Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Oh, and who has ever been executed for accessing DNS data?

I mean, since you guys are calling for executions for it, surely you can give us an example of it ever having been done.
If that data is owned by the Trump administration and you don't have permission to access it, then you have committed a crime, moron.
View attachment 601736

Looks like infiltration to me. You do you, dumbass.

The same morons who claimed Trump will go to jail for keeping "government documents" at Mar a Lago also claim Nazi Pislossi is free to rip them up at her leisure.

The difference being......that a copy of the State of the Union isn't a government record. Contrary to what you poor, hapless souls might believe, Trumps words on a piece of paper doesn't make it holy like it was the Koran.

Per your laughable pseudo-legal nonsense, anyone throwing away a newspaper with parts of the State of the Union on it would be committing a crime. Back in reality, you again have no idea what you're talking about.

Meanwhile, Trump routinely ripped up ACTUAL presidential records. As well as stealing 15 boxes of documents, including top secret and classified documents.

You know, actual violations of the law by Trump.

But lock up Pelosi, huh?
I see the Trump cult is fixated on another non-scandal. But then, they literally don't even know what happened, and they literally don't care. They just want more excuses to murder liberals, and no stupid liberal concepts like law and facts and morality are going to get in their way.

The sum total of anything actual possibly illegal was that an attorney who at one time represented the Clinton campaign didn't disclose that. And that story is six months old. And if it comes to trial, it will be tossed out, because it was clearly a vindictive political prosecution.

The rest? Kook fiction from Trump cult traitors.

Sussman's job was to investigate Russian cyberattacks on the USA. He started that _before_ Trump took office. That fact alone makes the Trump cultists here look really bad.

Part of that job involved DNS lookups, seeing who talked to who by computer. That doesn't involve warrants or hacking the white house. It just involves asking the public companies that keep DNS records for those DNS records. Any of us could do it, if we knew what to ask for. Thus, any claims of "hacking" are some particularly shameless partisan lies.

The investigations kept going as Trump entered office. Which would mean -- get this -- that the Clinton campain no longer existed, and therefore it would be impossible to do anything on behalf of the Clinton campaign. Seeing some suspicious communications with Russia, Sussman notified the FBI with his findings. That's not working for the Clinton campaign, it's working for the USA.

And that's it. The Trump cultists are lying about everything, as they always do. In their commie Trump-cultist minds, working with the Russians isn't illegal, but investigating it is illegal. That's how corrupt and treasonous the Trump cult has become.
If that data is owned by the Trump administration and you don't have permission to access it, then you have committed a crime, moron.

Two problems with your analysis.

First, WHO HAS EVER BEEN EXECUTED for accessing DNS data? Your ilk are calling for people to be murdered over accessing DNS data. Can you give us one call where this has ever, in the history of our nation, ever been done?

Or are you guys just trying to come up with excuses to kill people?

Two, the era in question was 2016. So much for your 'Trump administration' hysterics.
What data?
It would help if you had any passing knowledge of the issue at hand. Asking “what data” merely demonstrates you have no idea what’s going on and haven’t even attempted to figure it out.
On the Alfabank server

This began with publicly available info. It never got much further than that
Every crime begins with publically available data, dumbfuck. If the Hillary campaign accessed his server, then they committed a crime.

Furthermore, the whole "Alpha Bank" story was a con intended to frame the Trump campaign.
It very well might be, and we will find out.

But, more than that, if you take out the name Trump in this, and look at it dispassionately, there is no way you’d condone this.
Sounds like you’re trying to make political opposition illegal.

I don’t have to condone anything. No one did anything on my behalf, with my permission or with my knowledge. I’m not a party to this.

But I’m not going to blow it out of proportion.
I’m indicting you for 5 years of criminal activity on This message board, you seditious, treasonous, rebellion fermenting, insurrection promoting, fanning the flame of The COUP machine, Putin and Xi puppet, liar who attacked our Democracy 24-7 you piece of Putin Poop!

Kinda leaning into your sovereign citizen horseshit, aren't you Tree?

You don't get to charge anyone with any crime.
I see the Trump cult is fixated on another non-scandal. But then, they literally don't even know what happened, and they literally don't care. They just want more excuses to murder liberals, and no stupid liberal concepts like law and facts and morality are going to get in their way.

The sum total of anything actual possibly illegal was that an attorney who at one time represented the Clinton campaign didn't disclose that. And that story is six months old. And if it comes to trial, it will be tossed out, because it was clearly a vindictive political prosecution.

The rest? Kook fiction from Trump cult traitors.

Sussman's job was to investigate Russian cyberattacks on the USA. He started that _before_ Trump took office. That fact alone makes the Trump cultists here look really bad.

Part of that job involved DNS lookups, seeing who talked to who by computer. That doesn't involve warrants or hacking the white house. It just involves asking the public companies that keep DNS records for those DNS records. Any of us could do it, if we knew what to ask for. Thus, any claims of "hacking" are some particularly shameless partisan lies.

The investigations kept going as Trump entered office. Which would mean -- get this -- that the Clinton campain no longer existed, and therefore it would be impossible to do anything on behalf of the Clinton campaign. Seeing some suspicious communications with Russia, Sussman notified the FBI with his findings. That's not working for the Clinton campaign, it's working for the USA.

And that's it. The Trump cultists are lying about everything, as they always do. In their commie Trump-cultist minds, working with the Russians isn't illegal, but investigating it is illegal. That's how corrupt and treasonous the Trump cult has become.
What should be done with someone like you who attacked our Democracy for the past 5 years?

Translation: You STILL can't describe the spying.

It wasn’t spying as much as it was a conspiracy to collect information Hillary could use to frame a narrative negatively toward Trump, with the knowledge of Obama, and Biden, through 2020.
Sounds like you’re trying to make political opposition illegal.

I don’t have to condone anything. No one did anything on my behalf, with my permission or with my knowledge. I’m not a party to this.

But I’m not going to blow it out of proportion.
It would be impossible to blow it out of proportion since it's 1000 times bigger than Watergate.
Seems this non-issue is timed to take the wind out of Trumpybears 'Classified Data' scandal and turn the fire hose on Hillary ...... Again.

We've stocked up on Pitch Forks and Torches as well as Clutching Pearl.....
Sounds like you’re trying to make political opposition illegal.

I don’t have to condone anything. No one did anything on my behalf, with my permission or with my knowledge. I’m not a party to this.

But I’m not going to blow it out of proportion.
You think I am? I’m saying let’s see where this goes….Maybe even mentioning it is too much for you, which in itself is suspicious…

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