Why Does the Right Focus So Much on the Penny Ante Street Criminal and not the Criminals who steal Peoples Life savings?

You miss the point completely .

Any junk piece of biased polling and you want to hide from the simple fact that Black people are missing Dads and hence role models .

BTW The Topic is actually your Obsessions , not just the details of the many ways you unconsciously use to return to the many expressions of your illness .

And Double BTW
Bing is unmitigated propaganda on a24x7 basis . Major Deep State influencer .
They are appalling -- that is Microsoft and Bing .
So when Black families break up it's "missing dads" but when White's do it's because...
Mommy's got the jungle fever?

The right? It was the Obama administration that argued that while bankers/investors had indeed broken our laws it would be bad for the economy to actually prosecute them.
Look at what's happening when just one of yours is prosecuted?
You idiots are threatening violence over it.

Now imagine 200 of them on trial.
what Dems being globalist means?

its being open borders and against tariffs, and sucking china's dick, mostly.
the "open borders" schtick is mostly propaganda, and "china's penis" is as irrelevant as hunter biden's.
Look at what's happening when just one of yours is prosecuted?
You idiots are threatening violence over it.

Now imagine 200 of them on trial.

No idea what you are ranting over and sadly neither do you.
you will have to find a "neoliberal" for the "pro free trade" argument.

as a progressive i find that trade policy is a moderately effective tool of foreign policy.

"globalization" is defined in several ways,

i might think that devolving control of the planet to a cabal or "trust" of immortal, unregulatable, untaxable spreadsheets who can decide which of we mere "people" may live and how well is less than optimal. but

shouldn't we have some venue to decide how our species responds to a meteorite impact or an alien spacecraft?
corporations already control all the governments.

corporations don't want pesky local governments annoying them with other considerations besides their own, hence, they developed
Instead of tariffs which only drives up prices and as we saw actually costs the country jobs when China simply looked elsewhere for the products America was providing it, maybe we should concentrate on the businesses sending the jobs overseas?

We have a politician advertising "China stealing" our jobs locally. Pisses me off every time I see it. China never stole a single job from here.
tariffs is the best solution.

a "going after certain evildoers" policys allows the crony fascism of selective prosecution to fester
corporations already control all the governments.

corporations don't want pesky local governments annoying them with other considerations besides their own, hence, they developed

tariffs is the best solution.

a "going after certain evildoers" policys allows the crony fascism of selective prosecution to fester

So don't go after those sending the jobs overseas, just make prices more expensive for consumers.

Brilliant (sarcasm)
So don't go after those sending the jobs overseas, just make prices more expensive for consumers.

Brilliant (sarcasm)
tariffs make sending the jobs away unprofitable.

another concern for all people is the faux green austerity population reduction scheme.
How many ways do you wish me to do that? I've noted many times (go ahead look it up) that Bush is among those who have created a special place in Hell for themselves.

when all the jobs are also kept in the country, the people can afford it. the allure of cheap goods fades when your income is zero.

allowing human slave labor on the international labor market will ultimately enslave all humanity.

this is all true.

i might think that devolving control of the planet to a cabal or "trust" of immortal, unregulatable, untaxable spreadsheets who can decide which of we mere "people" may live and how well is less than optimal. rampart

these visions of a distopian future are not as divergent as you may think.

what can we do to work together to avoid it? or at least mitigate the worst of it?
i might think that devolving control of the planet to a cabal or "trust" of immortal, unregulatable, untaxable spreadsheets who can decide which of we mere "people" may live and how well is less than optimal. rampart

these visions of a distopian future are not as divergent as you may think.

what can we do to work together to avoid it? or at least mitigate the worst of it?
vote for tariffs and borders. reject keynesianism. teach all humans agricultural science and self reliance.

encourage barter, skill development, and peer to peer trade.
Look at what's happening when just one of yours is prosecuted?
You idiots are threatening violence over it.

Now imagine 200 of them on trial.
obama would have been called a commie. "that is what stalin did. lock up the bankers. etc etc etc.

he should have done i anyway, . it was right then. and right now.
In America citzens consistently have been victimized because of many scams initiated primarily by rich white men who were greedy. Junk bonds, mortgage-backed securities, credit default swaps, and derivatives are all done by legalized gamblers who were primarily white, better known as stockbrokers in the main casino on Wall Street. These people have stolen trillions of dolars and have ruined milions of lives. Yet we post loads of vitriol about the penny ante street thief who takes a necklace or robs a few hundred dollars from the 7-Eleven. Maybe it’s time to stop talking about these guys and start taking about harsher punishment for white colar criminals that can take down an entire country like they did in 2007, who destroy lives by robbing people of their life savings.

From Enron To Madoff, Learn About The Most High-Profile White Collar Cases In US History​

Charges for white-collar criminal activity in 2022 were extraordinarily rare — just one percent.

During the fiscal year 2022, only 4,180 white-collar defendants were prosecuted. The number of prosecutions peaked in 2011, when prosecutions hit 10,162 — nearly two and a half times the current levels, according to the TRAC report.

Here’s a look at the most high-profile white-collar cases in U.S. history, brought to life in documentaries, TV shows, books, podcasts and movies.

There is no real reason we can't address both simultaneously but it all comes down to manpower. We have about half a million cops and only 35K FBI agents. If we had a half million FBI agents, maybe you would see a different outcome.

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