Economic Facts that Obama Keeps Ignoring

Con65 has not been right in several days, at least, here he is taking a victory lap. :lol:
Riiiiight....apparently you don't recall when this country was the greatest producer in the world. Apparently you don't remember when nearly anyone who wanted to work could graduate from High School and get a good, well paying job that would provide for their family.

Guess what? You be wrong. I grew up in a GM city. When I graduated high school, I already had an apprenticship in tool and die. I could have gone to work at a number of places and made good money. I remember those days fondly because NOW there is NO connection to GM, at all, in the city where DELCO was started. A shame.

What I dont remember is anyone really inventing a way back machine.

And lacking one of those, the good ole days aint ever coming back.

Your employmnt or lack of same is ALL on the employee now. there are no employers out there actively searching for high school grads to pay them a good living wage.

So unless you can get those same politicians who so actively supported exporting factories and jobs to reverse the process (if that is possible) then head to the garage and get to work on that way back machine.

We need it.
Part of the problem is the far right wanks won't train or re-train for better paying jobs, the immigrants many of them do, and the wanks cry.

"could graduate from High School and get a good, well paying job that would provide for their family"

Well, you been picking cotton lately? Wash any dishes lately? Wash cars lately? Sell tamales on the street lately? you see fella, you walk around with your pointed head so far in the sand that you have no clue, do you? WHAT jobs!?!?!?! When I was a kid, before I went into the Army - I could have had well paying jobs at Ford, GE, Westinghouse and Chrysler. Here's a clue for you - THEY ARE GONE.
I hoed sugar beets, worked in a sleeping bag factory, cleaned deer shit out of a animal center, and dozens of other menial jobs.

I then went into the service, went to college, trained and re-trained, and have had a very successful life.

Kid, the world has changed in the last fifty years, and we are not going backwards.

Ignore Randall, get schooling, and stay current.

One thing you can always count on with Jake, is utter bullshit. I washed dishes when I was 14 years old. I graduated High School and joined the Army as a PV1. I went to school and became a WO and retired as a CW3. I have friends that retired from GE and Ford. Now, those jobs are being done by Mexicans south of the border. FACT. Sure, you can spend your life (and a small fortune) at University. But to what end? If you are not an Engineering student, or medical or Nursing school, what EXACTLY do you intend to do? What if your forte' isn't Math? or Science? Remember this - not every person is destined for College. As a matter of fact, I would imagine that 60% of the kids in College are only there because there is nothing else available and our illustrious "president" seems to believe that "everyone should go to College" Bullshit.
Defunds a person's ability? You mean not everyone has the opportunity to go to school through the 12th grade. If you're talking about college, that's not the place of taxpayers or the government to give that to anyone.

If Obama has created so many jobs, why are so many more on social welfare since he took office?
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It's a question dumbass. Obama supporters claim he created that many jobs. Under his administration, social welfare use has increased drastically. If all those jobs have been created and more people are working, why are so many more getting something that's an indicator of less unemployment?

Because we lost almost a million government jobs. Just what people like you wanted.

Let me know when 5 million "government" jobs are gone. Let me know when the 85,000 IRS enforcement officers have been fired. Do you realize that we have nearly 15 times as many IRS officers as we do Intelligence Officers!?!?!?

the one million gone that NYcarbineer says have been lost didn't change the level of shitty service provided by the government. Tells me one million people needed to go as they were simply drawing a check.

Why would fewer government jobs make service better?
Defunds a person's ability? You mean not everyone has the opportunity to go to school through the 12th grade. If you're talking about college, that's not the place of taxpayers or the government to give that to anyone.

If Obama has created so many jobs, why are so many more on social welfare since he took office?
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It's a question dumbass. Obama supporters claim he created that many jobs. Under his administration, social welfare use has increased drastically. If all those jobs have been created and more people are working, why are so many more getting something that's an indicator of less unemployment?

Because we lost almost a million government jobs. Just what people like you wanted.

Let me know when 5 million "government" jobs are gone. Let me know when the 85,000 IRS enforcement officers have been fired. Do you realize that we have nearly 15 times as many IRS officers as we do Intelligence Officers!?!?!?

And you bitched and voted Democrat when government jobs kept increasing under Bush?

And you voted Bush because government jobs kept increasing? Isn't the kind of thing you want?
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It's a question dumbass. Obama supporters claim he created that many jobs. Under his administration, social welfare use has increased drastically. If all those jobs have been created and more people are working, why are so many more getting something that's an indicator of less unemployment?

