'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

"How can we as a nation have a bi-line of "All men are created equal" if we restrict the rights of individuals based on color, religion and sexual orientation?"

I always thought that was said to be ironic since that same document mentions slaves as only being 3/5ths a free person. I think they meant "All affluent white men." Notice women at that time couldn't vote or do much of anything else in addition to acknowledging slaves.

For some reason several radical republican women want to go make the USA like it was before women's suffrage.

Maybe they've spent time actually talking to liberal women, and realized what a waste of voting rights they are.
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

Please refresh my memory of conservatives demanding that the Dixie Chicks' record label drop their contract immediately, because I only recall individual people choosing to stop buying their music and/or destroying the CDs they had.
I am gay and I think this was a stupid decision, Pole Rider......but feel free to broad brush all your fellow gay Americans.

Why do you always feel the need to inform us that you're gay? We all already know this you don't have to keep telling us.

tapatalk post

no kidding...we all need to start our post, hi, I'm straight, I'm black, I'm rich, I'm poor..
Gay Amercians...holy smokes...I'm short, so I guess that makes me a, short Amercian...good frikken grief

Hi, I'm . . . completely not giving a rat's ass about labels.

I think that's about as good as it's going to get.
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

Please refresh my memory of conservatives demanding that the Dixie Chicks' record label drop their contract immediately, because I only recall individual people choosing to stop buying their music and/or destroying the CDs they had.

"Individual people" huh?

>> They disappeared from playlists and became the object of abuse from talk show hosts and newspaper columnists. Maines apologised, say ing: "Whoever holds that office [the presidency] should be treated with the utmost respect." That has not been enough for some.

Now Maines needs 24-hour security outside her home. The other two members of the band have also felt the heat: trash has been dumped outside the home of Emily Robison and the tour driver of Martie Maguire has resigned. The rightwing country singer, Toby Keith, is using a backdrop of Maines and Saddam Hussein. << (here);

>> Meanwhile, Dixie Chicks were preparing for their nationwide Top of the World Tour; some general death threats led them to install metal detectors at the shows. ...The degree of hatred directed toward the Chicks included a specific death threat against Maines in Dallas that led to a police escort to the July 6 show and from the show directly to the airport. << (here) and (here)

>> Emily Robison, who plays banjo and guitar in the Texas trio, says, &#8220;There was one specific death threat on Natalie. [It] had a time, had a place, had a weapon. I mean, everything. ...&#8216;You will be shot dead at your show in Dallas.&#8221;&#8217;
The band flew into Dallas, &#8220;went straight from the police cars to the stage and straight from the stage back to the police cars and back to the plane,&#8221; Maines says. &#8220;So, you know, it was all surreal. But at that stage, everything was surreal.&#8221; << (here)

>> COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- While the anti-Dixie Chicks backlash seems to have died down in most of the United States, one Colorado radio station is keeping the ban fires burning.

Country station KKCS, in Colorado Springs, has suspended two of its disc jockeys for putting the Chicks back on the air, in violation of a ban imposed after the group criticized President George W. Bush. << (here)

>> Country superstars the Dixie Chicks have been dropped from many US radio playlists after one of the singers criticised President Bush's stance on Iraq. << (BBC)

>> WDAF-AM in Kansas City, Missouri, encouraged listeners to toss their Dixie Chicks CDs into garbage cans set up outside their studio. The Dixie Chicks were dropped from WTDR-FM in Talladega, Alambama.

In Shreveport, Louisiana, protestors used a tractor to smash CDs and other Dixie Chicks items. The local country station, KRMD-FM, susequently dropped all Dixie Chicks songs. The same goes for KIZN-FM in Boise, Idaho - and that's just a small sampling. << (here)

Dixie Chicks Banned from Air after Bashing Bush ...
Radio Stations Boycott Dixie Chicks ...

Feeling "refreshed" yet?

How 'bout this bunch of "individual people"?
It's kinda weird that for a bunch of individuals who just happened upon a community bonfire, they still have a guy with a mic leading the whole affair...

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Doesn't seem anyone demanded they be dropped from their record label.

Thanks for clarifying the points Cecilie made.
Doesn't seem anyone demanded they be dropped from their record label.

Thanks for clarifying the points Cecilie made.

So besides Nazi racist and asshole you're adding moron to the rèsumè too. Good, run with that.

The original comment was:
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

-- which Cecilie tried to channel down into a narrow record label question because she knew she'd lose on the merits. Record label isn't an analogy; recording artists depend on radio and concerts, which is immediate, daily and weekly. A TV show presents a new episode every week; nobody puts out a record every week. That comparison is stupid.

