Edward Snowden is a false flag


VIP Member
Nov 22, 2011
778. Edward Snowden is a false flag (7/5/2013)

My conclusion based on the following facts.

1. Time line. It’s the development of the recent events, all related to the core plot- elimination of Kat Sung.

(1) The final stage of Boston bombing. It is marked by the killing of Toadshev in late May and the retirement announcement of the Boston FBI Chief in early June.

(2) On 6/7, an unusual private meeting between Obama and Xi (Chinese President) was arranged suddenly in California. Payment of the secret deal apparantly was an issue.

(3) On 6/14, “Former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden revealed to Hong Kong’s English-language newspaper, the South China Morning Post, on Wednesday that Washington has hacked into hundreds of civilian targets in Hong Kong and mainland China.” Edward Snowden reveals US computer hacking aimed at China - World Socialist Web Site

2. Obviously, Snowden’s revelation is the result of that private summit. It is part of payment of a secret deal between the secret police of US and China.

US recently “has repeatedly accused Beijing of perpetrating cyber-warfare, while China has continuously denied the accusations.

The latest round in this blame game saw the US Defense Science Board publish a report saying that nearly 40 Pentagon weapons programs and almost 30 other defense technologies were compromised by Chinese hackers, some allegedly tied to the military or government. (Cyber ceasefire? US and China square off over Internet espionage claims ? RT News)

It’s not a coincidence that Snowden chose Hong Kong as the place for his revelation. That’s a payment to China. His revelation largely releases the pressure on China.

3. It is a payment to Chinese secret police for their collaboration in Boston bombing. In which they confirmed one of the death was a Chinese student. They also joined a carjacking set up to trap Tsarnaev brothers. (mysterious Danny). Also for a big operation to create a bird flu which estimated 6.5 billion in cost. (see “774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013)”)

4. No information important has Snowden leaked to public because his job is just to release the “cyber spying” pressure from China. What he said is to prove US does same thing that China does. Government spying on people and foreign countries. That’s common sense. Americans know echelon, Patriot Act since 911. Civil rights has been damaged already. So what for Prism.

5. News said Snowden is helped by Wikeleaks in his travel plan and finance. It proves true what I alleged two years ago that Assange was a false flag. The master played behind them is the same organization. (see “655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)”)

779. Big events in 2013 is a big plot (7/10/2013)

Since this February the Feds activated a series of big operations at the purpose to distract public attention from a small operation – eliminating Kat Sung. It sounds odd for some people, but has been proved true by decade long history. If you have read whole of my story, you may have got familiar with these tactics already.

1. Attempted war on Iran. (1) On 2/15, a “meteorite” exploded in Russia. It was an intimidation to Russia with a high tech. weapon which imitated meteor explosion. Russia is Iran’s ally. (2) In same month, former Pope Benedict resigned under pressure. The Feds replaced him with a puppet of their own. As a Pope, Benedict would oppose war on Iran if it happenes. (see #759)

2. Bio attack – Bird Flu epidemic. Which was carried out by Chinese secret police and started from 4/1. (see “774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013)”)

3. A nuclear war panic created by N. Korea. N. Korea has been bribed to do this for three times. Each time it related to elimination plot.
(1) First nuclear test- 10/9/2006. (see “440. October surprise (10/5/06)” to #445)
(2) 5/25/2009, Second nuke test. (See “614. Secret deal with N.Korea (11/22/09)”)
(3)2/12/2013, third nuclear test. (see “765. How to justify a nuclear attack? (4/1/2013)”). The purpose is to frame Iran to “nuclear proliferation with N. Korea.

4. Domestic terror attack which at last will justify the war on Iran. The “terror attack” will be a “dirty bomb attack” or “nuclear bomb attack”. The likely target will be New York City. You saw this attempt in (1) In March, Osama bin Laden's son-in-law, who acted as a spokesman for al-Qaida, has been apprehended, transported to New York. The trial on him will justify an “Al Qaida revenge attack” in New York. (2) Tsanaev brothers of Boston bombing indicated such attempt. They were accused of

“April 25, 2013

Tsarnaev Brothers Planned Times Square Attack After Boston Bombing

Tsarnaev Brothers Planned Times Square Attack After Boston Bombing | PBS NewsHour | April 25, 2013 | PBS “

Korea Peninsula war crisis, domestic nuclear terror attack, epidemic, war on Iran, each single event could develop to a big disaster, let alone all four add together. That’s because FBI Chief Robert Mueller will step down in this September. The punishment for FBI murdering is just resignation. So they took the advantage and chance to plan such big events.
655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)

On 12/4, I wrote an article "Wiki-Leaks is another false flag" and posted it in APFN. One hour later, I was surprised to find the topic was replied by Julian Assange. I don't think it was Assange himself did it. He is on the run. Most likely it is the work of his handler - the Feds. The purpose is to link me to a would be "criminal". Assange is a living plant like Bin Laden. Here is the topic:

Wiki-Leaks is another false flag ?kathaksung, Sat Dec 4 09:27

* Thats not all, Netanyahu said.... ?Percy, Sat Dec 4 18:52

o Julian Assange answers your questions ?Julian Assange, Sat Dec 4 10:24

APFN - Wiki-Leaks is another false flag

Bin Laden is a living plant.

