

Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
I've often said that we need more serious academics in our schools and that one of the problems is bs liberal classes that dont teach anything....I looove this video for that.....

[ame=]Formal education isn't for everyone--Thomas Sowell - YouTube[/ame]
And I love everything that Thomas Sowell has to say ~
he gives us the inside view of the "other side of the coin," as it were.

He speaks TRUTH,
and it has nothing to do with color, race, creed, religion ~

it's just the truth.
There's a pastor that I listen to that just tells The Truth ~ Dr. Charles Stanley.

There was a person that I used to listen to ~ my mom ~ because she always told me of The Truth.

All of this flailing around,
lying and hiding and actually SCAMING folks by dazzling them?

Still stinks of the asshole that shot it into this world.

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