Because we lost almost a million government jobs. Just what people like you wanted.

Let me know when 5 million "government" jobs are gone. Let me know when the 85,000 IRS enforcement officers have been fired. Do you realize that we have nearly 15 times as many IRS officers as we do Intelligence Officers!?!?!?

the one million gone that NYcarbineer says have been lost didn't change the level of shitty service provided by the government. Tells me one million people needed to go as they were simply drawing a check.

Why would fewer government jobs make service better?

Why the hell do you need "service" from the damned government? what, they make your milk shakes for you?
During his state of the union (SOTU) address a few days ago, President Obama, as usual, painted a misleading, incomplete picture of the economy and his economic record. Of course, this is nothing new. Obama and his apologists have been doing this for years. Anyway, here are some facts that Obama didn't get around to sharing in his SOTU mythology:

* Although the standard (U-3) unemployment rate is at 5.0 percent, the U-6 unemployment rate, which gives a much more complete employment picture, is at 9.9 percent, and has gone up .3 percentage points since November (from 9.6 to 9.9). The U-3 does not count the long-term unemployed/those who have given up on finding work and those who are under-employed because they can't find full-time work, whereas the U-6 includes these people.

* The average U-6 rate under Bush was a good 2 points lower than it has been under Obama. Under Bush, the U-6 never got above 8 percent! Under Obama, the U-6 has averaged right around 11 percent.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

Unemployment Rate | President : George Walker Bush

* The labor force participation rate (LFPR) has been trending markedly downward since 2009, even soon after the start of Obama’s “recovery.”

United States Labor Force Participation Rate | 1950-2016 | Data | Chart (use the "max" view option)

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest in 38 Years

In contrast, during the Reagan and Clinton years, the LFPR trended markedly upward. And you can’t blame Obama's LFPR drop all on retiring Baby Boomers. Indeed, many Baby Boomers have found it necessary to keep working or to re-enter the workforce because of the weak economy and/or declining retirement income caused by the Fed’s unnaturally low interest rates (my own parents saw their retirement income drop by about $700 a month because of the drop in interest rates).

* Given these facts, some might be wondering how Obama could claim, as he did during his SOTU speech, that the economy has added 14 million jobs on his watch. Well, the simple fact is: it hasn’t. Obama cooked up this number by ignoring the worst economic months on his watch and then counting from there! No kidding. Even CNN has admitted that that’s how Obama came up with the figure of 14 million new jobs (see ).

Obama’s real job-creation number is 9.3 million. Never mind that many of those jobs have been created in spite of Obama’s policies, not because of them, Obama’s record pales in comparison to Reagan’s and Clinton’s records. Reagan created 12.6 million new jobs, and Clinton created nearly 21 million new jobs.

Both Reagan and Clinton raised a few taxes but slashed other taxes, and both signed several deregulation bills to ease the regulatory burden on American businesses. Overall, Reagan slashed the top two marginal tax rates by nearly 300% and also substantially cut taxes for the middle class. Clinton, although he allowed a modest increase in the top two marginal rates, cut the capital gains tax by a whopping 28 percent, created a new $500 child tax credit, raised the income limit for deductible IRAs, and nearly doubled the estate tax exemption (funny that liberals never mention these things when they praise Clinton’s economic record).

Obama’s job-creation record does top Bush’s: 9.3 million to 5.7 million. However, Bush’s numbers were affected by four events that were beyond his control: the huge economic damage done by 9/11, the enormous economic damage done by six of the 10 costliest hurricanes in American history (four of them are in the top six, including the most expensive of them all: Katrina; in contrast, Obama has had one top-ten hurricane: number 7, Irene), the recession that began soon after he took office (which obviously had nothing to do with anything he had done), and the Great Recession that began in 2008, which was largely caused by federal mortgage lending and securitization policies that Bush had repeatedly tried to stop (see, for example,
The Real Culprits In This Meltdown ; How Government Housing Policy Led to the Financial Crisis ).

* Under Obama, real median household income has dropped sharply and is still nowhere near its average during the Reagan, Clinton, and Bush years. During the Bush years, it averaged nearly $56K, whereas under Obama it has averaged below $54K.

Real Median Household Income in the United States (use the "max" view option)

* Under Obama, the national debt has skyrocketed and is now well over $18 trillion. Obama has piled up nearly double the amount of debt that Bush did, and he’s done so in only 7 years compared to Bush’s 8 years. Bush added $4.9 trillion to the national debt during his 8 years in office, from $5.7 trillion in January 2001 to $10.6 trillion in January 2009. Obama has added $8.3 trillion to the national debt since taking office, from $10.6 trillion in January 2009 to $18.9 trillion as of December 2015.