In 1990, Soviet bloc collapsed. US intelligence turned its resource which used to deal with Soviet bloc to the new target - Mid-east countries which are rich in natural resource. Bin Laden, an asset of the CIA in Afghanistan war(against Russian), was revived in this new project as a false flag - Islamic extremist. He went to Sudan first in 1991.

The Sudanese offered to arrest Bin Laden and extradite him to Saudi Arabia .

Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize

Saudi and US didn't take the offer with various excuse because Bin Laden is a living plant they deployed there.

In 1995, Bin Laden tried to set up a connection with Saddam but was refused.

Exhaustive review finds no link between Saddam, al Qaida

A September 2006 report by the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that Saddam was "distrustful of al Qaida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al Qaida to provide material or operational support."

The Senate report, citing an FBI debriefing of a senior Iraqi spy, Faruq Hijazi , said that Saddam turned down a request for assistance by bin Laden which he made at a 1995 meeting in Sudan with an Iraqi operative.


Sudan may have felt the danger to accomodate Bin Laden. In May 1996, the Sudanese asked bin Laden to leave. He went to Afghan and stay there until now.

In August 1998, Sudan and Afghanistan were bombed by US missiles.

In 2001, after 911, Afghan, facing US invasion, made an offer but failed.

Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over
* Taliban demand evidence of Bin Laden's guilt

guardian.co.uk, Sunday 14 October 2001 22.19 BST

Political Forum, Live Political Chat and Blogs discussing political and social issues.

In Bin Laden's recent 20 years, the countries he went or tried to go, have something in common: They all have rich natural resources. Sudan and Iraq have oil. Afghan has rich mine. '

Afghanistan to develop $3 trillion in mining potential
DUBAI | Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:14pm
Afghanistan to develop $3 trillion in mining potential | Reuters

He didn't go to Yemen, Somali or Syria for his "revolution" because they are resource poor countries, not in US interest list. He didn't go to Saudi or Kuwait. Because they are US allies. He only went to Sudan, Afghan, or Iraq (intended to) because these three countries were not controlled by US at that time. As a living plant, he gave US the excuse to activate attack on these three countries. (Even Saddam realized that Bin Laden was a dangerous living plant and rejected him, Iraq at last was invaded with an unexisted WMD)

Julian Assange is another false flag and living plant. The target is not to control natural resource but to control the free speech kindom - the Internet. If you have noticed that in last month, the events come with the Wiki-leaks' third leaking. '

The 19 Senators Who Voted To Censor The Internet
from the free-speech-isn't-free dept

The 19 Senators Who Voted To Censor The Internet | Techdirt

US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites

Learn more: US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites

WIKILEAKS will leak 250.000 documents sunday nov 28
Sat Nov 27, 2010

APFN - WIKILEAKS will leak 250.000 documents sunday nov 28

What will be their next step? Feds will upgrade the secret level of the leaking document to their puppet Assange. That will finally justify the legitimate of control of the Internet. When you saw that Wiki-Leaks is moving from this server to that, this web site to other, do you realize all these sites could be potential victims of the next wave of Internet censorship and seizure? Assange does same thing Bin Laden has done.

I always say that I am the most wanted of the Feds. Though I am always under the surveillance of the Feds, to set up an internet communication with a "criminal" could justify their action and turn an unreasonable search into a reasonable one. On 12/5, (next day that Assange post reply to my article) A working van of "Direct TV" parked at my front door. Technician installed something in my neighbor's house. (we share one roof and the wall) I think that they were installing detective instrument. My neighbor has had a dish satellite antenna already.
The government did not want Snowden to expose their spying. I believe in a lot of so-called conspiracy theories, but not the OP. It's not that I don't believe the govt. has gone rogue. I just don't think that's how this all happened.
Wow this is the mother of all conspiracy threads, you've tied in Boston bombing, Snowden, bird flu, a meteor over Russia, Korean nuclear tests, and a DirectTV truck.

