'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

He is a self absorbed asshole. He is one that gets away with spewing hate because liberals love who he spews at, conservative women, Christians and others the liberals don't like to tolerate.

Exactly. The left doesn't mind hate at all -- as long as it's directed towards the people they hate.
America is America because it allows hate filled, untalented people like Maher on the air. Censoring these dopes would not allow their hate to be exposed for others to see.
actually bill maher is far more talented and well informed then everyone on fox news.

I wouldn't know I don't watch FoxNews, however, I can't imagine anyone dumber than Maher, what is so funny...he has liberals convinced he is intelligent.

So you don't watch Fox News but.... "liberals" think Bill Maher is intelligent.

Thanks for that case study in blanket statement immunity. (BSI)
With an estimated net worth of $400 million, I'm sure that the Robertsons wept themselves to sleep last night; hopefully on Eiderdown Pillows-because they've earned it.

How do you "fire" Phil Robertson?

Some of Phil's statements have been taken out of context. A couple of them may have been a bit crude for some people's tastes, but that's just the way he is. He grew up in primitive conditions, with 6 siblings, no electricity, and apparently no indoor plumbing; 6 of the 7 siblings earned college degrees. That's remarkable.

I attended the churches of Christ, until I was 25. If you think that what Phil said was rough, you should have heard some of the Elders of the churches I attended. Mr. Robertson's pretty tame.

The harshest criticism I've heard, has been from people who don't watch the show. They've made Phil out to be a beast.
Not only do they not watch the show, they don't want anyone else to watch the show, either.

The left firmly supports freedom of choice...as long as you choose what they dictate.
Yet more proof of the left's selective outrage:

FLASHBACK: Sarah Silverman Says Anal Sex is Disgusting, GLAAD Silent | Truth Revolt

There is an outright double standard that exists when it comes to commenting about homosexuality. If you are a conservative who disagrees with homosexuality you are called a homophobe. If you are a Christian who disagrees with homosexuality, you are even worse. But if you are a liberal, a Hollywood celebrity, or a left-wing comic, you get a blank check to say whatever you want.

If the recent "Duck Dynasty" ordeal is not enough to show this hypocrisy, take vile left-wing comic Sarah Silverman.

She appeared on The Howard Stern Show back in November. She made jokes about pornography, 9/11 widows, rape and anal sex. Stern asked if she has ever had anal sex to which she replies no, makes a vomiting sound and says:

What guy wants to do anal? It's like the tightest vagina that has sh*t inside.​

Where is the outrage from GLAAD on this? Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty, a double whammy conservative Christian, only mentions that he prefers vaginas over a man's anus. That prompted GLAAD's ire. Not so for Silverman, whose Comedy Central show in 2008 was nominated for a GLAAD award.​

Conflating an individual sexual preference with a blanket judgement of an entire lifestyle?

"I'm sorry Dave... I'm afraid we can't do that..."

oh I'm gettin' some of mileage out of this
Don't know why. It perfectly illustrates GLAAD's hypocrisy.

I don't follow you. :dunno:
Remember...you're only dumb and uneducated if you disagree with liberals.

If you mindlessly repeat liberal talking points, you're a witty, erudite, independent thinker, even if you dropped out of high school.

Actually that would be Bill Maher that got fired by ABC for agreeing with Dinesh d'Souza that the 9/11 hijackers could not be described as "cowards".

And that makes his homophobia and misogyny disappear...how? Magic?

It doesn't. But when did they appear in the first place?

No, I'm offering what we call a counterbalance to these wacko ideas that "the left yammeryammer this" and "the left yammeryammer that". Maher got the same thing.
Fun might be over.

Time to hit the pond and start blasting ducks again.

It's not like they're going to starve to death.

Then what's all the hubbub..bub?
The hubbub is a small group of the population demanding that a product they don't even consume be eliminated from the marketplace.