And don’t let anyone tell you that some of Obama’s new debt is Bush’s fault because of the gigantic FY 2009 spending increase, as some liberals (such as Rex Nutting) have falsely claimed. In point of fact, the huge FY 2009 spending hike was done by the Democratic-controlled Congress. The Democrats stalled nine of the 12 spending bills until after Obama took office because Bush was going to veto them. Just go look at who signed nine of those 12 spending bills—it was Obama, not Bush (see ).

* Blacks have done especially poorly in Obama’s economy. From median household income to poverty to employment, blacks are markedly worse off now than they were when Obama took office.

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

Blacks Lose Ground under Obama, by Deroy Murdock, National Review

Tavis Smiley: On Every Leading Economic Issue Black Americans Have Lost Ground Under Obama (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
Who told you that the U6 was at 9.6 in November? They lied to you. The U6 was never 9.6 in 2015. It was, however, at 17.1 in 2010. Since that peak it has DROPPED OVER 7 POINTS to its current position at 9.9%. The U6 fell from 11.3 to 9.9 in 2015.

You lying sack of stupid.
Randall has his head up his butt. He went to work two years before I did, he did well to stay in the service, I got out and did better in the long run because I got my education and kept current.

Randall, little buddy, there is no way back machine.
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It's a question dumbass. Obama supporters claim he created that many jobs. Under his administration, social welfare use has increased drastically. If all those jobs have been created and more people are working, why are so many more getting something that's an indicator of less unemployment?

Because we lost almost a million government jobs. Just what people like you wanted.

Let me know when 5 million "government" jobs are gone. Let me know when the 85,000 IRS enforcement officers have been fired. Do you realize that we have nearly 15 times as many IRS officers as we do Intelligence Officers!?!?!?

the one million gone that NYcarbineer says have been lost didn't change the level of shitty service provided by the government. Tells me one million people needed to go as they were simply drawing a check.

Why would fewer government jobs make service better?

Redundancy. The sorry level of government service now is not discernibly worse than it was before those one million jobs were gone. Things not getting worse means those no longer in the positions didn't do much. If they did, one would be able to tell a difference based on the volume of jobs lost.
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It's a question dumbass. Obama supporters claim he created that many jobs. Under his administration, social welfare use has increased drastically. If all those jobs have been created and more people are working, why are so many more getting something that's an indicator of less unemployment?

Because we lost almost a million government jobs. Just what people like you wanted.

Let me know when 5 million "government" jobs are gone. Let me know when the 85,000 IRS enforcement officers have been fired. Do you realize that we have nearly 15 times as many IRS officers as we do Intelligence Officers!?!?!?

the one million gone that NYcarbineer says have been lost didn't change the level of shitty service provided by the government. Tells me one million people needed to go as they were simply drawing a check.

Why would fewer government jobs make service better?
Con65 has not been right in several days, at least, here he is taking a victory lap. :lol:

I haven't been wrong yet. Running laps around you is easy. You're too slow and too stupid to catch up.
It's a question dumbass. Obama supporters claim he created that many jobs. Under his administration, social welfare use has increased drastically. If all those jobs have been created and more people are working, why are so many more getting something that's an indicator of less unemployment?

Because we lost almost a million government jobs. Just what people like you wanted.

Let me know when 5 million "government" jobs are gone. Let me know when the 85,000 IRS enforcement officers have been fired. Do you realize that we have nearly 15 times as many IRS officers as we do Intelligence Officers!?!?!?

the one million gone that NYcarbineer says have been lost didn't change the level of shitty service provided by the government. Tells me one million people needed to go as they were simply drawing a check.

Why would fewer government jobs make service better?

Redundancy. The sorry level of government service now is not discernibly worse than it was before those one million jobs were gone. Things not getting worse means those no longer in the positions didn't do much. If they did, one would be able to tell a difference based on the volume of jobs lost.

Think, please.
Because we lost almost a million government jobs. Just what people like you wanted.

Let me know when 5 million "government" jobs are gone. Let me know when the 85,000 IRS enforcement officers have been fired. Do you realize that we have nearly 15 times as many IRS officers as we do Intelligence Officers!?!?!?

the one million gone that NYcarbineer says have been lost didn't change the level of shitty service provided by the government. Tells me one million people needed to go as they were simply drawing a check.

Why would fewer government jobs make service better?