Actually all she's doing there is echoing the blogosphere, which knows it can't win this point on a fair comparison. That's why she tried to specify record label.

You know about as much about the music bidness as I do about being a Nazi. Better to stay with what you know there Eißmann.
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Please refresh my memory of conservatives demanding that the Dixie Chicks' record label drop their contract immediately, because I only recall individual people choosing to stop buying their music and/or destroying the CDs they had.

But, don't you realize that by not buying their music and/or destroying the CDs they had, they were behaving the same way as GLAAD when they began to research Phil Robertson's life to ensure they could contact everyone he's ever been a sponsor for in his life?

No, I don't see the parallel either, but that's how those on the Left try to color it.
Doesn't seem anyone demanded they be dropped from their record label.

Thanks for clarifying the points Cecilie made.

So besides Nazi racist and asshole you're adding moron to the rèsumè too. Good, run with that.

The original comment was:
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

-- which Cecilie tried to channel down into a narrow record label question because she knew she'd lose on the merits. Record label isn't an analogy; recording artists depend on radio and concerts, which is immediate, daily and weekly. A TV show presents a new episode every week; nobody puts out a record every week. That comparison is stupid.

Actually all she's doing there is echoing the blogosphere, which knows it can't win this point on a fair comparison. That's why she tried to specify record label.

You know about as much about the music bidness as I do about being a Nazi. Better to stay with what you know there Eißmann.

No one called for them to be removed from radio stations, the radio stations just removed them.
I see that the discussion is still about the Bible. I've read it..three times. It's dull, but violent and x-rated.Personally, I prefer Steven King.True, he is a hack writer, but one does feel the urge to turn the page to see what happens next. I do think that putting a Bible in hotel rooms is a good idea. It is a great cure for insomnia.

Sort of like your company?
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

Please refresh my memory of conservatives demanding that the Dixie Chicks' record label drop their contract immediately, because I only recall individual people choosing to stop buying their music and/or destroying the CDs they had.

"Individual people" huh?

>> They disappeared from playlists and became the object of abuse from talk show hosts and newspaper columnists. Maines apologised, say ing: "Whoever holds that office [the presidency] should be treated with the utmost respect." That has not been enough for some.

Ooh, nooes! People talked about what happened! It was NEWS!

Still don't see anyone demanding that they be dropped from their record labels or otherwise deprived of their jobs.

Disappeared from playlists? Yeah, it's like radio stations make money by playing WHAT PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR, and no one wanted to hear them. That's what happens when you piss off your fans. But again, I don't remember any organized demands to the radio stations to ban them from their playlists.

Now Maines needs 24-hour security outside her home. The other two members of the band have also felt the heat: trash has been dumped outside the home of Emily Robison and the tour driver of Martie Maguire has resigned. The rightwing country singer, Toby Keith, is using a backdrop of Maines and Saddam Hussein. << (here);

Maines needs 24-hour security? Oh, please. For what? No one remembers her, or cares. If it makes her feel important and persecuted to pay that extra money, that's her business, but don't tell me she "needs" it without providing some evidence beyond her own ego and delusions.

Trash? Really? That's supposed to equal an organized protest to have her fired? I don't think so.

Her tour driver quit? Awwww. So what? People quit jobs.

Last time I checked, Toby Keith qualifies as an "individual person expressing his personal opinion".

I guess this is what one gets when one is stupid enough to read "The Guardian" and then get one's panties in a ruffle on cue when they shout, "Be outraged!"

>> Meanwhile, Dixie Chicks were preparing for their nationwide Top of the World Tour; some general death threats led them to install metal detectors at the shows. ...The degree of hatred directed toward the Chicks included a specific death threat against Maines in Dallas that led to a police escort to the July 6 show and from the show directly to the airport. << (here) and (here)

"General death threats"? What the fuck is THAT? "Hey, let's try to capitalize on the controversy by pretending we're besieged"? I'm seeing nothing here but rumors and conjectures and delusions of grandeur on the part of a trio of really ignorant twats who misjudged their own fan base.

And Wikipedia? Dumbass, please. :eusa_hand:

>> Emily Robison, who plays banjo and guitar in the Texas trio, says, “There was one specific death threat on Natalie. [It] had a time, had a place, had a weapon. I mean, everything. ...‘You will be shot dead at your show in Dallas.”’
The band flew into Dallas, “went straight from the police cars to the stage and straight from the stage back to the police cars and back to the plane,” Maines says. “So, you know, it was all surreal. But at that stage, everything was surreal.” << (here)

"Oooh, we felt SOOOOO abused and put-upon. No, we have no proof. Just believe me that I'm a victim!"

>> COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- While the anti-Dixie Chicks backlash seems to have died down in most of the United States, one Colorado radio station is keeping the ban fires burning.

Country station KKCS, in Colorado Springs, has suspended two of its disc jockeys for putting the Chicks back on the air, in violation of a ban imposed after the group criticized President George W. Bush. << (here)

Show me the protesters, the call for boycotts, the threats to advertisers demanding that this radio station pull the Dixie Chicks from the air. No? The business decided what to do on its own? Then I guess we're back where we always are with you: shut the fuck up, you whining moron.

>> Country superstars the Dixie Chicks have been dropped from many US radio playlists after one of the singers criticised President Bush's stance on Iraq. << (BBC)

Again, show me the protesters, the call for boycotts, the threats to advertisers, the attempts to FORCE these stations to change their behavior. You're probably too damned dirt-stupid to tell the difference between volitional business choices and extortion, but I'm not.

>> WDAF-AM in Kansas City, Missouri, encouraged listeners to toss their Dixie Chicks CDs into garbage cans set up outside their studio. The Dixie Chicks were dropped from WTDR-FM in Talladega, Alambama.

So what you're saying is that it was THE EXACT OPPOSITE of leftist behavior: instead of a loudly-whinging minority of people making demands and forcing their will on the business, the business capitalized on the controversy and voluntarily chose to take a side and made suggestions to the people.

Well, thanks for proving what I said earlier: you're an idiot.

In Shreveport, Louisiana, protestors used a tractor to smash CDs and other Dixie Chicks items. The local country station, KRMD-FM, susequently dropped all Dixie Chicks songs. The same goes for KIZN-FM in Boise, Idaho - and that's just a small sampling. << (here)

Yeah, that falls under the heading of "individual people destroying their own property", like I said, shitforbrains. Since I don't see anything about "under increasing pressure from protest groups" regarding the radio stations - and haven't seen it a single time so far - I'm going to assume that, in fact, you have no evidence of anyone doing anything of the sort, and ignore such bullshit from here on.

Dixie Chicks Banned from Air after Bashing Bush ...
Radio Stations Boycott Dixie Chicks ...

Feeling "refreshed" yet?

How 'bout this bunch of "individual people"?
It's kinda weird that for a bunch of individuals who just happened upon a community bonfire, they still have a guy with a mic leading the whole affair...


Who said anything about "happened upon"? Amazingly enough, a group of people voluntarily agreeing to get together and destroy their own property actually qualifies as - let me know if this is going too fast for you - "individual people destroying their own property". I never said a fucking thing about spontaneous coincidences, I'm not interested in your desire to impose that particular random benchmark on what I said, and thank you for this entire, long-winded pissing and moaning that proved me EXACTLY right . . . not that it was needed.

To sum up, you're a fucking moron. Shut up until you figure out how to make your contradictions actually contradict something.
Doesn't seem anyone demanded they be dropped from their record label.

Thanks for clarifying the points Cecilie made.

So besides Nazi racist and asshole you're adding moron to the rèsumè too. Good, run with that.

The original comment was:
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

-- which Cecilie tried to channel down into a narrow record label question because she knew she'd lose on the merits. Record label isn't an analogy; recording artists depend on radio and concerts, which is immediate, daily and weekly. A TV show presents a new episode every week; nobody puts out a record every week. That comparison is stupid.

Actually all she's doing there is echoing the blogosphere, which knows it can't win this point on a fair comparison. That's why she tried to specify record label.

You know about as much about the music bidness as I do about being a Nazi. Better to stay with what you know there Eißmann.

Yes, remember people criticizing the Dixie Chicks, which bore NO RESEMBLANCE to the way the left "criticizes" people. See, the poster most likely knew that he was drawing an analogy between the two behaviors, which opens the post to an analysis of whether or not such an analogy exists - which it doesn't, and which I have now proven, with your unwitting and witless help. The fact that YOU didn't know what he was saying or what purpose his comment served in this thread in no way binds the rest of us to your level of reading incomprehension.

Keep talking, fool. I'm still laughing.
Please refresh my memory of conservatives demanding that the Dixie Chicks' record label drop their contract immediately, because I only recall individual people choosing to stop buying their music and/or destroying the CDs they had.

"Individual people" huh?

>> They disappeared from playlists and became the object of abuse from talk show hosts and newspaper columnists. Maines apologised, say ing: "Whoever holds that office [the presidency] should be treated with the utmost respect." That has not been enough for some.

Ooh, nooes! People talked about what happened! It was NEWS!

Still don't see anyone demanding that they be dropped from their record labels or otherwise deprived of their jobs.

