Economics of the Castro bailout

the Cuban economy stopped the day the libcommie castro took over. Ever wonder why they drive 1959 Chevys? What does that teach you? Now do you understand why Cuba is a prison and liberals are to0 stupid to see it?

What that teaches me is that we have been vindictively punishing Cuba for the last 55 years.

The reason why they don't have anything after 1959 is no one is really allowed to trade with them.

So if you want to call it a prison, who is really locking them up?
, the only people who have benefitted from our stance on Cuba since maybe halfway during the Cold War years are our enemies. Do you get that?

no I don't because you forgot to say who these enemies are and how they have benefited from an impotent little country like Cuba. Isn't thinking fun?

I think the bottom line is that our policy was correct against the libcommie prison nation but not effective given that half of America is now lib commie too.
Sweetie, it breaks my heart that you think so little of America. It's also funny to me that you don't think Russia, Iran, and others are quite happy to have such a close ally right on our doorstep. When Cuba's people get a taste of freedom and capitalism thanks to our influence they will want more. Why do you think they risk their lives on rafts to come here? But it's okay Eddie the failures of your generation have presented the new and improved generations an opportunity to do the right thing. Try not to grow too bitter as their successes pile up.
the Cuban economy stopped the day the libcommie castro took over. Ever wonder why they drive 1959 Chevys? What does that teach you? Now do you understand why Cuba is a prison and liberals are to0 stupid to see it?

What that teaches me is that we have been vindictively punishing Cuba for the last 55 years.

The reason why they don't have anything after 1959 is no one is really allowed to trade with them.

So if you want to call it a prison, who is really locking them up?

dear, firstly you should admit you are a lib communist. Will you??

Got it!! Red China Cuba USSR East Germany all had 15% of our standard of living because we wont trade with them!!
Cuba’smajor trading partners are Venezuela, which accounts for nearly 30% of all imports, China (12%), Spain (10%), Canada (6.4%), the US (6.3%) and Brazil (4.6%).

I'm sure all the liberals here love your support for Castro. Did you approve of them spying for Hitler ande Stalin and giving Stalin the bomb?
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dear, firstly you should admit you are a lib communist. Will you??

Got it!! Red China Cuba USSR East Germany all had 15% of our standard of living because we wont trade with them!!

Last time I checked, China was eating our middle class.

I'm sure all the liberals here love your support for Castro. Did you approve of them spying for Hitler ande Stalin and giving Stalin the bomb?

You know what, I don't get worked up about shit that happened before i was born. I really don't.

The reason why we kept a stupid policy going was because these shitheads in South Florida can't admit they were douchebags who their neighbors wanted to kill.
You know what, I don't get worked up about shit that happened before i was born. I really don't.


you seem like you would want to spy for Stalin and Hitler too. After all they ran those big beautiful central govts that liberals love so much.
you seem like you would want to spy for Stalin and Hitler too. After all they ran those big beautiful central govts that liberals love so much.

Whatever, guy, I'm sure you still collect your disability check at the double wide every month.

dear, its not stupid to oppose a liberal gulag like Cuba! Are you a communist?

No, unlike you, I'm an adult. One who doesn't put labels on things.

As a practical matter, Cuba embraced the Castros because between the Spanish American War and Castro, we looted the shit out of that country.

And when they rejected us, we spent the next fifty years punishing them for it. It might have even made sense during the Cold War, but it doesn't now.
As a practical matter, Cuba embraced the Castros because between the Spanish American War and Castro, we looted the shit out of that country.

that makes sense!! they were driving state of the art cars at the time, and thanks to your commie friends they are still driving the sames cars 50 years later, enjoying life as Castro's prisoners. As a practical matter they embraced Castro becausee they are as stupid as you and any liberal are.
And when they rejected us, we spent the next fifty years punishing them for it. It might have even made sense during the Cold War, but it doesn't now.

dear, would you have normal relations with a Nazi concentration camp if one still existed??

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