Earliest school snow closing on record in Idaho



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Snow is in our forecast for Monday. That would be October 12, pretty early for Chicago.
sun valley doesn't have a ski resort for nothing. And it might be the earliest snow day and but snow is common this time of year up there.

The point, of course, was not that it snowed even in early October in an area where early snows are not uncommon.

The point was that even by THEIR standards it was a LOT of snow.

And, as I noted before, there are more and more of these anoloies getting reported.

Some people see the many signs before their very eyes and pretend that there's nothing to see or even think about. We call these unthinking people "liberals."
and by the way, you might want to ask me my views on global warming before you start making assumptions.:eusa_shhh:

Then again, I might not.

You are taking it all to heart. Feeling defensive?

I wasn't talking about YOU in particular. Your reading comprehnsion skills are open to doubt, by the way.
I am no problem with lia questioning global warming, I question the whole thing myself. My problem is that he sounds like Chris and is talking about a region that is accustomed to having a lot of snow and getting that snow in october therefore it does not prove anything.

Wrong AGAIN Lui. You appear to be reading- (and comprehension- ) challenged.

As I have already noted more than once (despite your desire to ignore such words) I have not suggested that one example serves to make the case. What I have suggested (despite your unwillingness to acknowledge it) is that there are more and more of these "signs" which seem to (possibly?) collectlively be telling us somethings which the AGW crowd simply does not wish to see.
Never fear, this new trend is not a threat to global warming that a good name change and ad campaign can't fix.

Obviously it's getting colder BECAUSE it's getting warmer.

It's "Global Warming Cooling".

See, that was easy.
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Never fear, this new trend is not a threat to global warming that a good name change and ad campaign can't fix.

Obviously it's getting colder BECAUSE it's getting warmer.

It's "Global Warming Cooling".

See, that was easy.

Global Moderation, also known by the psuedo-scientific mumbo-jumbo jargon name of "paradoxical effects of global warming" is one of the most urgent threats ever in the history of modern weather -- er -- modern global climate!

If ONLY the damn, filthy, selfish, rotten, evil, capitalistic American people and their evil government would only unilaterally impose every aspect of the Kyoto Scam -- er -- that is, the Kyoto Accords, the planet could be saved!
October 7th, 2009 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

2009 1 +0.304 +0.443 +0.165 -0.036
2009 2 +0.347 +0.678 +0.016 +0.051
2009 3 +0.206 +0.310 +0.103 -0.149
2009 4 +0.090 +0.124 +0.056 -0.014
2009 5 +0.045 +0.046 +0.044 -0.166
2009 6 +0.003 +0.031 -0.025 -0.003
2009 7 +0.411 +0.212 +0.610 +0.427
2009 8 +0.229 +0.282 +0.177 +0.456
2009 9 +0.424 +0.554 +0.295 +0.516
September 2009 UAH Global Temperature Update +0.42 deg. C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
According to RSS, September 2009 was warm compared to normal with a global temperature anomaly of +.476 C. Keep in mind, the RSS temperature data covers the latitudes between 82.5 North and 70 South across the globe, so large areas of the polar regions are omitted.

Based on RSS data alone, September 2009 was the warmest month compared to normal since January of 2007 and the warmest September since September of 1998, when the anomaly was +.494 C.

September 2009 anomaly for the continental U.S.: +.573 C

September 2009 anomaly for the northern Hemisphere: +.603 C

September 2009 anomaly for the southern Hemisphere: +.342 C

I will post the September 2009 data from the NCDC, GISS and UAH when it becomes available.
AccuWeather.com: Global Warming News, Science, Myths, Articles

Check out the warming in Central Canada. It is the second article down in on the site.
Once again, we have people talking about pseudo science, yet not posting a single scientific source to back up their arguements.

Why would they? so you can call someone who has triple the education you have a pseudo-scientist? and liability posted low temperatures, same as you posted high ones.
Elvis, you silly fool, those were not tempertures. Not that you are capable of understanding what was posted, in any case. Just go back to scatological idiocy and leave the debate to adults.
Elvis, you silly fool, those were not tempertures. Not that you are capable of understanding what was posted, in any case. Just go back to scatological idiocy and leave the debate to adults.

apparently you aren't adult enough to admit that 200 years is not a large enough sample out of 3.5 billion to determine anything. and I thought you weren't into name calling, old ****.

When will the USA step up the plate and singlehandedly end the threat of man-made global warming?

Wood River Valley News

Some Idaho school kids enjoy an early snow day

11:52 AM MDT on Wednesday, October 7, 2009

* * * *

BELLEVUE -- Just one week ago, we were bracing for a "cool down" from the 80s to the 60s.

Now, it's getting downright wintry. And in some parts of our viewing area, snow is piling up.

This may be one for the record books, not only how early this heavy fall snowstorm is, but the fact that it appears to have created the earliest snow day in the history of the Blaine County School District.

“We got dumped on last night, you can see that by looking around here. We weren't quite ready for it. It did cause us some issues in the school district," Lonnie Barber, Blaine County Superintendent.
* * * *
Some Idaho school kids enjoy an early snow day | KTVB.COM | Wood River Valley, Sun Valley, Ketchum, Hailey news & weather

The article went on to describe lots of heavy snow on trees still bearing many leaves coming down on power lines.

We are getting more and more of these anomolous "signs," but the algorian global doomsayers are going to tell us that this is just a manifestation of the paradoxical effect of global warming. :cuckoo:

"The sun so hot I froze to death." O Susannah.

Like it now, because ALL the Ice on the Whole Wide Woild will be gone by 2012!...

algore said so!



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