Early Voting affirmed in Ohio victory for Obama


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Ohio Early Voting Ruling Appealed By John Husted, Deepening Confusion Over Election Laws

If only the GOP could reinstate the Polls Tax, so that poor and disadvantaged voters cannot vote. That would make them happy. Their excuse for Voter ID is "illegal voting" even though there is little or no evidence.

Tell me what the Repub excuse is for limiting early voting, particularly in pro Obama districts. This is one of the reasons the GOP has left a bad taste in my mouth for years. Everyone knows who they govern for. That is the rich and affluent. To Hell with the Poor and Disenfrachised.

I have tried to empathise with the GOP causes, and when I get close to supporting them, they pull something like this. Or they come up with the "47%" remark, the "legitimate rape remark", or they flip positions like their current Pres candidate.

The GOP has finally achieved their long sort after goal. They have nominate a candidate for President that is "Ultra Rich." :clap2:
Ministers have stalled their Souls to the Polls campaigns. And Husted has raised the ante in the latest round between the state's Democrats and Republicans over expanding or limiting voter access.

I thought democrats wanted seperation of church and state? Yet the dont mind if democrats do it.....interesting
Ministers have stalled their Souls to the Polls campaigns. And Husted has raised the ante in the latest round between the state's Democrats and Republicans over expanding or limiting voter access.

I thought democrats wanted seperation of church and state? Yet the dont mind if democrats do it.....interesting

So you are saying you are for voter suppression? I kinda thought so.
Name any thing that is considered important that you can do without an ID. There are places in this country where you can be arrested if your over 16 and are on the street without an ID, so why would you not favor ID to vote?

The Ohio early voting law looks to very similar to the one we have here in TX where you can vote early the two weeks prior to the election, they simply added a couple of days for active duty military and it was the dems that had a freaking cow. What will happen is the law will be changed back like it was before without the military exception and the only people hurt will be the military. So why do you want to disenfranchise active duty milityary? Do you think they won't vote for Maobama.
Would this be the Ohio that is a dead heat with Obama leading by just +1.3 ? Republicans don't need to do anything to limit voting early or otherwise Obama is doing a good enough job turning of moderates and independents all on his own.
Would this be the Ohio that is a dead heat with Obama leading by just +1.3 ? Republicans don't need to do anything to limit voting early or otherwise Obama is doing a good enough job turning of moderates and independents all on his own.

Then why are they pulling out all stops to keep people from the polls? Everyone knows early voting is favoring the Dems. The protectors of the Constitution, the proud GOP, is doing everything in its power to limit legitimate citizens from Voting. What sickening group of Hypocrites!

Ohio is gone. Concentrate of some other state that can Willard and his son win....wait...there is none....:clap2:
THIS THREAD IS NOT A CONSPIRACY! It sound like one and it is hard to believe, but the GOP is pulling out all stops in Ohio to suppress legitimate voters.
Ohio Early Voting Affirmed In Win For Obama Campaign

and a victory for all voters. The GOP has tried to suppress voters by what ever means they can. Yes, they love to hold up the Constitution, until it doesn't help their cause.
Conservatives just hate voting by illegal immigrants and other illegal voting. Too bad the potus doesn't feel the same way, but him being a socialist doesn't surprise me.
Ohio Early Voting Affirmed In Win For Obama Campaign

and a victory for all voters. The GOP has tried to suppress voters by what ever means they can. Yes, they love to hold up the Constitution, until it doesn't help their cause.
Conservatives just hate voting by illegal immigrants and other illegal voting. Too bad the potus doesn't feel the same way, but him being a socialist doesn't surprise me.

No, that does not wash with legitimate early voting. You can use that excuse with Voter ID, and you can try to reimpose the Poll Tax. But early voting is being suppressed by the GOP for one reason. That is to keep the poor and disadvantaged away from the polls.

The Repub feeling is if someone cannot drive their Cadillac to the polls and vote, then they don't deserve to vote at all. The Repub Attorney General in Ohio is working day and night trying to figure out how to keep the poor, people of color, and anyone that does not fit the squeaking white model of a Repub, away from the polls. Hypocrites who say "Uphold the Constiitution!!" Right... Then they turn around and begin planning on how to keep people from voting.
Ohio Early Voting Affirmed In Win For Obama Campaign

and a victory for all voters. The GOP has tried to suppress voters by what ever means they can. Yes, they love to hold up the Constitution, until it doesn't help their cause.

Heh, having an ID to vote is not unreasonable unless of course one is trying to cheat.

especially when you offer the Fucking ID for FREE!!!


Poll Tax my fucking ass.

the only reason to Oppose Voter ID, If easy, Free access to those who need it is given to said ID's, Is if you want people who should not be able to Vote, to be able to Vote.

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Early Voting has nothing to do with the lame Voter ID GOP supression tactic. It is about giving people the opportunity to vote. The GOP wants to limit that and the people of Ohio need to know that the Repub party is trying to steal their votes!
Ohio Early Voting Affirmed In Win For Obama Campaign

and a victory for all voters. The GOP has tried to suppress voters by what ever means they can. Yes, they love to hold up the Constitution, until it doesn't help their cause.
Conservatives just hate voting by illegal immigrants and other illegal voting. Too bad the potus doesn't feel the same way, but him being a socialist doesn't surprise me.

No, that does not wash with legitimate early voting. You can use that excuse with Voter ID, and you can try to reimpose the Poll Tax. But early voting is being suppressed by the GOP for one reason. That is to keep the poor and disadvantaged away from the polls.

The Repub feeling is if someone cannot drive their Cadillac to the polls and vote, then they don't deserve to vote at all. The Repub Attorney General in Ohio is working day and night trying to figure out how to keep the poor, people of color, and anyone that does not fit the squeaking white model of a Repub, away from the polls. Hypocrites who say "Uphold the Constiitution!!" Right... Then they turn around and begin planning on how to keep people from voting.
If the voters that are too lazy to drive their cadillac to the polling place to vote, they do not deserve to vote early either.

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