East Coast Republicans Slam Trump Administration’s Offshore Drilling Plan


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
East Coast Republicans Slam Trump Administration’s Offshore Drilling Plan

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Rick Scott were among the first to criticize the proposal.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who introduced a bill last year to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, tweeted that he was “100 percent opposed.”

In his own tweet, Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) called drilling off Florida’s coast “extremely alarming & unacceptable.”

“Our voice has been clear from start: we will not tolerate drilling near our coast,” he said.

In the sternest statement yet, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.) skewered the administration for its plans to include the Gulf of Mexico, where a BP rig lost control of an undersea well in 2010 and spilled 4 million barrels of crude oil.

“Not acceptable to include Gulf of Mexico off Florida’s coast!” he tweeted. “Zinke must reject plans to gut safety rules implemented after Deepwater Horizon disaster. Short memory = recipe for disaster.”

well Gaetz is a lunatic and he is only a rep from a lot of help from his Daddy, a Fl senator who was in charge of gerrymandering.

Trump only has only a goal , he is after the big money and money pals who are going to pay him big time for favors he has bestowed upon them.
Anyone with more than a couple of neurons to rub together can see this is a very bad idea.
The planet needs less fossil-fuel pollution, not more!
I read he has a war on the Great Lakes as well. He had best not ok drilling in them. That would be the end of him.
East Coast Republicans Slam Trump Administration’s Offshore Drilling Plan

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Rick Scott were among the first to criticize the proposal.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who introduced a bill last year to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, tweeted that he was “100 percent opposed.”

In his own tweet, Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) called drilling off Florida’s coast “extremely alarming & unacceptable.”

“Our voice has been clear from start: we will not tolerate drilling near our coast,” he said.

In the sternest statement yet, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.) skewered the administration for its plans to include the Gulf of Mexico, where a BP rig lost control of an undersea well in 2010 and spilled 4 million barrels of crude oil.

“Not acceptable to include Gulf of Mexico off Florida’s coast!” he tweeted. “Zinke must reject plans to gut safety rules implemented after Deepwater Horizon disaster. Short memory = recipe for disaster.”

well Gaetz is a lunatic and he is only a rep from a lot of help from his Daddy, a Fl senator who was in charge of gerrymandering.

Trump only has only a goal , he is after the big money and money pals who are going to pay him big time for favors he has bestowed upon them.

It's the same thing my friend as teddy Kennedy slammed wind mills off shore in Martha's vineyard or when the ex mayor of Chicago closed down Meigs field in the middle of the night because his wife didn't like the airplane noise ..

Not in my back yard


Overall, I been reading that Trump did this just to punish California for their progressive policies - 'This is further proof of President Trump’s war on California' - Trump is a low life.

He is a nutcase. The tax bill also went against all blue states, NY and CA especially.

Good sanctuary states are not part of the United States and must be crushed :)

Here is stupid Ann talking about healthcare, stating "We never had free market healthcare"

It turns out that, outside of a communist dictatorship, all sorts of products are affordable AND widely available! We don't need Congress to "provide" us with health care any more than we need them to "provide" us with bread. What we need is for health insurance to be available on the free market.

With lots of companies competing for your business, basic health insurance would cost about $50 a month. We know the cost because Christian groups got a waiver from Obamacare, and that's how much their insurance costs right now. (Under the law, it can't be called "insurance," but that's what it is.)

Does she think most people are idiots.

Quest for her, why do we provide congress with health ins. let them get it on their own, I don't want to buy any state or federal employees healthcare from now on.

Overall, I been reading that Trump did this just to punish California for their progressive policies - 'This is further proof of President Trump’s war on California' - Trump is a low life.

He is a nutcase. The tax bill also went against all blue states, NY and CA especially.

Good sanctuary states are not part of the United States and must be crushed :)

Here is stupid Ann talking about healthcare, stating "We never had free market healthcare"

It turns out that, outside of a communist dictatorship, all sorts of products are affordable AND widely available! We don't need Congress to "provide" us with health care any more than we need them to "provide" us with bread. What we need is for health insurance to be available on the free market.

With lots of companies competing for your business, basic health insurance would cost about $50 a month. We know the cost because Christian groups got a waiver from Obamacare, and that's how much their insurance costs right now. (Under the law, it can't be called "insurance," but that's what it is.)

Does she think most people are idiots.

Quest for her, why do we provide congress with health ins. let them get it on their own, I don't want to buy any state or federal employees healthcare from now on.

Why are you just using random quotes Penelope?

To get to know some one political you have to sit down drink a cup of coffee smoke some cigars and read their books..then comment, Ann is a good smart woman (to much baggage though for a liberal to take her seriously)

Overall, I been reading that Trump did this just to punish California for their progressive policies - 'This is further proof of President Trump’s war on California' - Trump is a low life.

