Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted

We need more elected officials like Tammy Duckworth to tell Doofus Don to fuck off.
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.

Yet you clowns don't seem to mind doing it...go figure.
When? I can’t think of another president that has actively interfered in the military’s justice system, and maybe promotion, if that occurs. Regardless of Party they respect the chain of command and the internal processes that lead to their decisions. Honestly...I am astounded you would be ok with that. This president has managed to corrupt every institution he touches as if it were his personal property.

So your saying it has to be done by a president and has to pertain to the military? Not exactly what I said.

Well, that is what the topic is, so that is what I assumed you referred to.

And, frankly, I don’t see how all the partisan “what abouts” matter in this case. The president is THE most powerful position in the country, and our military one of the most respected institutions.
My Senator! Trump couldn't carry that woman's handbag.
She is a Democrat! That makes her military service suspect at best!
What a stupid thing to say considering that she lost both legs flying in combat while every republican president in this century were draft dodgers.
G.W. Bush flew fighter-interceptors. He could just as easily have died or been injured like Duckworth who was in the National Guard.

You really should not compare military records for presidents of candidates. Democrats always come up short. Obama never served and Clinton actually dodged the draft.

To the uniformed and ignorant that doubt your post....To be accurate, President Bush while in the ABG flew F-102 interceptors.

Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.
He is still a General in the Army, idiot.

How is his career destroyed?

Duckworth is the one threatening to destroy the careers of 1000 military people, and you have no problem with that, hypocrite.

First off, if Trump interferes in his promotion, it is destroying his career. Is that ok with you? Political interference in internal military matters?

Second, holding up promotions is not destroying anyone’s career. It is not denying anyone a promotion, which direct political interference certainly would do.
First off, if Trump interferes in his promotion, it is destroying his career

Second, holding up promotions is not destroying anyone’s career.

Get back to me when you figure out WTF you think.
It is pretty clear. Let me rephrase it.

Interfering in a promotion (which if Trump does, we know it would be to deny it) destroys a career.

Delaying everyone’s promotion to ensure no political interference, is not denying it or stopping it, but protecting the process from corruption.

Do you support corrupting the military?
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.

Yet you clowns don't seem to mind doing it...go figure.
When? I can’t think of another president that has actively interfered in the military’s justice system, and maybe promotion, if that occurs. Regardless of Party they respect the chain of command and the internal processes that lead to their decisions. Honestly...I am astounded you would be ok with that. This president has managed to corrupt every institution he touches as if it were his personal property.

So your saying it has to be done by a president and has to pertain to the military? Not exactly what I said.

Well, that is what the topic is, so that is what I assumed you referred to.

And, frankly, I don’t see how all the partisan “what abouts” matter in this case. The president is THE most powerful position in the country, and our military one of the most respected institutions.

No, the topic was ruining careers for political reasons. And I'm sure you don't like "what aboutism", especially since you libs are usually guilty as sin.
OP title is a lie. She is holding it up to ensure no retaliatorypolitical interference on Vindman’s promotion. NOT as the OP dishonestly claims, to ensure his promotion.
I want to know how the junior Senator from Illinois on the minority side of the aisle thinks she can block Senate confirmation for these military personnel?
The rules of the senate are almost impossible to comprehend but the lowliest senator has that power through fillibuster
OP title is a lie. She is holding it up to ensure no retaliatorypolitical interference on Vindman’s promotion. NOT as the OP dishonestly claims, to ensure his promotion.
Thats the same difference
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.

Yet you clowns don't seem to mind doing it...go figure.
When? I can’t think of another president that has actively interfered in the military’s justice system, and maybe promotion, if that occurs. Regardless of Party they respect the chain of command and the internal processes that lead to their decisions. Honestly...I am astounded you would be ok with that. This president has managed to corrupt every institution he touches as if it were his personal property.

So your saying it has to be done by a president and has to pertain to the military? Not exactly what I said.

Well, that is what the topic is, so that is what I assumed you referred to.

And, frankly, I don’t see how all the partisan “what abouts” matter in this case. The president is THE most powerful position in the country, and our military one of the most respected institutions.

