Eagles Get Sacked

The Eagles decided they wanted to be a bunch of spoiled liberal assholes. Only 9 of them wanted to show up to the White House invite, so Trump pulled their invitation.

Piss off to the Liberal Democratic controlled city of brotherly love.

Fuck you.
He disinvited the 9 that were will to go the rest of the team didn't want his invitation... so he punished the handful that didn't hate him. What a snowflake, nobody wanted to go to his little party so he cancels like a spoiled brat.
He disinvited the 9 that were will to go the rest of the team didn't want his invitation... so he punished the handful that didn't hate him. What a snowflake, nobody wanted to go to his little party so he cancels like a spoiled brat.
The White House belongs to the People of this nation.

Responsible management of it would demand the invitation be cancelled simply to not waste everyones time with a bunch of Snowflake kiddy gamers.
Someone posted this photo from Fox News of Donald Trump Jr. kneeling during the National Anthem. He should never be allowed in the White House again.

Dallas Cowboys have 5 of these, The New York Giants have 4 and the Washington Redskins have 3.

But the Philadelphia Eagles only have one.

What things am I talking about?

Thats right, testicles.
A lot of presidential sports traditions went out the window when Trump got elected

Throwing out the first pitch
Champions visiting the White House
President attending sporting events
President engaging in physical fitness

Trump knows he will be booed
So has the wonderment of electing the first black president. That won't happen again unless he's a conservative and follows the lead of President Trump.
More black presidents will follow the Great Obama
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice.... You get the picture? There will never be another liberal black president again.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice.... You get the picture? There will never be another liberal black president again.

Obama did not run as a liberal, he ran as a moderate, with moderate promises of keeping your insurance or your doctor, of stabilizing the markets, being a race neutral leader who could lead us out of the mess of liberal market capitalism and toward more 'direct market' capitalism which we see in Germany, Austria, etc and that have been enormously successful.

In truth I think Obama is more moderate and successful as a POTUS than Republicans care to admit, nor as successful as most Dimocrats claim. He did use Federal intervention to save our markets, restoring confidence in our financial system and worked to recapitalize our banking system. He strengthened relations with our Western allies, worked hard to establish a kind of 'normalcy' in our international relations, and so forth, a very in-the-box, by-the-book kind of approach that led to some stability around the world, but also disastrous effect in the exceptional situations and gave us ISIS and mass Syrian migration that seems to be destroying the EU right now.

But how Obama will finally be understood in history is really hard to tell because almost no one was willing to be honest about him. Journalists were either his cheerleaders or his enemies and not a balanced view of him is to be found anywhere.

But I suspect he was somewhere between an abysmal failure and a genius.

The next moderate black Democrat for POTUS is going to be a much harder sell, for sure.

But never say 'never', lol.
I think you praise the him too much, Jim. Obama's success was done with a pen and a phone and it ended the day Trump was elected to dismantle his legacy., not with legislation but with a pen.
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The Eagles decided they wanted to be a bunch of spoiled liberal assholes. Only 9 of them wanted to show up to the White House invite, so Trump pulled their invitation.

Piss off to the Liberal Democratic controlled city of brotherly love.

Fuck you.

Fuck you and fuck Trump. Trump is a racist pig and blacks are going to be very energized to turn out in 2020. Trump will lose Pennsylvania. Trump is sacking America by dividing it unlike no one has including Obama. Using the flag and anthem to divide people is disgusting. Trump should be tried for treason.
Trump has been accused of lying about the Eagles team and the National Anthem protests at games. Does anyone have a photo of the team not standing for the National Anthem?
They showed photos this morning of Eagles players doing a Black Pride Fist protest during the anthem similar to the protest at the Olympics.

Trump is a class A liar. The Anthem has been trashed by Trump. It has been cheapened into a political weapon by the Trump trash. This is not a banana republic in which you can force people to be subservient to a piece of cloth and notes strung together. To think that Trump can teach patriotism is like saying Hitler can teach us about Jewish people.
The Eagles decided they wanted to be a bunch of spoiled liberal assholes. Only 9 of them wanted to show up to the White House invite, so Trump pulled their invitation.