Disappeared from playlists? Yeah, it's like radio stations make money by playing WHAT PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR, and no one wanted to hear them. That's what happens when you piss off your fans. But again, I don't remember any organized demands to the radio stations to ban them from their playlists.

Maines needs 24-hour security? Oh, please. For what? No one remembers her, or cares. If it makes her feel important and persecuted to pay that extra money, that's her business, but don't tell me she "needs" it without providing some evidence beyond her own ego and delusions.

Trash? Really? That's supposed to equal an organized protest to have her fired? I don't think so.

Her tour driver quit? Awwww. So what? People quit jobs.

Last time I checked, Toby Keith qualifies as an "individual person expressing his personal opinion".

I guess this is what one gets when one is stupid enough to read "The Guardian" and then get one's panties in a ruffle on cue when they shout, "Be outraged!"

"General death threats"? What the fuck is THAT? "Hey, let's try to capitalize on the controversy by pretending we're besieged"? I'm seeing nothing here but rumors and conjectures and delusions of grandeur on the part of a trio of really ignorant twats who misjudged their own fan base.

And Wikipedia? Dumbass, please. :eusa_hand:

"Oooh, we felt SOOOOO abused and put-upon. No, we have no proof. Just believe me that I'm a victim!"

Show me the protesters, the call for boycotts, the threats to advertisers demanding that this radio station pull the Dixie Chicks from the air. No? The business decided what to do on its own? Then I guess we're back where we always are with you: shut the fuck up, you whining moron.

Again, show me the protesters, the call for boycotts, the threats to advertisers, the attempts to FORCE these stations to change their behavior. You're probably too damned dirt-stupid to tell the difference between volitional business choices and extortion, but I'm not.

So what you're saying is that it was THE EXACT OPPOSITE of leftist behavior: instead of a loudly-whinging minority of people making demands and forcing their will on the business, the business capitalized on the controversy and voluntarily chose to take a side and made suggestions to the people.

Well, thanks for proving what I said earlier: you're an idiot.

In Shreveport, Louisiana, protestors used a tractor to smash CDs and other Dixie Chicks items. The local country station, KRMD-FM, susequently dropped all Dixie Chicks songs. The same goes for KIZN-FM in Boise, Idaho - and that's just a small sampling. << (here)

Yeah, that falls under the heading of "individual people destroying their own property", like I said, shitforbrains. Since I don't see anything about "under increasing pressure from protest groups" regarding the radio stations - and haven't seen it a single time so far - I'm going to assume that, in fact, you have no evidence of anyone doing anything of the sort, and ignore such bullshit from here on.

Dixie Chicks Banned from Air after Bashing Bush ...
Radio Stations Boycott Dixie Chicks ...

Feeling "refreshed" yet?

How 'bout this bunch of "individual people"?
It's kinda weird that for a bunch of individuals who just happened upon a community bonfire, they still have a guy with a mic leading the whole affair...


Who said anything about "happened upon"? Amazingly enough, a group of people voluntarily agreeing to get together and destroy their own property actually qualifies as - let me know if this is going too fast for you - "individual people destroying their own property". I never said a fucking thing about spontaneous coincidences, I'm not interested in your desire to impose that particular random benchmark on what I said, and thank you for this entire, long-winded pissing and moaning that proved me EXACTLY right . . . not that it was needed.

To sum up, you're a fucking moron. Shut up until you figure out how to make your contradictions actually contradict something.

You should have asked what the picture of people back in the 60's had to do with the Dixie Chicks.
Woooo... I hit quite the nerve huh? Meltdown much?

Quick summary:
Dumbass, please.
shut the fuck up, you whining moron.
You're probably too damned dirt-stupid
you're an idiot.
To sum up, you're a fucking moron. Shut up

---- Because it's all about free speech! :lmao:

Hey - if the answer you can't handle is gonna give you a self-indulgent diaper rash --- then don't ask the question.

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no one wanted to hear them
"no one". Not one person. Even though they had #10 on the charts, "no one". :eusa_liar:

That's what happens when you piss off your fans
"Piss off your fans" by expressing an opinion. Again, all people think alike, so this would "piss off your fans".

But again, I don't remember any organized demands to the radio stations to ban them from their playlists
- then why did they do it? You just contradicted the above. Nicely played. :rofl:

Maines needs 24-hour security? Oh, please. For what? No one remembers her, or cares. If it makes her feel important and persecuted to pay that extra money, that's her business, but don't tell me she "needs" it without providing some evidence beyond her own ego and delusions.
Because death threats are hilarious.
Why would you or I need evidence that a third party got death threats? DUH.

