Dunn Sentenced to Life w/o Parole. Was He Even Guilty ?

Protect, Obviously the shooter (Dunn) needs to engage you as his lawyer. You are a lawyer? Right? And the shooters attorneys need to contact you immediately so you can straighten them out. Cause they just don't know FL law like you do. Even though I figure they practice law there.

But still. You could have this guys conviction overturned. Right?

If you can't do what you claim (prove self defense to a jury), shut the fuck up about how you know the law and no one else does. You are full of shit dude.
A Duval County judge in Florida sentenced Michael Dunn to Life w/o possibility of parole, for killing Jordan Davis, a young black boy, who was in an SUV with 3 friends. The judge and others in the trial all seem to have concluded that Dunn was guilty without any shadow of reasonable doubt.

The judge told Dunn >> "Mr. Dunn, your life is effectively over," ...What is sad... is that this case exemplifies that our society seems to have lost its way." This statement may be true, but in what way ? Did Angela Corey, the prosecutor (and famous for her attempted kangeroo court lynching of George Zimmerman) ever PROVE that Dunn did not shoot in self-defense ? I don't think she did. And based on that, I don't see how Dunn could have even been convicted, much less get life w/o parole.

So is this a case of society losing it's way because of someone shooting recklessly, or is it a case of more pandering to the race hustler loudmouths, and their perpetual threat of riots ? Would Dunn have been convicted and sentenced to life w/o parole, if he were black and Davis was white ?

It looks like Dunn may have gotten a raw deal here, just because he's white, and the kid he killed was black.
I always go with the jury.

And, you don't shoot kids for being stupid young assholes.
You do, if they are threatening you and attacking you.

And if you "always go with the jury" then you would agree with the juries who convicted 321 defendants, most of whom were later set free by the work of the Innocence Project, when it was determined later that they were innocent. A few of these exonerated couldn't be set free. They had already been executed (because of people who think like you)

The Innocence Project - Home

Who was threatening him as the van was driving away?
Maybe they called Dunn a "honky". Or "white bread". Or a "cracker".

All those are shooting offenses, Right protect?
No, it was not. And you haven't shown a shred of evidence to prove it either. If you have some, let's hear it.
He was found guilty by the people that saw all the evidence. Sorry retard but your boy is going to spend life in prison regardless of what you think. You cant imagine how happy it makes me that your feelings are hurt over it. :laugh:
I'm looking at something illogical, and you haven't produced anything to show it to be logical, one iota. Come back when you think you've got something worth posting

If you are looking at something illogical you should cease looking in the mirror clown. The defense proved he shot and killed the kid, shot at the other kids, and they had no gun for him to use as a defense. He needed to prove that they had a gun not the otherway around.
Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time
Yep, and that is what you are supposed to do.

You have no way of knowing if "Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time"

If Davis had a gun and he was getting out of the car (as his buddy claimed), then Dunn might be dead now, if he had walked away. Also, Florida law prescribes that he is under no obligation to walk away, and has a right to shoot to defend himself.

See post # 275.
He was found guilty by the people that saw all the evidence. Sorry retard but your boy is going to spend life in prison regardless of what you think. You cant imagine how happy it makes me that your feelings are hurt over it. :laugh:
I'm looking at something illogical, and you haven't produced anything to show it to be logical, one iota. Come back when you think you've got something worth posting

If you are looking at something illogical you should cease looking in the mirror clown. The defense proved he shot and killed the kid, shot at the other kids, and they had no gun for him to use as a defense. He needed to prove that they had a gun not the otherway around.
Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time
Yep, and that is what you are supposed to do.

You have no way of knowing if "Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time"

If Davis had a gun and he was getting out of the car (as his buddy claimed), then Dunn might be dead now, if he had walked away. Also, Florida law prescribes that he is under no obligation to walk away, and has a right to shoot to defend himself.

If you accept that he was threatened with a gun, he is justified in shooting. But continuing to fire at the van as it drove away destroys that. There was no threat from a van fleeing his assault.
I bet some of those black kids in the vehicle WISH they had a gun on them. To shoot back at the crazy motherfucker blasting away at them. Hell they should have been armed.

Everybody in this country has the right to have a gun for self defense. I learned that on here.
no collaborating evidence and flight from the scene

indicated a guilty verdict

And was the instigator.
The loud music combined with Davis' foul mouth was the instigator.

Dunn initiated contact and brought about the whole incident. None of that can be said about Davis. If you are saying Davis' foul protest was the instigation, then you are admitting Dunn shot him to shut him up.

instigator definition - Bing

[ ˈinstiˌgātər ]

noun: instigator · plural noun: instigators

  1. a person who brings about or initiates something
FALSE! Davis initiated by blasting his music too loud
He was found guilty by the people that saw all the evidence. Sorry retard but your boy is going to spend life in prison regardless of what you think. You cant imagine how happy it makes me that your feelings are hurt over it. :laugh:
I'm looking at something illogical, and you haven't produced anything to show it to be logical, one iota. Come back when you think you've got something worth posting

If you are looking at something illogical you should cease looking in the mirror clown. The defense proved he shot and killed the kid, shot at the other kids, and they had no gun for him to use as a defense. He needed to prove that they had a gun not the otherway around.
Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time
Yep, and that is what you are supposed to do.

