eBay gives moms 6 months paid maternity leave. Dads get just 3 months.

It just shows how useless the workers are at eBay, no one will miss a person for three months????
Its amazing to me that some people would put their jobs over their families. Isnt it bad enough you are working to make someone else wealthy instead of running your own company? I have zero loyalty to a job. 100% loyalty to my family.

Being there for your wife after she just pushed out a 5lb plus little human that needs constant attention is one of the most selfless acts a man can do.
Europe keeps passing new laws cutting hours of work, and increasing vacation time. At some point, something's going to give.
This is unfair to men and, of course, unfair to single people.

Quick, run out and get pregnant! Make sure you have a C-section (recovery time is longer, never mind the pain) and don't forget to breast-feed. Employers hate it when you bring the baby to work.
Must be why all of them now have rooms available for new mothers to use breast pumps in private.

All of them? Need to see some evidence of that.
Europe keeps passing new laws cutting hours of work, and increasing vacation time. At some point, something's going to give.

Yeah, it's called happy, healthy, energetic employees who can get the job done in less time.

You do know the 40-hour work week has been in existence for less than 100 years, right?
Women are pricing themselves out of the job market. They get their childbirth medical bills paid plus 6 months paid leave. And then women complain about a wage gap!!!
This is unfair to men and, of course, unfair to single people.

Quick, run out and get pregnant! Make sure you have a C-section (recovery time is longer, never mind the pain) and don't forget to breast-feed. Employers hate it when you bring the baby to work.
Must be why all of them now have rooms available for new mothers to use breast pumps in private.

All of them? Need to see some evidence of that.
Europe keeps passing new laws cutting hours of work, and increasing vacation time. At some point, something's going to give.

Yeah, it's called happy, healthy, energetic employees who can get the job done in less time.

You do know the 40-hour work week has been in existence for less than 100 years, right?
Shhh. Your interrupting his "employee for life" reality he has set up for himself. He cant cope with reality if he doesnt have a boss to tell him how to best make money for the owner of the company.

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