No, the topic was ruining careers for political reasons. And I'm sure you don't like "what aboutism", especially since you libs are usually guilty as sin.

Ya Ya Ya and you are as pure as....yellow snow. Go back and reread the topic. It is pretty clear.

Are you ok with interfering in Internal military personnel decisions for personal political reasons Or retribution?

Simple question.
OP title is a lie. She is holding it up to ensure no retaliatorypolitical interference on Vindman’s promotion. NOT as the OP dishonestly claims, to ensure his promotion.
Thats the same difference
No it isn’t.

Holding up the process to get assurance there will be no political interference does not affect the process itself. It protects its independence from political corruption.
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.

Yet you clowns don't seem to mind doing it...go figure.
When? I can’t think of another president that has actively interfered in the military’s justice system, and maybe promotion, if that occurs. Regardless of Party they respect the chain of command and the internal processes that lead to their decisions. Honestly...I am astounded you would be ok with that. This president has managed to corrupt every institution he touches as if it were his personal property.

So your saying it has to be done by a president and has to pertain to the military? Not exactly what I said.

Well, that is what the topic is, so that is what I assumed you referred to.

And, frankly, I don’t see how all the partisan “what abouts” matter in this case. The president is THE most powerful position in the country, and our military one of the most respected institutions.

No, the topic was ruining careers for political reasons. And I'm sure you don't like "what aboutism", especially since you libs are usually guilty as sin.

Ya Ya Ya and you are as pure as....yellow snow. Go back and reread the topic. It is pretty clear.

Are you ok with interfering in Internal military personnel decisions for personal political reasons Or retribution?

Simple question.
This thread may be a classic example, a Democrat blocking military confirmations (which sure sounds like quid quo pro) and you’re ok with it. How does that compare with Merrick Garland? Which consistency would suggest you were ok with? And didn’t involve any quid quo pro.
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.
He is still a General in the Army, idiot.

How is his career destroyed?

Duckworth is the one threatening to destroy the careers of 1000 military people, and you have no problem with that, hypocrite.

First off, if Trump interferes in his promotion, it is destroying his career. Is that ok with you? Political interference in internal military matters?

Second, holding up promotions is not destroying anyone’s career. It is not denying anyone a promotion, which direct political interference certainly would do.
First off, if Trump interferes in his promotion, it is destroying his career

Second, holding up promotions is not destroying anyone’s career.

Get back to me when you figure out WTF you think.
It is pretty clear. Let me rephrase it.

Interfering in a promotion (which if Trump does, we know it would be to deny it) destroys a career.

Delaying everyone’s promotion to ensure no political interference, is not denying it or stopping it, but protecting the process from corruption.

Do you support corrupting the military?
Duckworth is doing the same thing you accuse Trump of, only 1000X worse.
OP title is a lie. She is holding it up to ensure no retaliatorypolitical interference on Vindman’s promotion. NOT as the OP dishonestly claims, to ensure his promotion.
She is pulling a political stunt at the expense of the careers of 1000 military members. And you cheer it.

Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.

Yet you clowns don't seem to mind doing it...go figure.
When? I can’t think of another president that has actively interfered in the military’s justice system, and maybe promotion, if that occurs. Regardless of Party they respect the chain of command and the internal processes that lead to their decisions. Honestly...I am astounded you would be ok with that. This president has managed to corrupt every institution he touches as if it were his personal property.

So your saying it has to be done by a president and has to pertain to the military? Not exactly what I said.

Well, that is what the topic is, so that is what I assumed you referred to.

And, frankly, I don’t see how all the partisan “what abouts” matter in this case. The president is THE most powerful position in the country, and our military one of the most respected institutions.

No, the topic was ruining careers for political reasons. And I'm sure you don't like "what aboutism", especially since you libs are usually guilty as sin.

Ya Ya Ya and you are as pure as....yellow snow. Go back and reread the topic. It is pretty clear.

Are you ok with interfering in Internal military personnel decisions for personal political reasons Or retribution?

Simple question.
This thread may be a classic example, a Democrat blocking military confirmations (which sure sounds like quid quo pro) and you’re ok with it. How does that compare with Merrick Garland? Which consistency would suggest you were ok with? And didn’t involve any quid quo pro.

