Egypt Sentences Over 500 Muslim Brotherhood Members To Death

I see our resident racists are gloating over the return of a military dictatorship in Egypt. Figures, once a fascist always a fascist.

Figures that you must be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Say, speaking of Fascists, didn't many of the Nazis run to Egypt after World War II to escape prosecution because they knew they would be comfortable in Egypt with all the Fascists there?

I know several went to syria, Egypt was too accessible.
I see our resident racists are gloating over the return of a military dictatorship in Egypt. Figures, once a fascist always a fascist.
I see our resident anti Semites upset that the prospect of an Islamist dictatorship in Egypt crashed with flying colors. I'll take a corrupt military dictatorship that treats its people and minorities equally and with respect, that isn't a threat to its neighbors and the world, over a barbaric Islamic regime any day, and I'm sure the Egyptians feel the same. :clap2:
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I see our resident racists are gloating over the return of a military dictatorship in Egypt. Figures, once a fascist always a fascist.

Figures that you must be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Say, speaking of Fascists, didn't many of the Nazis run to Egypt after World War II to escape prosecution because they knew they would be comfortable in Egypt with all the Fascists there?

Read all about it!

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
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The rule of law matters - as does real justice - this isn't good for Egypts pro-democracy movement.

The (thankfully) brief Muslim Brotherhood fiasco govt in Egypt, came about as a result of democracy there.. All the more reason why you can't have democracy in a place where the MB can garner (through intimidation, coercion, whatever) so much support.

Until the MB's influence is exterminated (as needs to be), there should never be democracy in Egypt, and hopefully, the 3 stooges in Washington DC (Obama, Hillary, Kerry) who called for it, now know better. The only thing putting democracy in a place like Egypt gives you, is the farthest thing from democracy anything could ever be.
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Dang me, dang me, dey oughta take a rope an' hang me...
Apr 28,`14 -- The Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual leader and more than 680 other people were sentenced to death Monday stemming from last year's post-coup violence in the latest mass trial that was denounced in the West and by human rights groups as contrary to the rule of law.
In a separate ruling Monday, a court banned the April 6 youth group - one of several that engineered the 2011 uprising against longtime leader Hosni Mubarak that set off nearly three years of unrest. It ordered the confiscation of the group's offices. The sentences for the 683 defendants were announced by Judge Said Youssef at a court session in the southern city of Minya that lasted only eight minutes. The verdicts are not final and are expected to be overturned. Under the law, once the defendants who were tried in absentia turn themselves in - which is all but 63 of the accused - their trials will start over.

The mass trials were linked to riots in which supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi allegedly attacked police stations and churches in retaliation for security forces violently breaking up Cairo sit-ins by Islamists in August that left hundreds dead. The defendants in Monday's trial are part of a group of nearly 1,000 who were implicated in the deaths of three policemen and a civilian, as well as others who were injured. Youssef said he was referring the death sentences - which followed convictions for the violence - to the Grand Mufti, Egypt's top Islamic official. The move is a legal requirement that is usually considered a formality, but it also allows the judge to change his mind.

Youssef also reduced the sentences against 529 defendants from a mass trial at which he presided in March. He upheld the death penalty for only 37 of them - an extraordinarily high number under Egyptian law - and commuted the rest to life imprisonment. The death sentences are being appealed by the prosecutor general. By contrast, after the trial in the wake of the 1981 assassination of President Anwar Sadat, only five people were executed. Monday's court action drew international outcry. Amnesty International said it feared the judiciary is "becoming just another part of the authorities' repressive machinery, issuing sentences of death and life imprisonment on an industrial scale."

Washington called for the rulings to be reversed. "The United States is deeply concerned by today's Egyptian court actions related to another mass trial and preliminary death sentences as well as the banning of the April 6 youth movement activities," said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki. "These court decisions run counter to the most basic democratic principles and foster the instability, extremism, and radicalization that Egypt's interim government says it seeks to resolve," she said.


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Mebbe he can 'do more after the election'...

Imam to Obama: ‘End Oppression of Muslims’; Obama to Imam: ‘Pray for Me’
April 27, 2014 – Visiting Malaysia’s National Mosque on Sunday, President Obama was asked by the institution’s imam to end oppression against Muslims worldwide, Malaysia’s national press agency Bernama reported.
“Pray for me,” Obama replied, according to Grand Imam Ismail Muhammad, who took him on a 25-minute tour of the mosque, called Masjid Negara in Malay, in Kuala Lumpur. “Obama also said that every day when he wakes up he always does his best to put an end to oppression and conflicts affecting communities,” Bernama quoted Ismail as saying. The 70 year-old cleric said Obama had frequently replied with InsyAllah (Malay for “Allah willing”) and terima kasih (“thank you”) during the tour. “It was nice of him, although he could not speak much of the Malay language but understood what I had said to him,” he said.

Obama, who wore a dark suit and removed his shoes, also visited and paid his respects at the National Mausoleum at the mosque complex, where former prime ministers and deputy prime ministers are buried. Malaysia’s Star newspaper quoted Abdullah Muhammad Zin, religious advisor to Prime Minister Najib Razak, as saying it was “not common” for the leader of a superpower to include a visit to a mosque in his itinerary. “There can be no better way for Obama to honor Islam than by visiting Masjid Negara,” he said. Bernama quoted several other senior Muslim figures commenting on the visit. “This is out of the ordinary as I cannot recall any non-Muslim world leader visiting the National Mosque and this is a good start for Muslims here,” said Ustaz Wan Akashah Wan Abdul Hamid, a religious scholar.

The news agency also cited a former National Mosque imam, Hassan Mahmood Al-Hafiz, as saying that “the willingness of the world leader to set foot on the Islamic landmark was a good omen, more so when Muslims were being wrongly linked to violence.” The National Mosque was built in 1965, several years after Malaysia won independence from Britain, on the site of a Brethren Church that had been appropriated by the Malaysian government for the purpose. (The church, which had stood there since 1922, was offered an alternative site.) Relations between Malaysia’s Muslim majority (around 61 percent) and minorities including Buddhists (almost 20 percent), Christians (9 percent) and Hindus (6 percent) have been troubled at times.

Invited to comment on Obama’s decision to visit a mosque but not a church while in the country, Council of Churches of Malaysia general secretary Hermen Shastri demurred, but said that those responsible for arranging the visit had “ensured that he is made aware of the religious freedom issues in the country.” A spokesman for the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship chairman, Rev. Dr. Eu Hong Seng, said he welcomed the fact Obama chose to tour the National Mosque. “Given the challenges and concerns for non-Muslim religions in Malaysia, especially Christianity, it would have been good for President Obama to also visit the places of religious worship of other religions,” he said. “This would help him better understand the issues facing non-Muslim religions in Malaysia.”

‘People who are not like us’
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