organizations,"
president Chad Griffin said in a statement.
"We know that being gay is not a choice someone makes, and that to suggest otherwise can be incredibly harmful.
We also know that Americans of faith follow the Golden Rule -- treating others with the respect and dignity you'd wish to be treated with.
'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson on Indefinite Hiatus Following Anti-Gay Remarks

Question? Is it possible someone can "choose" to be gay? And if one can choose to be gay, why is that bad?

I mean what in today's society does being gay versus not gay have anything to do with it?

It sounds like "choosing" to be gay is wrong! WHY?

Another question for Chad Hunter Griffin (born July 16, 1973) is an American political strategist best known for his work advocating for LGBT rights in the United States...
What statement did Duck man Phil make that was inconsistent with "scientific findings of leading medical organizations" ?
NOT ONE statement by PHIL make that was inconsistent with "scientific findings of leading medical organizations"!

Go through as I did and tell me where Phil said anything that attacked the CHOICE of being gay..

"It seems like, to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus," Robertson says in the January issue of the men's magazine. "That's just me. I'm just thinking: There's more there! She's got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I'm saying? But hey, sin: It's not logical, my man. It's just not logical."

During a discussion about repentance and God, Robertson is asked what he finds sinful.

"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there," he says. "Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."
He goes on to paraphrase Corinthians: "Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."
'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson on Indefinite Hiatus Following Anti-Gay Remarks

WHERE in the above did Phil make ANY statement that was "inconsistent with scientific findings of leading medical organizations"???

More importantly though "what are the findings by these leading medical organizations?...Is there a "I gotta be me gene"???
NO says :A team of international researchers has completed a study that suggests we will probably never find a ‘gay gene.' Sexual orientation is not about genetics, say the researchers, it's about epigenetics. This is the process where DNA expression is influenced by any number of external factors in the environment. And in the case of homosexuality, the researchers argue, the environment is the womb itself."

Scientists claim that homosexuality is not genetic ? but it arises in the womb

So if it is epigentical, DNA influenced BY EXTERNAL factors!!! That is LEARNED behavior NOT NATURE! NOT GENETIC!!
So again the myths about I've gotta be me gene??? Appears just that!

LEARNED behavior i.e. society acceptance of GAY behavior.
And so Phil's point is well we've accepted gay behavior.. then why not bestiality.. why not accept that? Pedophilia? Why not accept that? Necrophilia.. accept that?
The point Phil and people like me make at what point do we say this is unacceptable behavior?
Most Americans have no problem with GAYS... It's the GAYs that constantly have to feed that inferiority complex that they are NOT accepted.
WELL GAYS here's your chance!!! Laugh at PHIL! Tell him you love him for him as a human that has HIS OWN opinion!
BUT why are gays attacking him? Looking like spoiled immature grade school kids... crying about Big BAD PHIL!
From what I read in one of the many threads about this, sponsors are pulling out.
Might have a list of said sponsors on the FB page.

A&E SO could have used this to their advantage. All they had to do is say they disagree, but they would fight to the death for his right to say it.
From what I read in one of the many threads about this, sponsors are pulling out.
Might have a list of said sponsors on the FB page.

A&E SO could have used this to their advantage. All they had to do is say they disagree, but they would fight to the death for his right to say it.

Yet, knee-jerk liberals that their leaders are, they burned that bridge before they came to it.
Well, so much for black folks taking offense. One is hosting a show right now IN SUPPORT of Phil. See link above.
From what I read in one of the many threads about this, sponsors are pulling out.
Might have a list of said sponsors on the FB page.

A&E SO could have used this to their advantage. All they had to do is say they disagree, but they would fight to the death for his right to say it.

very good point. and I think that would have been the proper and civil thing to do. I think if we took that kind of approach more often we would have more open discourse and greater respect for each other. everything todays is approached from such and aggressive, negative and demeaning perspective.
If someone on a television show said they supported same sex marriage and got suspended because the statement did not reflect the valuee of the network, what would happen?

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