Eastern Europe is Better Than Us on Many Levels

I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, I want to say the default right-wing thing which is "If you don't like it then leave!"

On the other hand, I want to just plain laugh that POLAND is the country we are saying is better than the US. Not Japan or Switzerland or Sweden or someplace actually nice, but POLAND.
Less crime. Less Islamic terrorism. Less multi-culturism. Good work ethic. Families are promoted. Hedonism is frowned upon.
No Critical Race Theory horseshit.
I watched this video last Summer. It's the opening af a new military Cathedral in Moscow.
Military. God, Faith. Homogenous culture.
When I was watching this serene stability, the BLM riots was at its peak in the U.S
I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, I want to say the default right-wing thing which is "If you don't like it then leave!"

On the other hand, I want to just plain laugh that POLAND is the country we are saying is better than the US. Not Japan or Switzerland or Sweden or someplace actually nice, but POLAND.
If I was 20 years younger, I'd move to Poland or Hungary.
I'd move to Iceland or Finland or Barbados or something.

But sure, go enjoy Poland.
Eastern Europe is, unfortunately declining in freedom.

Eastern Europe is, unfortunately declining in freedom.

They are having a hard time over there...50+ years of Soviet rule led to just so much corruption in that part of the world due to Russia and China, etc
Eastern Europe is, unfortunately declining in freedom.

They are having a hard time over there...50+ years of Soviet rule led to just so much corruption in that part of the world due to Russia and China, etc
On the flip side, they do allow observers into the count centres, and the police don't knock on your door for a mean tweet.
On the flip side, they do allow observers into the count centres, and the police don't knock on your door for a mean tweet.-Foreigner Looking In.

Oh, right, who was our President during those American travesties anyhow?

You sure are obsessed with race.
Only because the left thinks only whites dont have a right to their own country.

I knew that is what youd get hung up on. Too bad you dont care about basic rights that came from NW Europe and America
On the flip side, they do allow observers into the count centres, and the police don't knock on your door for a mean tweet.-Foreigner Looking In.

Oh, right, who was our President during those American travesties anyhow?

Until Biden, the EO Champ, presidents arent dictators
I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, I want to say the default right-wing thing which is "If you don't like it then leave!"

On the other hand, I want to just plain laugh that POLAND is the country we are saying is better than the US. Not Japan or Switzerland or Sweden or someplace actually nice, but POLAND.
This seems to trigger you. Some of us recognize they are on the upward path because they have discovered FREEDOM for the individual, while leftists have continually tightened the screws on freedom.
I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, I want to say the default right-wing thing which is "If you don't like it then leave!"

On the other hand, I want to just plain laugh that POLAND is the country we are saying is better than the US. Not Japan or Switzerland or Sweden or someplace actually nice, but POLAND.
Sweden has fallen. In 20 years time Swedes will be refugees looking for asylum.
I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, I want to say the default right-wing thing which is "If you don't like it then leave!"

On the other hand, I want to just plain laugh that POLAND is the country we are saying is better than the US. Not Japan or Switzerland or Sweden or someplace actually nice, but POLAND.
They have the memory of authoritarian control. Eastern Europe was brutal under Soviet domination. With Poland it is their bad luck to be between Russia and Germany. The world is about conquering and we have whitewashed it with many people believing we have "evolved" in the 21st Century. China is on course to overtake us as the number one country in the world in about a quarter century at most.
I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, I want to say the default right-wing thing which is "If you don't like it then leave!"

On the other hand, I want to just plain laugh that POLAND is the country we are saying is better than the US. Not Japan or Switzerland or Sweden or someplace actually nice, but POLAND.
This seems to trigger you. Some of us recognize they are on the upward path because they have discovered FREEDOM for the individual, while leftists have continually tightened the screws on freedom.
Yeah, hey which party was it that went to court 60 times to have votes tossed out and freedoms thrown away?


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