Trump should be screwing California............shithole of a state is anti-Make America Great Again. Most people want a wall built around the eastern border when the wall goes in.......best idea Ive ever heard of. They can go be their own country...............happy now!!:2up::spinner::spinner:
Anyone with more than a couple of neurons to rub together can see this is a very bad idea.
The planet needs less fossil-fuel pollution, not more!
Correlation does not equal causation. Natural variation is fully capable of what we see today. Where is your scientific proof that we have done ANYTHING? Models are not credible and have no predictive power so they are garbage.. How about you start with Observed, Quantified, Empirical Evidence and experiments that can be replicated... None of which have been done by the alarmist camp.
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Overall, I been reading that Trump did this just to punish California for their progressive policies - 'This is further proof of President Trump’s war on California' - Trump is a low life.

He is a nutcase. The tax bill also went against all blue states, NY and CA especially.
I guess you morons should get after your own idiots, in your own states, and make them lower your taxes.. but that would go against your tax and spend stupidity and your desire for an all powerful state control...

Why don't you fix YOUR OWN STUPIDITY and quit trying to force the rest of us to pay for it.
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East Coast Republicans Slam Trump Administration’s Offshore Drilling Plan

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Rick Scott were among the first to criticize the proposal.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who introduced a bill last year to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, tweeted that he was “100 percent opposed.”

In his own tweet, Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) called drilling off Florida’s coast “extremely alarming & unacceptable.”

“Our voice has been clear from start: we will not tolerate drilling near our coast,” he said.

In the sternest statement yet, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.) skewered the administration for its plans to include the Gulf of Mexico, where a BP rig lost control of an undersea well in 2010 and spilled 4 million barrels of crude oil.

“Not acceptable to include Gulf of Mexico off Florida’s coast!” he tweeted. “Zinke must reject plans to gut safety rules implemented after Deepwater Horizon disaster. Short memory = recipe for disaster.”

well Gaetz is a lunatic and he is only a rep from a lot of help from his Daddy, a Fl senator who was in charge of gerrymandering.

Trump only has only a goal , he is after the big money and money pals who are going to pay him big time for favors he has bestowed upon them.

It's the same thing my friend as teddy Kennedy slammed wind mills off shore in Martha's vineyard or when the ex mayor of Chicago closed down Meigs field in the middle of the night because his wife didn't like the airplane noise ..

Not in my back yard

View attachment 170024

Drain the swamp of Elitism... from both sides..
East Coast Republicans Slam Trump Administration’s Offshore Drilling Plan

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Rick Scott were among the first to criticize the proposal.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who introduced a bill last year to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, tweeted that he was “100 percent opposed.”

In his own tweet, Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) called drilling off Florida’s coast “extremely alarming & unacceptable.”

“Our voice has been clear from start: we will not tolerate drilling near our coast,” he said.

In the sternest statement yet, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.) skewered the administration for its plans to include the Gulf of Mexico, where a BP rig lost control of an undersea well in 2010 and spilled 4 million barrels of crude oil.

“Not acceptable to include Gulf of Mexico off Florida’s coast!” he tweeted. “Zinke must reject plans to gut safety rules implemented after Deepwater Horizon disaster. Short memory = recipe for disaster.”

well Gaetz is a lunatic and he is only a rep from a lot of help from his Daddy, a Fl senator who was in charge of gerrymandering.

Trump only has only a goal , he is after the big money and money pals who are going to pay him big time for favors he has bestowed upon them.

It's the same thing my friend as teddy Kennedy slammed wind mills off shore in Martha's vineyard or when the ex mayor of Chicago closed down Meigs field in the middle of the night because his wife didn't like the airplane noise ..

Not in my back yard

View attachment 170024

Exactly, everyone wants the benefits of a modern technological society, but people are selfish and balk when what is required to provide that society is within eyesight.
Anyone with more than a couple of neurons to rub together can see this is a very bad idea.
The planet needs less fossil-fuel pollution, not more!

LOL........fAiL.........it grew like hell in 2013!! Check the satellite photos s0n!!!

Anyway............nobody cares about the acrtic in 2018.

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East Coast Republicans Slam Trump Administration’s Offshore Drilling Plan

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Gov. Rick Scott were among the first to criticize the proposal.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who introduced a bill last year to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, tweeted that he was “100 percent opposed.”

In his own tweet, Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) called drilling off Florida’s coast “extremely alarming & unacceptable.”

“Our voice has been clear from start: we will not tolerate drilling near our coast,” he said.

In the sternest statement yet, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.) skewered the administration for its plans to include the Gulf of Mexico, where a BP rig lost control of an undersea well in 2010 and spilled 4 million barrels of crude oil.

“Not acceptable to include Gulf of Mexico off Florida’s coast!” he tweeted. “Zinke must reject plans to gut safety rules implemented after Deepwater Horizon disaster. Short memory = recipe for disaster.”

well Gaetz is a lunatic and he is only a rep from a lot of help from his Daddy, a Fl senator who was in charge of gerrymandering.

Trump only has only a goal , he is after the big money and money pals who are going to pay him big time for favors he has bestowed upon them.
There is no way around offshore drilling for oil.

We need the oil.

The oil is getting harder to find.

Besides the GOP has always been all about more oil drilling everywhere anyway. But then even Obama allowed record oil drilling during his admin.

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