Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

This is maybe The Biggest piece of the Russian Collusion
puzzle yet.U.S. Attorney John Durham has just reported
findings about recently Indicted Clinton Lawyer Michael
Sussmann who is charged with lying to the FBI about is role
in Fabricating the Russian Collusion hoax.
He may have been part of a conspiracy to INFILTRATE
Trump Tower and mine data { Using name Georgia Tech } to
spy on Trump.DARPA was used at a University by the same name.
Breitbart Header :
Durham Bombshell : Clinton Operatives
Spied on Trump

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This is maybe The Biggest piece of the Russian Collusion
puzzle yet.U.S. Attorney John Durham has just reported
findings about recently Indicted Clinton Lawyer Michael
Sussmann who is charged with lying to the FBI about is role
in Fabricating the Russian Collusion hoax.
He may have been part of a conspiracy to INFILTRATE
Trump Tower and mine data { Using name Georgia Tech } to
spy on Trump.DARPA was used at a University by the same name.
Breitbart Header :
Durham Bombshell : Clinton Operatives
Spied on Trump
They created this mess about Trump to counter this indictment.
The best way to head off bad news is by creating a hoax.
That's all that the Mara-lago document story is...a hoax.
They didn't even talk about it on Fox News this morning.
What’s the crime again?
What Obama thought was Funny.A real hoot.
That Trump wondered Not ... Where the Yellow Went ,
But could it be 4 real.His Team was being spied on
at Trump Tower.
I don't done tink that Clinton Lawyer Sussmann is
chuckling right about now.Nor Hillary.
Ignoring Nowadays is tantamount to being
found out.
Oh for fuck sake! :auiqs.jpg:
What is it with you card carrying members of Alt-Right Nation anyway?
When did the bus veer off the road for you? When did you go plumbing for just any asshole's opinion (let alone Hippie Stink!!) on YouTube?

Do you understand why the rest of us consider you people low information and easily led lemmings?
You'll believe ANYTHING. This guy really needs to put the meth pipe down.

Stick to your gun rights posts.
This shit is conspiracy theory folder manure. :)
When did the bus veer off the road for you? When did you go plumbing for just any asshole's opinion (let alone Hippie Stink!!) on YouTube?

about the same time you idiots started believing about Trump?

Russiagate ring a bell?

What Obama thought was Funny.A real hoot.
That Trump wondered Not ... Where the Yellow Went ,
But could it be 4 real.His Team was being spied on
at Trump Tower.
I don't done tink that Clinton Lawyer Sussmann is
chuckling right about now.Nor Hillary.
Ignoring Nowadays is tantamount to being
found out.
This is resembles English.
Special counsel John Durham says he is building a case to show the technology executive with whom an indicted Democratic lawyer on the payroll of Hillary Clinton's campaign was working to build a Trump-Russia collusion narrative gained access to internet traffic at the White House to try and obtain dirt on former President Donald Trump.

Key Quote:

Um, yeah, didn't you guys say that about Ken Starr for 8 years, he was going to get the goods on Hillary and Bill any day now and.... 70 million dollars, all he found was a blow job!
They still do.
The dems learned from Obama how to displace and
ignore.But it's only causes more trouble.
Those like Obama and Holder and Brennan believe
they are like Fire ants.Only bigger { army ants }
They rule whenever and wherever they topple.
They have an Historic rude awakening waiting for them.
This ain't no Banana Republic ... just yet.
Um, yeah, didn't you guys say that about Ken Starr for 8 years, he was going to get the goods on Hillary and Bill any day now and.... 70 million dollars, all he found was a blow job!
Is that so.No Potus in history was so given a rude
awakening.Clinton was made a jackass and a Liar almost
overnight.Talked about being embarassed and having to eat
ones words.
A Blue Stained dress was the Sherlock Holmes.
They created this mess about Trump to counter this indictment.
The best way to head off bad news is by creating a hoax.
That's all that the Mara-lago document story is...a hoax.
They didn't even talk about it on Fox News this morning.
Which begs the question.By Sane people whether in or
outside some D.C. loop.
Just how many Hoax is one Party { Democrats } allowed
to skip around.Like kiddies.
First that story didn't source Durham, it sourced somebody aka Techno Fog sourcing Durham.

And the allies of, sounds like a game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon.
Sure, argue with an official court filing.

“among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic pertaining to (i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States”
They created this mess about Trump to counter this indictment.
The best way to head off bad news is by creating a hoax.
That's all that the Mara-lago document story is...a hoax.
They didn't even talk about it on Fox News this morning.
Fox has a limited list of things they discuss.
I've known this since 2017! This is not news but mere confirmation. This is treason, when do we drag that fat, piggish, square butt of Hillary's before the special prosecutor and start convicting people like her of espionage and treason?
Talk to Poster on # 12 : What's the Crime again ".
His Mommy obviously forget his morning helping
of MAYPO. LIke the Commercial ...
I Want My MAYPO! .... Mommy.
Not even a Mommie Dearest.

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