Easier to outline America’s myriad faults than engage with its triumphs.

And now, even worse, conservative judge Michael Luttig makes a great but sad point about our standing: "Never again will the world be inspired by American democracy in the way that it has been since our founding almost 250 years ago." We have abdicated our role as world leader, for no good reason.
Jesus. You never were world leader except in your fevered self congratulations.

Easier to outline America’s myriad faults than engage with its triumphs.​

What are its triumphs?

Largest offence spending?
Greatest incarcerated population?

But I suppose the headline is self explaining. Of course it's easier to comment on something for which there are myriad examples rather than having to search for rare triumphs.
Neither coronavirus, the election of Donald Trump, nor the January 6th Capitol riots were the source of this antagonism to 21st-century America, though they provided expedient justification for an otherwise ill-defined, impressionistic prejudice. This broad-stroke anti-Americanism is typified by disdain for the national character (they are brash and lack taste), the contours of its politics (they are susceptible, perhaps even prone, to fits of populism) and its cultural output (bland Hollywood is responsible for artistic atrophy).

This sneering at the United States – particularly potent in Britain but evident in Ireland and much of Europe too – is a modern phenomenon. Twentieth-century America was beloved and feared – celebrated as a bastion of democracy; a national experiment that sought to link its people not by ancient heritage but by civic belonging; a country far from flawless but still a lodestar for old Europe to aspire to. In fact, as Janan Ganesh pointed out in the Financial Times, plenty of countries have heeded the American example: boasting large migrant and naturalised migrant populations, with market economies and no-longer-relevant aristocracies. In short, Europe owes a lot to its weirdest ally.

Everyone American can find fault with something. That's a good thing because it helps us be better.

But, the current state is not new. It has been evolving in the GOP for the last 50+ years starting with the "Southern Strategy" and onward with the GOP recruiting each and every fringe group of psycho nuts by promising they'd address their insane concerns.

The GOP thought they could keep the nuts in line but in 2009 the "Niggar" invaded their White House and the critical mass of nutjobs in the GOP took over.

As an American I am embarrassed by their attitudes and actions.
AS a Republican I am humiliated by them.
I'm not going to read this because I don't care.

Screw 'em. I'm done with sniveling Europe and their opinions. Really (not aimed at you, just in general).

And I am FAR from alone.
And yet the threads about the US being disrespected by its allies keep coming.
Hypocrite much?
Yet, no one asks." why". The Middle Class was abandoned, poisons in their streets, industries shipped overseas, no Rule of Law as millions illegally enter your country.and work jobs under the table. Your response is that these people follow a Showman. They followed Obama too except he didnt deliver anything for them. The new generation don't care for their country as they view their futures as bleak and their once unique citizenship as accessible to others as an illegal trek across their border. This is the fault of short sighted Western leadership over decades. I just interpret what Im seeing from far away.and what I read in comments on social media.etc. 65% Of Americans don't like the direction thsir country is going in, you expect these people to trust/support the same Establishment politicians?
As a Canadian I'm sure your ignorance plays a big role in your attitudes toward the US.
More like able to copy, paste, and post a link.. (as in no personal content).. (as in lazy AF).

There would be content following, if you had the good grace to wait, and come up with something meaningful, other than a gratuitous snark.
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Lol. When did they? When you illegally invaded Iraq? When you laid waste to Vietnam? When you helped turn Libya into a collection of warring fiefdoms? When you liberated Grenada?
Why must you make arguments personal? How do you think that tactic is working out?
There would be content following, if you had the good grace to wait, and come up with something meaningful, other than a gratuitous snark.
True, more grace is always great and snark may be all I've got to contribute here. Decent enough topic, however directly bitching beats reporting people in my book and the new rules specify adding some of your own content first. Plagiarism is what your OP amounts to since you neglected to use quotes. Take some responsibility. Lazy.

You only have yourself to blame if this thread gets locked.
  • Fact
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I'm not going to read this because I don't care.

Screw 'em. I'm done with sniveling Europe and their opinions. Really (not aimed at you, just in general).

And I am FAR from alone.
I've been reading a lot of stuff over the last few months about growing discontent in the UK. They certainly have no right to judge the US. They have far more problems than we do. Their own people are standing up against out of control wokeness.
True, more grace is always great and snark may be all I've got to contribute here. Decent enough topic, however directly bitching beats reporting people in my book and the new rules specify adding some of your own content first. Plagiarism is what your OP amounts to since you neglected to use quotes. Take some responsibility. Lazy.

You only have yourself to blame if this thread gets locked.

Downstairs is for gratuitous bitching. Although it seems safer down there of late.

Thanks for the morality tale though.
What’s happening up here is what l came upstairs to avoid. The irresistible desire to personally bait and insult.

So back down to the basement l go. To wallow in the filth and depravity.
Our allies (such as they now are) no longer trust us. Like many Americans across the political spectrum, this brash, arrogant ignorance that has gripped the country since Escalator Day is conjuring up a phrase that was used quite often many years ago: "The ugly American".

Those of us from across the political spectrum who are horrified at the arrogant ignorance has been exposed about America over these last seven years don't have an answer for them. We're still coming to terms with it ourselves. We really, truly, honestly thought America was better than this.

And now, even worse, conservative judge Michael Luttig makes a great but sad point about our standing: "Never again will the world be inspired by American democracy in the way that it has been since our founding almost 250 years ago." We have abdicated our role as world leader, for no good reason.

The Ugly American was a book written about 65 years ago, that looked at the arrogant ignorance of American foreign policy in Vietnam, which goes back a lot further that Escalator Day and 7 years ago. Consider:

Alice Roosevelt Longworth, the daughter of President Theodore Roosevelt, once reportedly contended that her father was such an egotist that he “always wanted to be the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding and the baby at every christening.” The hubristic officials in charge of U.S. foreign policy seek a similar status for the United States. They always want Washington to be in charge, even when that policy increases both the financial burdens on and the military risks to the American people. A far more modest foreign policy is long overdue.

But you had to turn it into an opportunity to bash Trump, even though such arrogance has existed for a long time prior to Elevator Day.

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