You have no way of knowing if "Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time"

If Davis had a gun and he was getting out of the car (as his buddy claimed), then Dunn might be dead now, if he had walked away. Also, Florida law prescribes that he is under no obligation to walk away, and has a right to shoot to defend himself.

See post # 275.

You stupid fuck. You know the law runs both ways. Right. Those kids in the SUV had a right to protect themselves in self defense. In this case, it would have been justified if those kids had blasted his ass all over the parking lot as soon as Dunn pulled out his gun.

To bad those kids didn't have a gun. Maybe we wouldn't be wasting all that money paying for Dunn to have a place to live. Worthless piece of shit that the guy is.
Dunn was guilty as hell. That was pretty plain as soon as the facts came out.
No, it was not. And you haven't shown a shred of evidence to prove it either. If you have some, let's hear it.

I refer you to the evidence brought forth in the courtroom.
Then, like I said, you haven't shown a shred of evidence to prove it, because they didn't bring the evidence needed, in the courtroom. They didn't prove their case.

Apparently, the prosecution did so sufficiently for the jury. This is your thread, so it is YOU who should be offering the required proof for your own dissent.
And I've done just that, by showing that the prosecution did not prove their case.
no collaborating evidence and flight from the scene

indicated a guilty verdict

And was the instigator.
The loud music combined with Davis' foul mouth was the instigator.

Dunn initiated contact and brought about the whole incident. None of that can be said about Davis. If you are saying Davis' foul protest was the instigation, then you are admitting Dunn shot him to shut him up.

instigator definition - Bing

[ ˈinstiˌgātər ]

noun: instigator · plural noun: instigators

  1. a person who brings about or initiates something
FALSE! Davis initiated by blasting his music too loud

So fucking what?? Does Dunn think he is promised peace and quiet in the parking lot of a convenience store??
no collaborating evidence and flight from the scene

indicated a guilty verdict

And was the instigator.
The loud music combined with Davis' foul mouth was the instigator.

Dunn initiated contact and brought about the whole incident. None of that can be said about Davis. If you are saying Davis' foul protest was the instigation, then you are admitting Dunn shot him to shut him up.

instigator definition - Bing

[ ˈinstiˌgātər ]

noun: instigator · plural noun: instigators

  1. a person who brings about or initiates something
FALSE! Davis initiated by blasting his music too loud

You are a fucking idiot. I've been blasting loud music all my life. You come up and complain to me I will tell you to kiss my ass.

Why don't you show where the law says loud music is a capital offense. You dumb fuck.
I'm looking at something illogical, and you haven't produced anything to show it to be logical, one iota. Come back when you think you've got something worth posting

If you are looking at something illogical you should cease looking in the mirror clown. The defense proved he shot and killed the kid, shot at the other kids, and they had no gun for him to use as a defense. He needed to prove that they had a gun not the otherway around.
Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time
Yep, and that is what you are supposed to do.

You have no way of knowing if "Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time"

If Davis had a gun and he was getting out of the car (as his buddy claimed), then Dunn might be dead now, if he had walked away. Also, Florida law prescribes that he is under no obligation to walk away, and has a right to shoot to defend himself.

See post # 275.

You stupid fuck. You know the law runs both ways. Right. Those kids in the SUV had a right to protect themselves in self defense. In this case, it would have been justified if those kids had blasted his ass all over the parking lot as soon as Dunn pulled out his gun.

To bad those kids didn't have a gun. Maybe we wouldn't be wasting all that money paying for Dunn to have a place to live. Worthless piece of shit that the guy is.
YOU are the stupid fuckhead. You can't say > "To bad those kids didn't have a gun", because nobody has any way of knowing if they did have one or not. :slap:

BTW, you misspelled "too". The way you used the word, it's supposed to have 2 o's, not just one. HA HA. What a bunch of dum dums I'm talking too.
Teens deserve to be shot on account of loud music and foul language? Well, let's just round them all up, stand them up along side a ditch and execute them. Done.
If you are looking at something illogical you should cease looking in the mirror clown. The defense proved he shot and killed the kid, shot at the other kids, and they had no gun for him to use as a defense. He needed to prove that they had a gun not the otherway around.
Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time
Yep, and that is what you are supposed to do.

You have no way of knowing if "Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time"

If Davis had a gun and he was getting out of the car (as his buddy claimed), then Dunn might be dead now, if he had walked away. Also, Florida law prescribes that he is under no obligation to walk away, and has a right to shoot to defend himself.

See post # 275.

You stupid fuck. You know the law runs both ways. Right. Those kids in the SUV had a right to protect themselves in self defense. In this case, it would have been justified if those kids had blasted his ass all over the parking lot as soon as Dunn pulled out his gun.