Answer the question, or is this going to be a round of endless deflection from you?
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.
He is still a General in the Army, idiot.

How is his career destroyed?

Duckworth is the one threatening to destroy the careers of 1000 military people, and you have no problem with that, hypocrite.

First off, if Trump interferes in his promotion, it is destroying his career. Is that ok with you? Political interference in internal military matters?

Second, holding up promotions is not destroying anyone’s career. It is not denying anyone a promotion, which direct political interference certainly would do.
First off, if Trump interferes in his promotion, it is destroying his career

Second, holding up promotions is not destroying anyone’s career.

Get back to me when you figure out WTF you think.
It is pretty clear. Let me rephrase it.

Interfering in a promotion (which if Trump does, we know it would be to deny it) destroys a career.

Delaying everyone’s promotion to ensure no political interference, is not denying it or stopping it, but protecting the process from corruption.

Do you support corrupting the military?
Duckworth is doing the same thing you accuse Trump of, only 1000X worse.
Can you tell me which particular military member she is personally intervening in, and pressuring them to deny?

Thank you, I will await your deflection.
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.

Yet you clowns don't seem to mind doing it...go figure.
When? I can’t think of another president that has actively interfered in the military’s justice system, and maybe promotion, if that occurs. Regardless of Party they respect the chain of command and the internal processes that lead to their decisions. Honestly...I am astounded you would be ok with that. This president has managed to corrupt every institution he touches as if it were his personal property.

So your saying it has to be done by a president and has to pertain to the military? Not exactly what I said.

Well, that is what the topic is, so that is what I assumed you referred to.

And, frankly, I don’t see how all the partisan “what abouts” matter in this case. The president is THE most powerful position in the country, and our military one of the most respected institutions.

No, the topic was ruining careers for political reasons. And I'm sure you don't like "what aboutism", especially since you libs are usually guilty as sin.

Ya Ya Ya and you are as pure as....yellow snow. Go back and reread the topic. It is pretty clear.

Are you ok with interfering in Internal military personnel decisions for personal political reasons Or retribution?

Simple question.
This thread may be a classic example, a Democrat blocking military confirmations (which sure sounds like quid quo pro) and you’re ok with it. How does that compare with Merrick Garland? Which consistency would suggest you were ok with? And didn’t involve any quid quo pro.

Answer the question, or is this going to be a round of endless deflection from you?

Evidently only your deflection counts, got it.
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.
He is still a General in the Army, idiot.

How is his career destroyed?

Duckworth is the one threatening to destroy the careers of 1000 military people, and you have no problem with that, hypocrite.

First off, if Trump interferes in his promotion, it is destroying his career. Is that ok with you? Political interference in internal military matters?

Second, holding up promotions is not destroying anyone’s career. It is not denying anyone a promotion, which direct political interference certainly would do.
First off, if Trump interferes in his promotion, it is destroying his career

Second, holding up promotions is not destroying anyone’s career.

Get back to me when you figure out WTF you think.
It is pretty clear. Let me rephrase it.

Interfering in a promotion (which if Trump does, we know it would be to deny it) destroys a career.

Delaying everyone’s promotion to ensure no political interference, is not denying it or stopping it, but protecting the process from corruption.

Do you support corrupting the military?
Duckworth is doing the same thing you accuse Trump of, only 1000X worse.
Can you tell me which particular military member she is personally intervening in, and pressuring them to deny?

Thank you, I will await your deflection.
She said 1000. Ask her.
What Trump has been doing to the military should worry us. The military is not supposed to be political, a HUGE difference from that in many other countries. Nor is it supposed to be the president’s toy box.

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is facing a hemorrhage of talent as senior officials resign amid continued efforts by the White House to purge those perceived as political foes, including the Army lieutenant colonel who testified in the House impeachment hearings.

The challenge of managing White House pressures and concerns about morale inside the Pentagon confronts Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper, who is already in a precarious position with President Trump. Mr. Esper angered the president this month by breaking publicly with him over whether active-duty military troops should be sent to control the wave of protests in American cities.

