Ecuador admits it cut off Assange's internet.

Ecuador has 'temporarily restricted' WikiLeaks founder's internet

Yep Kerry got to them. Assange should have gone to Russia when he had the chance. More free there. I hope more keeps coming out,those morons at the Ecuadorian embassy should have known that stopping Assange won't stop the release of emails.

HACKING IS ILLEGAL. No one has the right to hack other peoples' e-mails, period.

It's illegal and he should be in jail.

If he were hacking Trump's e-mails you'd be having fucking fits. But you are okay with hacking the e-mails of people you don't like. As well, you are treasonous in cheerng on outside entities trying to influence the presidential election. There is no level you folks won't stoop to.

Ecuador has 'temporarily restricted' WikiLeaks founder's internet

Yep Kerry got to them. Assange should have gone to Russia when he had the chance. More free there. I hope more keeps coming out,those morons at the Ecuadorian embassy should have known that stopping Assange won't stop the release of emails.

HACKING IS ILLEGAL. No one has the right to hack other peoples' e-mails, period.

It's illegal and he should be in jail.

If he were hacking Trump's e-mails you'd be having fucking fits. But you are okay with hacking the e-mails of people you don't like. As well, you are treasonous in cheerng on outside entities trying to influence the presidential election. There is no level you folks won't stoop to.

Your beloved "gubermint" hacks all of our on-line communication, compresses it into files using one of the 80 fusion centers where it is then sent to the mac-daddy of all fusion centers in Utah where you are assigned a "threat matrix" score.

What astounds me is that leftards here are not offended by what these elitist POS REALLY think about them...oh no, they are pissed because it's being revealed and that is most telling. It says quite a bit about leftards and their lack of abilities to see what is right in front of their face. The gig is up...this whole fraud of an election system is EXACTLY what I have been claiming it to be. I have been validated...tough shit if it pisses you off.

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