To bad those kids didn't have a gun. Maybe we wouldn't be wasting all that money paying for Dunn to have a place to live. Worthless piece of shit that the guy is.
YOU are the stupid fuckhead. You can't say > "To bad those kids didn't have a gun", because nobody has any way of knowing if they did have one or not. :slap:
We know because Dunn didn't get shot.
If you are looking at something illogical you should cease looking in the mirror clown. The defense proved he shot and killed the kid, shot at the other kids, and they had no gun for him to use as a defense. He needed to prove that they had a gun not the otherway around.
Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time
Yep, and that is what you are supposed to do.

You have no way of knowing if "Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time"

If Davis had a gun and he was getting out of the car (as his buddy claimed), then Dunn might be dead now, if he had walked away. Also, Florida law prescribes that he is under no obligation to walk away, and has a right to shoot to defend himself.

See post # 275.

You stupid fuck. You know the law runs both ways. Right. Those kids in the SUV had a right to protect themselves in self defense. In this case, it would have been justified if those kids had blasted his ass all over the parking lot as soon as Dunn pulled out his gun.

To bad those kids didn't have a gun. Maybe we wouldn't be wasting all that money paying for Dunn to have a place to live. Worthless piece of shit that the guy is.
YOU are the stupid fuckhead. You can't say > "To bad those kids didn't have a gun", because nobody has any way of knowing if they did have one or not. :slap:

But you want to let a man get away with murder because he claimed he saw a gun?? lmao
Dunn was guilty as hell. That was pretty plain as soon as the facts came out.
No, it was not. And you haven't shown a shred of evidence to prove it either. If you have some, let's hear it.

I refer you to the evidence brought forth in the courtroom.
Then, like I said, you haven't shown a shred of evidence to prove it, because they didn't bring the evidence needed, in the courtroom. They didn't prove their case.

Apparently, the prosecution did so sufficiently for the jury. This is your thread, so it is YOU who should be offering the required proof for your own dissent.
And I've done just that, by showing that the prosecution did not prove their case.
All youve done is show everyone how irrelevant your opinion is.
The jury accepted the prosecution's story: that is PROOF.

No one has to show you anything. You have created a false standard, which Dunn's defense team tried and failed.

That a white man can shoot a black person and go to jail is what you are horrified about to your tippy toes.
Juries accept prosecution stories all the time, only to have an innocent man be freed after being in prison for 25 years. The Innocence Project has a long list of these cases. That a jury accepted the prosecution's tale, doesn't rate a hill of beans in this case.

Yes you do have to show something. You have to show that there was not a gun in the SUV, AND YOU CAN'T.

That a white man can shoot a black person, and be freed from jail in an appeal trial, is what you are horrified about to your tippy toes.

There has to be some really glaring inconsistencies present for a judge to grant an appeal.
Yeah. Like the prosecution being required to present evidence (AND THEY DIDN'T)

Appeals are made on specifics.
Yeah. Like no evidence presented by the prosecution.
Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time
Yep, and that is what you are supposed to do.

You have no way of knowing if "Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time"

If Davis had a gun and he was getting out of the car (as his buddy claimed), then Dunn might be dead now, if he had walked away. Also, Florida law prescribes that he is under no obligation to walk away, and has a right to shoot to defend himself.

See post # 275.

You stupid fuck. You know the law runs both ways. Right. Those kids in the SUV had a right to protect themselves in self defense. In this case, it would have been justified if those kids had blasted his ass all over the parking lot as soon as Dunn pulled out his gun.

To bad those kids didn't have a gun. Maybe we wouldn't be wasting all that money paying for Dunn to have a place to live. Worthless piece of shit that the guy is.
YOU are the stupid fuckhead. You can't say > "To bad those kids didn't have a gun", because nobody has any way of knowing if they did have one or not. :slap:

But you want to let a man get away with murder because he claimed he saw a gun?? lmao
Read the law (post # 275) oh unknowing one.
Yep, and that is what you are supposed to do.

You have no way of knowing if "Dunn could have walked away from the situation at any time"

If Davis had a gun and he was getting out of the car (as his buddy claimed), then Dunn might be dead now, if he had walked away. Also, Florida law prescribes that he is under no obligation to walk away, and has a right to shoot to defend himself.

See post # 275.

You stupid fuck. You know the law runs both ways. Right. Those kids in the SUV had a right to protect themselves in self defense. In this case, it would have been justified if those kids had blasted his ass all over the parking lot as soon as Dunn pulled out his gun.

To bad those kids didn't have a gun. Maybe we wouldn't be wasting all that money paying for Dunn to have a place to live. Worthless piece of shit that the guy is.
YOU are the stupid fuckhead. You can't say > "To bad those kids didn't have a gun", because nobody has any way of knowing if they did have one or not. :slap:

But you want to let a man get away with murder because he claimed he saw a gun?? lmao
Read the law (post # 275) oh unknowing one.

And why, if he was claiming he saw a gun, was he firing at the van as it drove away? Where was the threat then??

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