Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Seems this non-issue is timed to take the wind out of Trumpybears 'Classified Data' scandal and turn the fire hose on Hillary ...... Again.

We've stocked up on Pitch Forks and Torches as well as Clutching Pearl.....
Coming from people who blew every utterance of Trump out of context, and out of proportion, your post here is laughable….
What should be done with someone like you who attacked our Democracy for the past 5 years?

Trump cult Stalinist filth like this literally doesn't care about the facts. They just want to execute their political opponents, or have them banished to TheGulag,

And since there's no actual crime, they'll just have TheParty make one up, because that's what fanatical Stalinists do. It's what Durham just did.

I understand, Stalinist Trump-cultists. You all even want _me_ executed for CrimesAgainstTheParty. The thought of murdering liberals gives you a major tingle up the leg.
Trump cult Stalinist filth like this literally doesn't care about the facts. They just want to execute their political opponents, or have them sent to the gulag,

And since there's no actual crime, they'll just have TheParty make one up, because that's what fanatical Stalinists do.

Admit it, little Stalinist shitstain. You actually want _me_ executed for CrimesAgainstTheParty, don't you? The thought of murdering liberals gives you a major tingle up the leg.
What should be done with someone like you who lies everyday for the past 5 years and promoted attack after attack on our Democracy?
Trump cult Stalinist filth like this literally doesn't care about the facts. They just want to execute their political opponents, or have them sent to the gulag,

And since there's no actual crime, they'll just have TheParty make one up, because that's what fanatical Stalinists do.

Admit it, little Stalinist shitstain. You actually want _me_ executed for CrimesAgainstTheParty, don't you? The thought of murdering liberals gives you a major tingle up the leg.

Of course they don't. Ask them about their Big Lie, and they can't tell you the first thing.

Why? Because they don't care. They exist in a fantasy world where their imagination is fact. Anything they want to make up is valid, as their emotions are their evidence.
And by 'absolutely', you mean 'you imagine'?

Remember, first it was Antifa. Then it was nothing more than a capital tour. Now its the 'FBI'.

Anything but the obvious: It was Trump supporters, whipped up into a frenzy by Trump and send to the capital building by Trump. Who then did nothing for 2 hours but cheer his TV set as his supporters attacked police and tried to stop the election from being finalized.

You know....the first failure to have a peaceful transition of power since the civil war?
We did have a peaceful transition of power, moron.
Your indictment and his has already been handed down by we your peers.

You are criminals who attacked our Democracy!

Again, my little Sovereign Citizen.....you lack police powers. You play no role in charging anyone with any crime in our democracy.

Despite your ilks demand that Clinton be imprisoned for a crime she was never even charged with, with her aides executed for a 'crime' that no one has ever been executed for.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the 'law and order' party.
It’s a bad analogy for many reasons and this demonstrates you’re poor grasp on the issue.

For starters, the information we are discussing doesn’t reside on Trump’s property. The information is all on the servers run by Joffe’s company. Your analogy is that your house was invaded. That’s not the case.

How about a different analogy. How about you do business at a bank and the bank notices some suspicious activity. The bank turns those records over to the DoJ.

Did the bank infiltrate your finances? No. We’re your finances hacked? No.

If a prosecutor can’t even get a grand jury to agree to indict someone, then there truly was no chance at a conviction. A prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. They have every advantage.
Define "suspicious" and the Bank could not do that without a true internal investigation. We will see if the jury indicts. According to sources, this is the tip of the iceberg and other people are coming forward now trying to plea deals. I agree with you that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. 100%.
Hillary is guilty. Durham knows it. FIB and CIA know it. The media knows it. The dems know and the rest of america knows it. Most importantly..the clintons knows it, the obamas, the bidens. The Bushes too.

That's why...........there's no acknowledging it.
Hillary is guilty. Durham knows it. FIB and CIA know it. The media knows it. The dems know and the rest of america knows it. Most importantly..the clintons knows it, the obamas, the bidens.

That's why...........there's no acknowledging it.

The FBI and CIA are chock full of Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" and others with precisely ZERO patriotism to America...
We all saw and still see who the real power is or those who promote it. Trump was viciously attacked for more than 4 years. The people involved are good stooges in standing with the new world order. We actually had a good 4 years with Trump President. The thrill of winning and the agony of hearing about it from the sell outs. Many people would have cowered from the beginning. Trump did not.
WRONG. Show me one example where I voted for someone I deem "sucks"...thanks. Only an idiot lapdog would do that. You also lied as you defend Biden nonstop. You fucking mask wearing hypocrite. Tell me again how a prosecutor may indict. Fuckhead.
You said that is your philosophy, GayShortBus. That's all I need to show. :badgrin:
We all saw and still see who the real power is or those who promote it. Trump was viciously attacked for more than 4 years. The people involved are good stooges in standing with the new world order. We actually had a good 4 years with Trump President. The thrill of winning and the agony of hearing about it from the sell outs. Many people would have cowered from the beginning. Trump did not.

Trump appointed a bunch of fucking disasters like Chris Wray and Jeff Sessions....

Then Trump trusted Fauci and allowed the shutdowns...

Sorry, minus $9 trillion is an OBAMA CALIBER DISASTER
Your media is ignoring it. Biden Regime refuses to answer to the American people. You know Obama knew, Muddy Joe knew.

Won't keep americans from knowing the truth.

And who, pray tell says that Obama knew, that Joe knew?

Let me guess.....you citing your imagination?
Fuckhead, again, a prosecutor may not indict! Wow are you one dumb lapdog, Fido.


Poor, unhinged GayShortBus... again... I never said a prosecutor can indict. I asked where is the indictment for spying. Had there been actual evidence of spying, there most certainly would have been an indictment.

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