Nevertheless, carefully excised out of the post was, again:
&#8220;There was one specific death threat on Natalie. [It] had a time, had a place, had a weapon. I mean, everything. ...&#8216;You will be shot dead at your show in Dallas.&#8221;&#8217;

Last time I checked, Toby Keith qualifies as an "individual person expressing his personal opinion".
---- and? :dunno: Last time I checked so does Natalie Maines.

Matter of fact so does Merle Haggard:
"I don't even know the Dixie Chicks, but I find it an insult for all men and women who fought and died in past wars when almost the majority of America jumped down their throats for voicing an opinion. It was like a verbal witch-hunt and lynching."

Gaa! Quick, get the hammer on the Haggard records! He's "stupid", like the Guardian!

I guess this is what one gets when one is stupid enough to read "The Guardian" and then get one's panties in a ruffle on cue when they shout, "Be outraged!"
Anyone who reads out of my approved list is "stupid". Anything I can't refute is "stupid"!!

And Wikipedia? Dumbass, please. :eusa_hand:
Can't address the point, shoot the messenger. :eusa_hand:
Oh wait, you didn't shoot shit. You just said "Dumbass please". My bad; that's not poisoning the well, that's simple ad hominem. Empty argument either way.

Show me the protesters, the call for boycotts, the threats to advertisers demanding that this radio station pull the Dixie Chicks from the air. No? The business decided what to do on its own? Then I guess we're back where we always are with you: shut the fuck up, you whining moron.
Ad homimem; subtract credibilitum. Big time here.

But do go on...
You're probably too damned dirt-stupid to tell the difference between volitional business choices and extortion, but I'm not.
Ditto above.

So what you're saying is that it was THE EXACT OPPOSITE of leftist behavior: instead of a loudly-whinging minority of people making demands and forcing their will on the business, the business capitalized on the controversy and voluntarily chose to take a side and made suggestions to the people.
So what I'm saying is addressing the original comment:
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

-- looks like he nailed it, because your little hissyfit four-year-old meltdown here is indeed nothing short of hilarious. All the resounding rhetorical persuasion of a stream of bat's piss.

Sucks to be you I guess. And it sux to ask a question and not be ready for the answer. :itsok:

Merry Christmas Eve. Santa might be a bit late -- he's got to pick up extra coal for your house. :eusa_boohoo:
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Well, I didn't support banning them:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pojL_35QlSI]Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice - YouTube[/ame]

But then that kind of goes with my way of thinking, anyway. During the histera over fur coats by PETTA, I bought my wife a silver fox coat.....
Doesn't seem anyone demanded they be dropped from their record label.

Thanks for clarifying the points Cecilie made.

So besides Nazi racist and asshole you're adding moron to the rèsumè too. Good, run with that.

The original comment was:
The conservative outrage here is hilarious. Remember their reaction to the Dixie Chicks criticizing Bush 10 years ago?

-- which Cecilie tried to channel down into a narrow record label question because she knew she'd lose on the merits. Record label isn't an analogy; recording artists depend on radio and concerts, which is immediate, daily and weekly. A TV show presents a new episode every week; nobody puts out a record every week. That comparison is stupid.

Actually all she's doing there is echoing the blogosphere, which knows it can't win this point on a fair comparison. That's why she tried to specify record label.

You know about as much about the music bidness as I do about being a Nazi. Better to stay with what you know there Eißmann.

No one called for them to be removed from radio stations, the radio stations just removed them.
bullshit! again your total ignorance about the entertainment bizz is hilarious..
So besides Nazi racist and asshole you're adding moron to the rèsumè too. Good, run with that.

The original comment was:

-- which Cecilie tried to channel down into a narrow record label question because she knew she'd lose on the merits. Record label isn't an analogy; recording artists depend on radio and concerts, which is immediate, daily and weekly. A TV show presents a new episode every week; nobody puts out a record every week. That comparison is stupid.

Actually all she's doing there is echoing the blogosphere, which knows it can't win this point on a fair comparison. That's why she tried to specify record label.

You know about as much about the music bidness as I do about being a Nazi. Better to stay with what you know there Eißmann.

No one called for them to be removed from radio stations, the radio stations just removed them.
bullshit! again your total ignorance about the entertainment bizz is hilarious..

Some stations don't like having hippy dipshits on their station, what can I say?
No one called for them to be removed from radio stations, the radio stations just removed them.
bullshit! again your total ignorance about the entertainment bizz is hilarious..

Some stations don't like having hippy dipshits on their station, what can I say?
and you'd be talking out your ass....radio stations tailor their music to a targeted demographic..
as you said so ignorantly " hippy dipshits" any radio station that plays " hippy dipshits" music was programmed to do so...what a douche nozzle.

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