Why Does the Right Focus So Much on the Penny Ante Street Criminal and not the Criminals who steal Peoples Life savings?

I doubt many shop lifters are political active one way or the other (about 1/2 the population never votes). But in your cartoonish world where everyone is either “us” or “them”...I’m certain you believe they are.
I believe the "culture wars" will be the downfall of our democracy.
The point is if they voted who would they likely vote for? We all know the answer.
Who did the illegal aliens that Ronald Reagan granted amnesty (and a path to citizenship) vote for?
People have died because of those things. They have killed themselves too and the loss of all of their savings have created killers as well.

That's a suicide. That's a personal choice. Being robbed at gunpoint on the street and shot dead is not.

I mean you could say ANY crime could cause someone to become depressed and kill themselves. How ridiculous do we want to be here?
but they abandon the employment part and just start churning out money for themselves and their cronies.

it really is this easy to debunk Keynesian totalitarianism.
lolol that is not keynes fault.

"croney capitalism" is a predictable result of unregulated capitalism, predicted by marx generations before keynes.

neither marx nor keynes was a proponent of "totalitarianism"
lolol that is not keynes fault.

"croney capitalism" is a predictable result of unregulated capitalism, predicted by marx generations before keynes.

neither marx nor keynes was a proponent of "totalitarianism"
they both are totalitarians. wtf are you smoking?
In America citzens consistently have been victimized because of many scams initiated primarily by rich white men who were greedy. Junk bonds, mortgage-backed securities, credit default swaps, and derivatives are all done by legalized gamblers who were primarily white, better known as stockbrokers in the main casino on Wall Street. These people have stolen trillions of dolars and have ruined milions of lives. Yet we post loads of vitriol about the penny ante street thief who takes a necklace or robs a few hundred dollars from the 7-Eleven. Maybe it’s time to stop talking about these guys and start taking about harsher punishment for white colar criminals that can take down an entire country like they did in 2007, who destroy lives by robbing people of their life savings.

From Enron To Madoff, Learn About The Most High-Profile White Collar Cases In US History​

Charges for white-collar criminal activity in 2022 were extraordinarily rare — just one percent.

During the fiscal year 2022, only 4,180 white-collar defendants were prosecuted. The number of prosecutions peaked in 2011, when prosecutions hit 10,162 — nearly two and a half times the current levels, according to the TRAC report.

Here’s a look at the most high-profile white-collar cases in U.S. history, brought to life in documentaries, TV shows, books, podcasts and movies.

Right wingers can cope with the concepts of theft, like shoplifting and mugging. But their bandwith cannot cope with more sophisticated forms of theft. And of course many of those thieves are white guys.
You’re reduced to cutting and pasting multiple copies of the spam you cut and pasted earlier.
YOU'RE reduced to reading whatever I copy and paste.


I'm to busy to do it for you.


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One of the most notorious crypto coin scammers in the world (Bankman-Fried) defrauded mom and pop investors out of millions and donated almost exclusively to democrat party candidates including Biden. To date no effort was ever made in the democrat party or Biden to repay the dirty money they accepted. Meanwhile Biden's "justice" department was hunting down Jan 6 demonstrators who might have been guilty of misdemeanor trespass at best.
Because 2000X get knocked over the head by a useless punk as get their life savings stolen
Yes and the elite are largely Democrats. Think on that for a minute.
The elites are neither Democrat or Republican.

What party does Prince Andrew belong to?
How about the Vanderbilts?

That you're so ill informed as to pen that bit of ignorance with confidence is what makes them happy.
Charges us with a fake “crime” and then ask for a defense of what we aren’t doing.
Lib 101 and thinkers see right through it.
One of the most notorious crypto coin scammers in the world (Bankman-Fried) defrauded mom and pop investors out of millions and donated almost exclusively to democrat party candidates including Biden. To date no effort was ever made in the democrat party or Biden to repay the dirty money they accepted. Meanwhile Biden's "justice" department was hunting down Jan 6 demonstrators who might have been guilty of misdemeanor trespass at best.

Curiously, some of the most notorious scammers and thieves have been / still are, major donors to the Dem / Socialist party.

George Soros, Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff, Bankman-Fried, Mark Zuckerberg,...
People have died because of those things. They have killed themselves too and the loss of all of their savings have created killers as well.
Nothing has killed more people throughout the world than leftism.

Why Does the Right Focus So Much on the Penny Ante Street Criminal and not the Criminals who steal Peoples Life savings?​

False premise thread starter and headline.

Other than that, still a meaningless bait thread.
White Man crimes vs Black Man crimes

White man in prison for destroying lives is abuse of the justice system
Black man in prison for shoplifting a can of soup is justice.
Yes! We’ve all seen the videos of black men stealing soup. It’s rampant!
People have died because of those things. They have killed themselves too and the loss of all of their savings have created killers as well.
The thread is idiotic. We have seen people lie to Congress and walk away free. There is no justice and violent criminals are released the same day they are arrested. And you feel bad for those who have the money for a better life than yours while in prison.
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The elites are neither Democrat or Republican.

What party does Prince Andrew belong to?
How about the Vanderbilts?

That you're so ill informed as to pen that bit of ignorance with confidence is what makes them happy.
No, they are globalists who own politicians and the media that feeds you garbage.
Curiously, some of the most notorious scammers and thieves have been / still are, major donors to the Dem / Socialist party.

George Soros, Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff, Bankman-Fried, Mark Zuckerberg,...

Ok how exactly is Zuckerberg a "scammer?" I hate wealthy elite liberals as much as anyone, but I don't recall anyone accusing him of scamming anyone.

Why Does the Right Focus So Much on the Penny Ante Street Criminal and not the Criminals who steal Peoples Life savings?​

False premise thread starter and headline.

Other than that, still a meaningless bait thread.
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