Ed Schultz Calls Out Hannity Twice To A Debate, Hannity Cowers Like A Bitch

Fuck Schultz and fuck Hannity.

Couple of damn blowhards who contribute nothing to the discourse.

No, that's a cop out and it won't help you get chicks either, I think.

Pick a side. Either side. Then you will be forced to find out whether you belong to that side or not.

Once you realize that the Democrat party is primarily a feminized party you will be better able to choose the right one for you.

fuck both parties....hows that?....
Hannity debating Ed Schultz would be like Mr Shaman debating rdean.

Nothing of substance would be discussed, but it would be funny as Hell to watch. :thup:

and they would both try and over talk each other.....and then when the show is over go have a beer and talk about the ratings....

Sean wouldn't. Honest. ''He's Irish. No fucking way pardon my french that he'd work with an asshole like Schulz.
Not that this is to anyone's surprise. Hannity like all those on the far right have been doing nothing but spreading outright lies and other BS. Schultz has been putting Hannity in his place and has now twice in the past month called out Hannity to debate him, and as expected, Hannity ran away like the punk bitch his is.

That's how those are on the far right, they act like tough guys, then roll over like cowards when they are called out,..

Sean Hannity Rejects ?Total Buffoon? Ed Schultz?s Debate Challenge | Mediaite

Weird "Al" Yankovic, Father Guido Sarducci and Carrot Top were similarly declined debate time with the right wing coward Hannity.

Hannity debating Ed Schultz would be like Mr Shaman debating rdean.

Nothing of substance would be discussed, but it would be funny as Hell to watch. :thup:

and they would both try and over talk each other.....and then when the show is over go have a beer and talk about the ratings....

Sean wouldn't. Honest. ''He's Irish. No fucking way pardon my french that he'd work with an asshole like Schulz.

well Sean is kind of a chicken TD.....Bill Mahr has come on his show more than once....but Sean will not go on his show....why?....is he afraid of the audience?.....
When you're on the bottom of the TV ratings heap you do anything to get attention. When you're at or near the top however, you recognize the attempt for what it is and ignore it.

The nobodies always want to debate the incumbent. Helps their exposure.

I love all the excuses you right wing hacks are making up for that punk bitch Hannity running away like a pussy :lol:

I challenge you to a pissing contest a week from today in Times Square at 3 PM. If you don't show, you're a punk bitch who is running away like a pussy. Will I see you there? I didn't think so.
Why should he debate with Ed Schultz, who has such a small amount of viewers compared to Hannity.
Ed is doing this to try and get better ratings, what a loser.
Ed Schultz - 127,000
Hannity 356,000
Ratings - TVNewser

You' re saying... audience size matters? :eek:

Whatever point you bring to a debate has nothing to do with how many people are watching. Not for the purpose of the point it doesn't. Now, if your goal in such debate is strictly entertainment and the point takes a back seat, well Bob's your uncle.

I'm saying popularity counts, that is how you get high ratings or low ratings.
Ed's points are so far out there and he is so boring, that many are not interested in what he has to say.
It's about competition Pogo and boring points do not interest anyone.

Just ask the many, many MSNBC hosts who no longer have shows.
He's probably afraid Schultz will bring up the waterboarding.

Did a quick peek over at Hannity.....they're afraid to even discuss it.

Hannity doesn't want to make people like you think Schultz is in the same league as Sean.

When you figure out it's not a matter of courage but of wits, you may be on your way to becoming a leader of men.

Before then you are not unlike an expendable chess piece.

Hannity is a punk bitch and a wanna-b far overgrown frat boy that never went to college or played football, but that doesn't stop him from talking shit behind fox's skirt and throwing around his pee-wee nerf football :lol:

Schultz did go to college and played football. You are right that they are on different levels. Schultz is a real man that cares about the middle class and calls out the liars and pussies. Hannity is a coward that runs away from manning up.

This is a perfect example of what the democrats and republicans are like in this country.

Says the guy too chicken shit to turn his rep on...what a man!
Ah...to the Rightwing, turning rep on is a test of manliness and courage. :lol:
Meh...still waiting for Hannity to get waterboarded like he promised..

On April 22, 2009, Charles Grodin appeared on Hannity’s Fox News show and asked Hannity, if he doesn’t believe waterboarding is torture, would he agree to be waterboarded. “Sure,” Hannity said. “I’ll do it for charity. I’ll let you do it. I’ll do it for the troops’ families.” But four years later, Hannity has yet to follow through on his offer.

*Where is Charles Grodin to take Hannity up on his offer?

SCOTT KEYES: Before we get started I wanted to say one quick thing. Back in April 2009, you’d made a very generous offer. To prove that it’s not torture, you agreed on your television show to be waterboarded for charity and to donate the proceeds to the troops’ families.

HANNITY: I said Charles Grodin could do it.

*Where is Charles Grodin to take Hannity up on his offer?

Hannity Explodes After Being Confronted By ThinkProgress About Previous Offer To Be Waterboarded For Charity | ThinkProgress
Good video, Anthony Weiner was on a few weeks ago as well and kicked Hannity's bitch ass up and down the block :lol:

Hannity is too scared to debate Schultz because he would get the beatdown of a lifetime. Hannity would rather hide behind fox's skirt with his pee-wee football :lmao:

The only time I read or watch Hannity is when y'all bring him up! :lmao:

Weiner insisted he had no such plans, but said if he did he’d rather be on Fox, where there are “lower standards.” Hannity shot back, “You want me to talk about low standards? You really wanna go there?”

^^^Now that's some funny stuff^^^​

Makes total sense when a pervert is held to a higher standard than a loud mouth! :lmao:

Anthony Weiner sexting scandals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fuck Schultz and fuck Hannity.

Couple of damn blowhards who contribute nothing to the discourse.

No, that's a cop out and it won't help you get chicks either, I think.

Pick a side. Either side. Then you will be forced to find out whether you belong to that side or not.

Once you realize that the Democrat party is primarily a feminized party you will be better able to choose the right one for you.

fuck both parties....hows that?....

Obama is his inspiration because he is demonstrating how to screw ALL of America.
No, that's a cop out and it won't help you get chicks either, I think.

Pick a side. Either side. Then you will be forced to find out whether you belong to that side or not.

Once you realize that the Democrat party is primarily a feminized party you will be better able to choose the right one for you.

fuck both parties....hows that?....

Obama is his inspiration because he is demonstrating how to screw ALL of America.

LOL it isnt like he though 9of it. He is just following the rules for radicals.

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