Piss off to the Liberal Democratic controlled city of brotherly love.

Fuck you.
He disinvited the 9 that were will to go the rest of the team didn't want his invitation... so he punished the handful that didn't hate him. What a snowflake, nobody wanted to go to his little party so he cancels like a spoiled brat.
The whole team needed to suffer for the deceptions of the majority of the team.
If Trump had let the 9 show up the rest of the team would have black-balled them.
This team is filled with a bunch of sorry individuals that don't deserve any special consideration.

I still think that the few that decided not to go back on their word deserve something.
A weekend at one of his resorts or a private tour of the White House with Ivanka as guest host.

I was gonna buy an Eagles Super Bowl hat, but now that choice has been made for me.
Trump's scam was exposed. The Eagle's were right to not show up for the traditional event trump tried to turn into a political stunt about himself while he told malicious lies about them.
It is wonderful that trump's lying is coming through so clear and recognized. He is being accepted more and more as a simple degenerate compulsive liar and con man.
Every single time Trump ends up with shit all over his face, ie the Mueller issue, ie you are not above the law, ass ho....HE ALWAYS HAS TO FIND A NIGGA ISSUE TO FEED TO HIS ADORING WHITE TRASH CANS, ie REPUBLICANS!!
Now its time to dust off the Eagles and their sell out nigga's and throw a tweet fit of uninviting those who could give a fuck about Trump to began with. Should we survive this white bitch and his white house, WHITE PEOPLE WHO HAVE IQ'S OF LESS THAN 2, WHICH IS MOST OF EM, SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO VOTE EVER AGAIN!!

You wouldn’t be racist would you? And you call Republicans racist.

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Trump's scam was exposed. The Eagle's were right to not show up for the traditional event trump tried to turn into a political stunt about himself while he told malicious lies about them.
It is wonderful that trump's lying is coming through so clear and recognized. He is being accepted more and more as a simple degenerate compulsive liar and con man.

Did you watch the celebration, celebrating America, that was better than any spoiled football players anyway.

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The Eagles decided they wanted to be a bunch of spoiled liberal assholes. Only 9 of them wanted to show up to the White House invite, so Trump pulled their invitation.

Piss off to the Liberal Democratic controlled city of brotherly love.

Fuck you.

Do they have to go to the White House?
The Eagles decided they wanted to be a bunch of spoiled liberal assholes. Only 9 of them wanted to show up to the White House invite, so Trump pulled their invitation.

Piss off to the Liberal Democratic controlled city of brotherly love.

Fuck you.

Do they have to go to the White House?
They were given the option to go, deceptively chose to go with a RVSP, and then pulled a fast one at the last minute hoping to embarrass Trump. If they think they have a point by being dishonest they have alot to learn. Lying to the White House shows what kind of character the Eagles Players possess., or the lack of.
The Eagles thought they were going to play a very funny joke by having 80 team members rsvp as attending while only 2 or 3 actually showed up. It was supposed to embarrass the president while all cameras were showing the action. How funny that was supposed to be. Trump stopped the action by withdrawing the invitation. How funny is that?
Too bad for the 1,000 plus fans that planned to attend based on the lying rsvp.
I want to see those RSVPs because I certainly don't believe the lying fuck Trump.

How funny is it that so many people don't want to visit the White House? t used to be a placer of dignity. Now it is a a pit of lies, deception & money grubbing.
The Eagles decided they wanted to be a bunch of spoiled liberal assholes. Only 9 of them wanted to show up to the White House invite, so Trump pulled their invitation.

Piss off to the Liberal Democratic controlled city of brotherly love.

Fuck you.

Do they have to go to the White House?
They were given the option to go, deceptively chose to go with a RVSP, and then pulled a fast one at the last minute hoping to embarrass Trump. If they think they have a point by being dishonest they have alot to learn. Lying to the White House shows what kind of character the Eagles Players possess., or the lack of.
The idea you believe that orange bastard is funnier that shit.

Where are those RSVPs?
Got some real men playing for a championship now, the NHL
These players are from all over the world and they Know how great the USA is
Won’t find them kneeling and squealing over a non existent situation

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