Economics of the Castro bailout


that makes sense!! they were driving state of the art cars at the time, and thanks to your commie friends they are still driving the sames cars 50 years later, enjoying life as Castro's prisoners. As a practical matter they embraced Castro becausee they are as stupid as you and any liberal are.

No, guy, the WEALTHY were driving state of the art cars. Most of the Cuban people lived in pretty grinding misery, and 75% of the farm land was owned by foreign corporations .

Now, i know you are like a retard or something, but you know what, there's a reason why thousands of Cubans rose up against our puppet Batista. Che and the Castros didn't do it on their own.
No, guy, the WEALTHY were driving state of the art cars. Most of the Cuban people lived in pretty grinding misery, and 75% of the farm land was owned by foreign corporations .

always the liberal communist idiot!!!

Pre-Castro Cuba - PBS

American Experience . WGBH PBScastro/peopleevents/e_precastro.html

Dec 21, 2004 ... On the eve of Fidel Castro's 1959 revolution, Cuba was neither the ... Cubaranked fifth in the hemisphere in per capita income, third in life ...
neither did Hitler and he got the German economy going!! see why we say a liberal will always be just plain stupid! Is any other conclusion possible?

No, he didn't do it on his own. He had 70 million Germans who were pretty much willing to DIE TO THE LAST MAN for him.

And the point was, Cubans were willing to die for Castro. They weren't willing to die for Batista.
neither did Hitler and he got the German economy going!! see why we say a liberal will always be just plain stupid! Is any other conclusion possible?

No, he didn't do it on his own. He had 70 million Germans who were pretty much willing to DIE TO THE LAST MAN for him.

And the point was, Cubans were willing to die for Castro. They weren't willing to die for Batista.

so?? people can be really stupid. And???
neither did Hitler and he got the German economy going!! see why we say a liberal will always be just plain stupid! Is any other conclusion possible?

No, he didn't do it on his own. He had 70 million Germans who were pretty much willing to DIE TO THE LAST MAN for him.

And the point was, Cubans were willing to die for Castro. They weren't willing to die for Batista.

so?? people can be really stupid. And???

No, stupid was propping up Batista as long as we did. Stupider is punishing Cuba for 55 years for rejecting us.

I think that there will be a day when Cuba is no longer Communist, but they will still revere the Castros.
neither did Hitler and he got the German economy going!! see why we say a liberal will always be just plain stupid! Is any other conclusion possible?

No, he didn't do it on his own. He had 70 million Germans who were pretty much willing to DIE TO THE LAST MAN for him.

And the point was, Cubans were willing to die for Castro. They weren't willing to die for Batista.

so?? people can be really stupid. And???

No, stupid was propping up Batista as long as we did. Stupider is punishing Cuba for 55 years for rejecting us.

I think that there will be a day when Cuba is no longer Communist, but they will still revere the Castros.

dear, boats were legal under Batista, not under Castro's Nazi concentration camp. Do you understand now?
dear, boats were legal under Batista, not under Castro's Nazi concentration camp. Do you understand now?

First, quit calling me "Dear". I don't swing that way.

Second, yes, given the fact they have a terrorist population 90 miles away trying to overthrow them, limiting who can have a boat actually seems kind of prudent.

yes people would want to escape to be with the so called "terrorists".

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
yes people would want to escape to be with the so called "terrorists".

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Frankly, the people who fled Cuba we never should have taken to start with.

I do think it was hilarious when Castro emptied out his prisons on us in the 1970's...

yes people would want to escape to be with the so called "terrorists".

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Frankly, the people who fled Cuba we never should have taken to start with.

I do think it was hilarious when Castro emptied out his prisons on us in the 1970's...


idiot liberal trying to change the subject when defeated! So tell us, are you a communist??
yes people would want to escape to be with the so called "terrorists".

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Frankly, the people who fled Cuba we never should have taken to start with.

I do think it was hilarious when Castro emptied out his prisons on us in the 1970's...


idiot liberal trying to change the subject when defeated! So tell us, are you a communist??
Would a communist be telling everyone he or she was a communist? No, what communists do is pretend to be against communism by accusing everyone else of being a communist? They use dumb questions such as "are you a communist?" for cover.
idiot liberal trying to change the subject when defeated! So tell us, are you a communist??

What defeat. We end up punishing Cuba for rejecting our exploitation of it, and then they dumped their criminals on us.

Obama finally put an end to 55 years of stupid policy. Good on him.

dear, as a lib commie you said it was a good policy for the Castro Nazis to make boats illegal
to a perfect idiot liberal escaping from a lib concentration camp is human "trafficking"!!

Liberals must be so proud of their pure and deadly ignorance.

Guy, here's the thing. The funny thing about it is you welcome the Cuban Trash with open arms and want to send the Mexicans back.

Please. The dumbest things we did was saying we'll give Cubans who escape a golden ticket because we want to make Castro look bad.
But it took the recent freefall in oil prices for Havana to take the plunge and finalize the deal. The reason is that the considerable help Venezuela sends Cuba is in the form of barrels, not dollars. As oil prices fall, the value of Venezuela’s aid falls. In the final quarter of last year, Cuba’s state finances began to look worse and worse.
You start to see why the alarm bells went off in Havana when the price of oil started to fall. It’s not just that the re-export business is a lot less juicy with oil at $50 per barrel than at $110. It’s that the Cuban elite is well aware that Venezuelan volumes may not hold up for much longer. If the collapse in oil prices is bad news for Cuba, it’s a kind of cataclysm for its benefactor. Cuba Is Hoping To Replace Venezuelan Oil With American Tourists FiveThirtyEight
Let's not forget what eventually came to be in East Germany. If you visit Berlin today you will be knocked to the floor at the contrast between Hitler, Stalin and free Germany today. Many remnants and monuments to political slavery stand there today. It is mind blowing to see the millions of young free Germans just enjoying a beverage on the sidewalks knowing what was and god forbid could still happen today(don't forget the Middle East) Cuba will take decades to come out from the oppressive ignorance of communism as there country is injected with all of the failures. Thousands of college degreed people working as housemaids and floor sweepers. Don't forget under communism you don't even pay rent !!!

Please. The dumbest things we did was saying we'll give Cubans who escape a golden ticket because we want to make Castro look bad.

dear, those that get caught on the water get shipped back; those that make here get to stay but not with a golden ticket. At least get the facts in your argument straight.

We should ship them all back. Even the ones from 50 years ago.

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