Dutch Farmers Fight Great Reset in Massive Protests Over Policies Choking Food Production

For the Dutch Farmers, put down your weapons, learn how to regenerate your soil and go on to get much more bountiful crops. Your country is helping you.

Tell that to someone who’s wondering how to put food on the table at the end of the month. Or how to pay the electricity bill.

We're All Dutch Farmers Now​

The Corbett Report
Jul 16

" . . . This is the story of how we got here, where we're going and what it means.



Remember the Yellow Vest movement? Remember how a populist movement rose up in France in 2018, with citizens donning the gilets jaunes that drivers are required by French law to have in their car and to wear during emergency situations? Remember how they hit the streets, week after week after week in an escalating series of protests that threatened to topple the Macron government? Of course you do.

Now, do you remember why that movement started? Probably not, because the answer doesn't fit into the MSM propaganda narrative very easily. Carbon taxes. The original protests were about carbon taxes.

Specifically, France's Ministry for the Ecological Transition (which is apparently a thing that exists) decided in its infinite wisdom that the "ecology tax" on gas and diesel (which, it must also be noted, is a thing that exists) was too low, so they raised it. This sparked anger among the general public, who were already suffering from rising gas prices. And, just like that, a new nationwide (and, eventually, worldwide) protest movement was born.

Of course, most of these protesters weren't questioning The Great Global Warming Swindle itself. They weren't connecting the dots from the climate change scam to the carbon eugenics agenda to the Malthusian depopulation schemes of the anti-human elitists. They were just worried about their own pocketbooks.

But perhaps that's the point. As the mask comes off of the green agenda and people start to see it for what it is—an attack on the lives and livelihoods of the average working-class citizens—more and more people will be drawn into this fight, whether they understand the true nature of that struggle or not.

As I've documented before, this great struggle between the unwashed masses and their would-be neofeudal overlords was coming to a head in late 2019 . . . but that great confrontation was averted by the scamdemic. Suddenly, millions of people who would have been out on the streets protesting the latest carbon taxes and green craziness were now locked in their homes by their governments—many of them willingly. But now that the television isn't telling people to lock themselves in their home out of mortal fear of the corona cooties (unless you live in China), the temporary ceasefire has ended. The next shots in this war are being fired by farmers in the Netherlands.

The battle isn't just being waged in the Netherlands, of course. In 2020, Canada committed to a similar scheme of nitrogen reduction, vowing to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer by 30% by 2030. And we already know how the Canadian government will react to the inevitable farmer protests in Canada. Just look at what they did to the truckers.

And, as Kit Knightly points out over at Off-Guardian, "Denmark, Belgium and Germany are already considering similar [nitrogen reduction] policies" and both the UK and US have already put schemes into place to pay farmers not to farm.

Kit rightly concludes:

Indeed, in a world beset by a shortage of fertiliser due to sanctions against Russia and Belarus, it would seem almost mad to complain about a manure surplus, let alone try to reduce it. We’re well past the point where any of this could be considered accidental, aren’t we? Put it this way—if the collective governments of the Western world were trying to impoverish and starve their own citizens, what exactly would they be doing differently?
There can be no doubt at this point: with their carbon taxes and restrictions on farming, the would-be world controllers are deliberately crashing the world economy. The flames of protest are merely the perfectly predictable result of this controlled demolition.

And as bad as all that is, we ain't seen nothin' yet. . . .



There's a strange thing about this clash between the elitists and the working class: the former, being psychopathic swindlers, don't even hide the fact that they are positively gleeful at the prospect of reducing the average worker to abject serfdom.

Witness Ontario Liberal candidate Granville Anderson's recent assertion that rising gas prices actually provide a "silver lining": fewer of the minions will be able to afford to drive, forcing them to "find other modes of transportation." (In other words: "Let them eat electric cars!")

Or witness the World Economic Forum (along with numerous other globalist entities) declaring that lockdowns were "quietly improving cities" by keeping people from engaging in their normal day-to-day activities. The blindingly obvious reality to the average working stiff is that the lockdowns were a weapon targeted against them, preventing them from earning a living; contributing to growing poverty, social isolation and depression; and driving many to substance abuse or, in some cases, suicide.

Again, it is important to remember that neither these attacks on the middle class and working poor nor the angry response they generate are the result of incompetence or lack of awareness on the part of the agenda-setters. No, it's part of the plan. . . ."
Tell that to someone who’s wondering how to put food on the table at the end of the month. Or how to pay the electricity bill.
I have said more than once on this thread that farmers are due compensation and that that would be best paid by the fossil fuel industry because they knew what they were doing as they were destroying this world.
I have said more than once on this thread that farmers are due compensation and that that would be best paid by the fossil fuel industry because they knew what they were doing as they were destroying this world.
they are happy to accommodate, but not overnight. I wish you all knew something. Alexa, you never answered about death valley?
Dutch Farmers, time for Regime Change! Let them leave peacefully if they will; if they won't its Torches and Pitchforks

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