The issue is immediately on Mr. Esper’s agenda, after the Army this week forwarded him a list of hundreds of officers who are set to be promoted to the next rank, U.S. officials said on Thursday. Included on the list is Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, a decorated combat veteran who served on the staff of the White House’s National Security Council, where he ran afoul of Mr. Trump after testifying against him in the House impeachment hearings.

The White House had made clear to officials in the Pentagon’s office of personnel and readiness, which handles such staffing, that Mr. Trump did not want to see Colonel Vindman promoted, the officials said. In fact, when they saw an earlier draft version of the list two weeks ago, National Security Council staff members told their Defense Department counterparts they had evidence of misconduct by Colonel Vindman.

No such evidence materialized. Officials at the National Security Council declined to comment on matters of personnel.

Absent any reason to deny his promotion other than Mr. Trump’s personal dislike of Colonel Vindman, the Army kept his name on the list, and sent it back to Mr. Esper, putting the defense secretary exactly where he did not want to be: in the cross hairs of the commander in chief.

Inside the Pentagon, senior officials are publicly illustrating their professional unhappiness by leaving their posts.

On Tuesday, the Defense Department’s top two technology officials, Michael D. Griffin and Lisa Porter, submitted their resignations, saying they had received better offers elsewhere.
Duckworth vows to block over 1,000 military confirmations until Pentagon proves Vindman will be promoted
Vindman was a key witness in the Dem-led Trump impeachment hearings

2 July 2020 ~~ By Louis Casiano
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., on Thursday announced her intention to block Senate confirmations for 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Defense Secretary Mark Esper confirms he will not block the "expected and deserved" promotion of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
In a statement, Duckworth, also an Iraq War veteran who served as a helicopter pilot, accused Trump of trying to politicize the armed forces.
"Our military is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy," she said. "It is simply unprecedented and wrong for any Commander in Chief to meddle in routine military matters at all, whether or not he has a personal vendetta against a Soldier who did his patriotic duty and told the truth-a Soldier who has been recommended for promotion by his superiors because of his performance.”
Duckworth said she will back off her promise if Esper confirms in writing that he will not block Vindman's promotion to Colonel.

Ms. Duckworth..., No need to blackmail Mark Esper. You should know that Mark Esper doesn't have to do a thing and Vindman will be passed over in any case. He's shown political bias previously and his testimony was his death noll for promotion.

So now Democrats are adding BLACKMAIL / EXTORTION of the US Military on top of all of their other proven crimes in attempting to affect yet another coup attempt...



The president interfering in the process In the first place for personal political reasons is wrong. He has no right to destroy a person’s career out of vengeance.

Yet you clowns don't seem to mind doing it...go figure.
When? I can’t think of another president that has actively interfered in the military’s justice system, and maybe promotion, if that occurs. Regardless of Party they respect the chain of command and the internal processes that lead to their decisions. Honestly...I am astounded you would be ok with that. This president has managed to corrupt every institution he touches as if it were his personal property.

So your saying it has to be done by a president and has to pertain to the military? Not exactly what I said.

Well, that is what the topic is, so that is what I assumed you referred to.

And, frankly, I don’t see how all the partisan “what abouts” matter in this case. The president is THE most powerful position in the country, and our military one of the most respected institutions.

No, the topic was ruining careers for political reasons. And I'm sure you don't like "what aboutism", especially since you libs are usually guilty as sin.

Ya Ya Ya and you are as pure as....yellow snow. Go back and reread the topic. It is pretty clear.

Are you ok with interfering in Internal military personnel decisions for personal political reasons Or retribution?

Simple question.
This thread may be a classic example, a Democrat blocking military confirmations (which sure sounds like quid quo pro) and you’re ok with it. How does that compare with Merrick Garland? Which consistency would suggest you were ok with? And didn’t involve any quid quo pro.

Answer the question, or is this going to be a round of endless deflection from you?

Evidently only your deflection counts, got it.
What deflection. I asked a direct question. No answer. Is it a particularly difficult question for you? It is a yes or no question. Should be easy. Give it a try. what you do best. Deflect.
Can you tell me which particular military member she is personally intervening in, and pressuring them to deny?

Thank you, I will await your deflection.
She said 1000. Ask her.

You don’t seem to have understood the question. I put it in bold it for you, so won’t miss it this time.

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