These forums are an interesting window into your fellow man's psychosis.
Bin Laden: There most definitely was stuff going on there. He was a chess piece for the government all along. He was allowed to do what he did for the govt. to expand itself. There is no doubt about that.
Wow this is the mother of all conspiracy threads, you've tied in Boston bombing, Snowden, bird flu, a meteor over Russia, Korean nuclear tests, and a DirectTV truck.

These forums are an interesting window into your fellow man's psychosis.

Psychosis? He may be way off; but, I'd submit that he's way more mentally fit than most of the apathetic enablers in our country.
No, I believe he's quite crazy.

Someone believing what he posted isn't sniffing mentally fit by a long shot.
I got to the part where Julian Assange is on the run. He hasn't stirred out of that embassy for months.
The government did not want Snowden to expose their spying. I believe in a lot of so-called conspiracy theories, but not the OP. It's not that I don't believe the govt. has gone rogue. I just don't think that's how this all happened.

Obama may not. But he has to obey to the Feds. Do you think Clinton liked to be impeached? Yet he was humiliated by Lewinsky scandal.

This is a secret deal between the secret police of US and China.

773. Chinese secret police is accomplice of the Feds (5/25/2013)

Boston bombing and Verginia Tech. massacre, both were planned by the Feds to cover up a main plot- "eliminate Kat Sung"(which went soured for some reason). Chinese secret police heavily involved in these two cases.

In original plan of Virginia Tech. case, the gunman was portrayed as a Chinese student. Whatever the Feds said about him, the Chinese government would confirm it true. Here is the news issued right on that day:

"Gunman kills 32 at Virginia Tech before being killed

April 16, 2007
BY MICHAEL SNEED Sun-Times Columnist

Sneed hears authorities were investigating whether the gunman who killed 32 people in a rampage on the Virginia Tech campus was a Chinese national who arrived in the United States last year on a student visa.

The 25-year-old man being investigated for the deadliest college carnage in U.S. history reportedly arrived in San Francisco on a United Airlines flight on Aug. 7, 2006, on a visa issued in Shanghai, the source said. Investigators had not linked him to any terrorist groups, the source added." "

However, the main plot fail to go through, they had to change their original plan. A Korean student- Cho Sun-hui became a sacrifice. (I think Cho was an informant. In big case, Feds used to activate a lot of informants as special support group)
Here is a rare news for you to judge how Cho died.

"Virginia Tech Massacre : Police Won't Rule Out Second Shooter/Accomplice, Yet

Killer Shot Himself, Through The Back Of The Head, Blowing Out His Face

Police claim by the time they reached the second floor, the gun fire had stopped and Cho was found on the floor of a classroom. Police claim he shot himself, through the back of the head :

“He opened fire to the back of his head and blew up the front part of his head, which has made it difficult to identify him...”


Similar things happened in Boston bombing. Though a lot of pictures of bombing site were issued in internet, they were mainly about the amputee man (Bauman) and other cover up teams. The purpose is to comfort the others that it was a stage show that there was no real casualty. The foundation to rule this country is a massive informants troop. They were rattled after 911 attack and 7/7 London bombing which reminded them any time they could become involuntary "suicides". So a big job of Feds is to prove them that it was only an actors' show. That's why in those bloody pictures, we saw no real dead victim.

Three people were reported dead in Boston bombing. One was said a Chinese student. Chinese government would confirm what the Feds said. Its secret police is an accomplice in this case.

When the Feds decided to frame Tsarnaev brothers as the suspects of Boston bombing, the fate of brothers were decided too. The Feds issued the photo of the suspects on 4/18. Tamerlan was shot to death that day and Dzhokhar was chased by 10,000 police thereafter before they had chance to know that they had become suspects. The point was to create a case that they had conflict with police. So we heard the odd news of the death of a MIT police and car hijacking that night.

Boston Bombers’ Carjacking Victim Is A Chinese Entrepreneur Named ‘Danny’

Adam Pasick April 26, 2013

The man who was carjacked by alleged Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and who made a daring escape that helped lead to their apprehension, is a 26-year-old Chinese immigrant engineer and entrepreneur who has asked only to be identified by his American nickname, Danny.

The Boston Globe interviewed Danny and reported that he is from a “province in central China” who studied engineering at Northeastern University before starting up a company in Boston’s Kendall Square. He asked the Globe not to disclose his full name, although it may be made public if and when he testifies against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Prison Planet.com » Boston Bombers? Carjacking Victim Is A Chinese Entrepreneur Named ?Danny?


Danny – The Mysterious Chinese Hero of the Boston Bombings
By Yishi Zuo May 13, 2013

Danny ? The Mysterious Chinese Hero of the Boston Bombings

Chinese became important “witness” of Boston bombing case.

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