Duh...I Wonder Why Trump Speaks To Putin?

Wow.. that Putin is a busy man!!!!

Tell us Timma, how did Putin interfere in our elections?
Soggy ass doesn’t follow the news.

Sure I do... help a simple dude out, what did Vladimir Putin do EXACTLY that affected the outcome of the election? All we know is -

A. They indicted Manifort for something unrelated to the election and occurred before he even knew Trump
B. Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI
C. They indicted 13 Russian nationals for cyber-crimes, none of these folks will ever see the inside of a U.S. courtroom.
As the idiot forgets about Papadopolous, Carter Paige , a confirmed Russian spy, and Gates.
Many are cooperating with Mueller and singing like birds on Trump’s crimes.
Sucks to be you.

Wow, halt the presses!! You guys sure know a lot that you can never backup.

One more time, what did Vladimir Putin do EXACTLY that affected the outcome of the election?

He didn't..."cut it out" when President Zero told him to.

That meant that Zero would assume the fetal position to hide from Vlad
and Vlad and his agents would spend 150 bucks in ads and win
Pennsylvania. Dooming the Fatass Wench, once and for all.

These fucking coon loving sons of bitches are worthless.

Wait, what?
I agree we should talk to everyone. Don't let all that new technology stuff worry you, though--CIA and Defense know all about it and half of it is only in the dream stages. Putin was bragging 'cause it was campaign time.

Hilarious....Not only is it operational, we've been watching them test these things in violation of the arms treaty. It should worry us all the Rats are trying to impeach our Commander-In-Chief while our enemies creep closer while he's distracted.....wakey wakey....

Putin has you right where he wants you :wink:

Don't believe the hype about Russia's hypersonic missile

Hey shit for brains. Can we believe the hype about the 7,000 other
Nuke warheads they have mounted on their old missiles?

Of course not - But now you are wildly off topic ---> SHIT FOR BRAINS


Hate to tell you Dr., but Trump is also pushing for new nukes. He seems to think that we need low yield nuclear tipped cruise missiles and bombs.

Hate to say it, but a low yield nuke is a bad idea, because it causes a smaller explosion, but still leaves the place hit radioactive.

And, being smaller, they might think that using nukes is a viable option instead of a last resort.

Opinion | Trump’s request for even more nuclear weapons is flawed overkill

Agree - I'm on another board where this Orangekin Gooberfuk is all over the disturbing Donald question prior to inauguration:

"If we HAVE nukes, then why can't we use them"

Scary shit man - and THE Reason Putin is hyping capability

Welcome to the new age - Don't care about me at 59, had a good life.

But if I see the flash i'll be VERY PO'd about my 22 year old daughter's.
trump is a damned fool...

it's not like anyone ever has ever mistaken donny-liddle-hands for a dignified diplomat.

oh wait. :uhoh3:

Why Trump won't call Putin's election win a 'sham'

Donald Trump doesn't care what anyone thinks about his puzzling relationship with Vladimir Putin -- that includes his own foreign policy team, Republican senators and US allies.

That much is clear from the President's latest encounter with his Russian counterpart Tuesday that highlighted his refusal to ever publicly criticize Putin and his increasing tendency to follow his own counsel.

Trump's administration says Russia assaulted American democracy, used a nerve agent in an attack on the soil of its closest ally, Britain, and just held an election that cannot be judged free and fair.

Yet the President did not bring up any of those issues during a telephone chat with Putin, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said.

Bafflement in Washington about Trump's attitude to Putin is sure to be exacerbated by a Washington Post report that Trump did not follow briefing materials provided by his advisers which warned "DO NOT CONGRATULATE" -- a reference to Putin's re-election and which also called on him to condemn Russia over the attempted assassination of one of its former spies and his daughter in Britain.

A President has wide autonomy on foreign policy and in normal circumstances it would not be unusual for a commander in chief to deviate from his script. But in Trump's case the report is the latest example of his unusual deference to Putin, following the 2016 election in which US intelligence agencies assessed the Russians intervened on his behalf.

In fact, Trump spoke about the Russian leader as if he was operating in an alternative reality...

Trump congratulates Putin on winning reelection

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