Eastern Moldova (so - called Transnistria) has just formally requested assistance from the Moscow empire against Moldova.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
In all honesty, 🇸🇦 🇷🇺 parasha did to Transnistria what they did to Crimea.
Muscofication (Moscowification), blackmail, corruption.
We need Moldova to formally ask Ukraine to assist in 🇷🇺🇸🇦decolonization ………

On 22 June 2018, UN General Assembly adopted resolution (document A/72/L.58), which urged the Moscow empire (ulus) to unconditionally withdraw its troops and armaments without delay from the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

There is no economic blockade on the part of Moldova. SO -CALLED Transnistria exports products throughout the EU through the Rep. Moldova and Romania. MUSCOVY always lies

So the Transnisterian people have their Putin lovers too. Achtung!
So the Transnisterian people have their Putin lovers too. Achtung!
so -called "The Transnisterian" is a product of Moscow colonization and Moscow aggression , but this time Moscow empire will fail ....The Eastern Moldova will be part of Europe

The Transnisterian peoples just want to rejoin the Soviet Union.

No longer want to be part of the breakaway state of Moldova

So the Transnisterian people have their Putin lovers too. Achtung!
So the Transnisterian people have their Putin lovers too. Achtung!
This is 1-to-1 what mongol - 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 Muscovite POWs say in Ukraine.- we thought we fought nazis- war is bad- money is good- we didn't know
So the Transnisterian people have their Putin lovers too. Achtung!
The Transnisterian peoples just want to rejoin the Soviet Union.

No longer want to be part of the breakaway state of Moldova

Moldova signed a defense pact with France.

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