Ed Schultz Top Story:Michelle Bachmann VS Trump. Never Mind Corzine & Holder Scandal?

Oct 10, 2011

All we can say is "Unbelievable" ! The Corzine MF Global Story was and still is the biggest story in the media, second to Fast%Furious, and last night Sargeant Schultz is more concerned that Bachmann has backed out of the Donald Trump Debate.
You know, Obama could of held another one of his elementry/middle school speeches with his two teleprompters, it would of been "Another Defining Obama Speech" according to Schultz, yet meanwhile, the hell with the thousands of clients who lost a fortune thanks to Obama's best buddy: JOHN CORZINE !

All we can say is "Unbelievable" ! The Corzine MF Global Story was and still is the biggest story in the media, second to Fast%Furious, and last night Sargeant Schultz is more concerned that Bachmann has backed out of the Donald Trump Debate.
You know, Obama could of held another one of his elementry/middle school speeches with his two teleprompters, it would of been "Another Defining Obama Speech" according to Schultz, yet meanwhile, the hell with the thousands of clients who lost a fortune thanks to Obama's best buddy: JOHN CORZINE !

I just stopped by to make sure you were not bad-mouthing my friend Donald Trump. The Trump is a nice guy, you know. Though without diplomacy, Trump could make a good president. Only hope he runs as independent, if he decides to get in.
Im gonna check to see what Chrissy's line up will be 2night on Hard-Ass, good thing he brings up his issues at the top of the show,that way I wont have to watch him for the full hour to see if he brings up any Obama scandal.
Schultz is just another GE/NBC lackey. Obama is too. Schultz just gargles Obama farts for a living. Why watch?
and what if it was Chris Christie in Corzines shoes? Hmm? Front Page News in ever Compost Publication and 24/7 coverage on PMS NBC/ABC/CBS ???
GE owns Schultz,Maddcow,'Thrill up my Leg' dude,and all the others over at NBC. They're all frauds. How often do they mention Obama's "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt when they're railing against "Evil Corporations" and "Evil 1%-ers?" It just doesn't happen because they're all owned frauds. Have they refused to accept their GE paychecks yet? It's no coincidence they're always sniffing up Obama's butthole either. They along with him all work for GE. It's just another big scam and definitely not worth watching.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkU3g6uZ2f8]Chrissy Tingles De-Jellofies A Boytoy - YouTube[/ame]
So can Obama just kiss New Joisy Good-Bye in 2012 thanks to Corzine? hey, then all Newt will need is 4 other swing states to flip and he can pack his bags and go back to his original Chicago Thug Stealing lifestyle.
GE is also one of the top 10 Military Contractors in this country. Now how often do you hear about that from the bogus lackeys over at NBC? They seem to mention all those other supposed "Evil Corporation 1%-ers" yet conveniently always fail to mention GE. I wonder why? It's simple,they work for GE and so does this President. I would not trust anything NBC reports. It's all just a lie.

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