Redundancy. The sorry level of government service now is not discernibly worse than it was before those one million jobs were gone. Things not getting worse means those no longer in the positions didn't do much. If they did, one would be able to tell a difference based on the volume of jobs lost.

Think, please.

What I said was easy to understand. When the shit level of government efficiency stays the same yet one million government jobs was lost, tells me those in those jobs did nothing.
Poor lefties are going to be totally out of power,

Because Obysmal made an economy that is sour,

Now Jake and Lone are really going to cower,

As the conservatives get the economy to flower-)

Good luck lefties; it is all but over. With the disaster the country is in, and the economy getting worse, all that is left for us is crossing the I-s, and dotting the T-s.! Cry and whine all you want, but to each and every one of you I say------>it is almost time for "Katie to bar the door on you Socialists." And a nicer group of people, it couldn't have happened to.
Let me know when 5 million "government" jobs are gone. Let me know when the 85,000 IRS enforcement officers have been fired. Do you realize that we have nearly 15 times as many IRS officers as we do Intelligence Officers!?!?!?

the one million gone that NYcarbineer says have been lost didn't change the level of shitty service provided by the government. Tells me one million people needed to go as they were simply drawing a check.

Why would fewer government jobs make service better?

Redundancy. The sorry level of government service now is not discernibly worse than it was before those one million jobs were gone. Things not getting worse means those no longer in the positions didn't do much. If they did, one would be able to tell a difference based on the volume of jobs lost.

Think, please.

What I said was easy to understand. When the shit level of government efficiency stays the same yet one million government jobs was lost, tells me those in those jobs did nothing.

Nope. You are unable to make the cognitive connections required to discuss the topic productively.

If you ask nicely, I will tell you a story about how (incredibly productive) Japanese factory workers don't bust ass at all times ....with the consent of that more workers can grab a decent paycheck.

All you have to do is ask.
Poor lefties are going to be totally out of power,

Because Obysmal made an economy that is sour,

Now Jake and Lone are really going to cower,

As the conservatives get the economy to flower-)

Good luck lefties; it is all but over. With the disaster the country is in, and the economy getting worse, all that is left for us is crossing the I-s, and dotting the T-s.! Cry and whine all you want, but to each and every one of you I say------>it is almost time for "Katie to bar the door on you Socialists." And a nicer group of people, it couldn't have happened to.

I will now copy nutbags and do a very simple "if" / "then" statement.

If Mitt Romney had been elected POTUS and the economy had improved to current levels in 3 years of a Romney administration, then USMB nutbags would be SCREAMING about how Mitt had brought us out of the ditch toward the promised land.

Admit it, asshole. You are not honest about your criteria for success.
The far right cons are going to go bezerk when they realize neither Trump nor Cruz will be pres.

Just the way it is.

Oh, yeah, ima is a partisan ideologue, for sure. Pathetic wanker.

What ever way you paint it Unemployment is down... And by the way mike U3 is considered the best way to judge unemployment...
the one million gone that NYcarbineer says have been lost didn't change the level of shitty service provided by the government. Tells me one million people needed to go as they were simply drawing a check.

Why would fewer government jobs make service better?

Redundancy. The sorry level of government service now is not discernibly worse than it was before those one million jobs were gone. Things not getting worse means those no longer in the positions didn't do much. If they did, one would be able to tell a difference based on the volume of jobs lost.

Think, please.

What I said was easy to understand. When the shit level of government efficiency stays the same yet one million government jobs was lost, tells me those in those jobs did nothing.

Nope. You are unable to make the cognitive connections required to discuss the topic productively.

If you ask nicely, I will tell you a story about how (incredibly productive) Japanese factory workers don't bust ass at all times ....with the consent of that more workers can grab a decent paycheck.

All you have to do is ask.

I don't ask you a thing. I tell your kind what to do and you do it.
Why would fewer government jobs make service better?

Redundancy. The sorry level of government service now is not discernibly worse than it was before those one million jobs were gone. Things not getting worse means those no longer in the positions didn't do much. If they did, one would be able to tell a difference based on the volume of jobs lost.

Think, please.

What I said was easy to understand. When the shit level of government efficiency stays the same yet one million government jobs was lost, tells me those in those jobs did nothing.

Nope. You are unable to make the cognitive connections required to discuss the topic productively.

If you ask nicely, I will tell you a story about how (incredibly productive) Japanese factory workers don't bust ass at all times ....with the consent of that more workers can grab a decent paycheck.

All you have to do is ask.

I don't ask you a thing. I tell your kind what to do and you do it.
sure you do


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