It's like a group of vegan Buddhist unicycle riders demanding McDonald's stop serving meat products.
Yet more proof of the left's selective outrage:

FLASHBACK: Sarah Silverman Says Anal Sex is Disgusting, GLAAD Silent | Truth Revolt

There is an outright double standard that exists when it comes to commenting about homosexuality. If you are a conservative who disagrees with homosexuality you are called a homophobe. If you are a Christian who disagrees with homosexuality, you are even worse. But if you are a liberal, a Hollywood celebrity, or a left-wing comic, you get a blank check to say whatever you want.

If the recent "Duck Dynasty" ordeal is not enough to show this hypocrisy, take vile left-wing comic Sarah Silverman.

She appeared on The Howard Stern Show back in November. She made jokes about pornography, 9/11 widows, rape and anal sex. Stern asked if she has ever had anal sex to which she replies no, makes a vomiting sound and says:

What guy wants to do anal? It's like the tightest vagina that has sh*t inside.​

Where is the outrage from GLAAD on this? Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty, a double whammy conservative Christian, only mentions that he prefers vaginas over a man's anus. That prompted GLAAD's ire. Not so for Silverman, whose Comedy Central show in 2008 was nominated for a GLAAD award.​

Conflating an individual sexual preference with a blanket judgement of an entire lifestyle?

"I'm sorry Dave... I'm afraid we can't do that..."

oh I'm gettin' some of mileage out of this
Don't know why. It perfectly illustrates GLAAD's hypocrisy.

Liberals love justifying their hypocrisy.
I guess I'm having a hard time understand the Right Wing Outrage.

A&E has made a business decision that they won't make money airing a dirty old bigot....

Aren't you guys normally all about big corporations making money?

Who among the people screeching about Robertson actually watches the show?

Hint: Not many.
Actually that would be Bill Maher that got fired by ABC for agreeing with Dinesh d'Souza that the 9/11 hijackers could not be described as "cowards".

And that makes his homophobia and misogyny disappear...how? Magic?

It doesn't. But when did they appear in the first place?

No, I'm offering what we call a counterbalance to these wacko ideas that "the left yammeryammer this" and "the left yammeryammer that". Maher got the same thing.
But for different reasons. Certainly not for his homophobia.
actually bill maher is far more talented and well informed then everyone on fox news.

I wouldn't know I don't watch FoxNews, however, I can't imagine anyone dumber than Maher, what is so funny...he has liberals convinced he is intelligent.

So you don't watch Fox News but.... "liberals" think Bill Maher is intelligent.

Thanks for that case study in blanket statement immunity. (BSI)

They seem to think he is intelligent, I saw him a couple times, he is not very intelligent, but I do think he really loves himself.
I know Zero about "Duck Dynasty" - so I youtubed it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3b04PBTv_0]Duck Dynasty: Boys Will Be Boys - YouTube[/ame]

All I gotta say, man, what a bunch of flippin idiots.

That is all.
Hypocrite, thy name is Democrat.


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Firstly, black men, black women, white women and Hispanics have all been co-opted by the Democrats. Their opinions must match the party's platform, or else they're racist, misogynistic, anti immigrant or an Uncle Tom.

I completely disagree with this statement. Democrats have not "co-opted" these people. But these people are extremely wary of the republican party because there is an open belief amongst republicans that these people's cultures are eroding and damaging this country. That's a big turn off and, in my opinion, the major obstacle facing the GOP in attracting minority votes.

I'm not saying republicans are racist at all. That's a completely separate idea.

Where do such groups get the impression that the GOP represents such beliefs? They get it from the opposition that would much prefer that the GOP, or any conservative group, be represented as "anti-XXX". Again, it's the party line and it serves them well because it tends to sway people's opinions and foster their support for the party that is "on their side".
And that makes his homophobia and misogyny disappear...how? Magic?

It doesn't. But when did they appear in the first place?

No, I'm offering what we call a counterbalance to these wacko ideas that "the left yammeryammer this" and "the left yammeryammer that". Maher got the same thing.
But for different reasons. Certainly not for his homophobia.


.... and? :confused:

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