Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

If Obama or Romney wins it will not be one man with popular vote and the other with the electoral vote.


Obama is favored by a lopsided margin


whats your prediction oh wise one?

electoral count of-______________________?

close to Cassidy's Count


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lwLbx1_ZmA]David Cassidy - Could it be forever - YouTube[/ame]


If Romney wins, it will be by a slim margin

You know Rightwinger........Ive had you figured out for a long time. You're a master BSer but not a k00k like most of the far lefties on here. You know the landscape is not friendly for the incumbent here in 2012.......deep down, lefties on here without connect the dots issues know deep down the enthusiasm is way down......independents are gone and the economy is crap. And making Romney out to be the devil failed. I still give Obama an outside chance, but its based only upon getting bogus votes........but his team would be the ones to pull it off.
Groundwork buttressing trumped up claims of fraud- check.
Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

GOP Rally Round The Flag Boyos!!! :lol:

Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

Although many professional prognosticators see President Obama as the favorite tomorrow, some notable conservatives are dissenting. Their maps show everything from a slim win by Mitt Romney with 275 Electoral College votes to a 325-vote landslide, with some maps putting Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and even Michigan in play.

One thing these seven maps agree on, however, is a Romney win in Ohio. (Updated: Ben Domenech's map, added below, does not include Romney winning Ohio.)

Dick Morris: Romney 325, Obama 213

George F. Will: Romney 321, Obama 217

Michael Barone: Romney 315, Obama 223

Dean Chambers: Romney 311, Obama 227

Andrew Beyer: Romney 284, Obama 254

Karl Rove: Romney 279, Obama 259

Ben Domenech: Romney 278, Obama 260

Leslie Sanchez: Romney 275, Obama 263


Karl Rove’s Record Of Failed Predictions

Karl Rove: Romney 279, Obama 259

On your next trip up Obama's anus, find out how many up there are predicting the opposite and report back to us please.

Oh so, you're saying that Bush's Brain did not make all these hairbrained predictions and that he was not wrong on all of them?

Post proof.

Or, you could just admit that you attacked another poster because he was right.

Oh, and, my opinion is that when you consider the lies about Obama, the vote buying, the voter intimidation, the voter suppression ............. I think its very possible that Mitt could win.

And, what a nightmare that would be.
Independents are going in double digits towards Romney

And we ALL KNOW where the Dependent vote is going.

So it comes down to which group turns out in greater numbers
the Independents or the Dependents!

NOTE: If the Dependents vote for greater dependence on govt they can't pay for, again, the independent political groups will band together and lead a secession from govt by redirecting resources into their own local business solutions and deducting 100% off federal taxes. If the system fails that badly, the people are the last check on govt abuses.

If Romney wins, we can use the given structures to redirect resources more effectively locally, and away from federal politics.
If Obama wins, we'd have to work around and outside the Democrat blocks to do the work - "independent" of govt bureaucracy.
Either way, the same work needs to be done; but the political infighting will either continue federally or shift to local controls.
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Oh, and, my opinion is that when you consider the lies about Obama, the vote buying, the voter intimidation, the voter suppression ............. I think its very possible that Mitt could win.

And, what a nightmare that would be.

Not any worse than the nightmare Obama was to those who suffered from that!
Oh, and, my opinion is that when you consider the lies about Obama, the vote buying, the voter intimidation, the voter suppression ............. I think its very possible that Mitt could win.

And, what a nightmare that would be.

My polling place required a photo ID this morning. It was satisfying seeing all of the poor, elderly, illegal alien and colored folks outside with their noses pressed against the window wanting to get inside......but the KKK did a great job beating them back into disenfranchisment.
At the end of the night, people will realize that they have spent far too much time looking at these polls..........

Why I know Romney will win:

1) In 2008, Obama bested McCain by only a handful of points in many swing states. He was the most pathetic candidate ever and got fairly close even after an economic collapse.
2) A fair % of whites are not voting Obama this time......but wont admit it in polling.
3) These has been no measure of the loathing for Obama by anti-Obama voters.......except anecdotally........but its never been more intense.......ever. These people are ALL voting today if they have to stand in line for 10 hours.
4) The optimist candidate ALWAYS WINS ( like Obama 2008......Kennedy 1960........Romney 2012..............Carter 1976...........Reagan 1980 )
5) Incumbents in a general election and in a crappy economy go down hard..........ALWAYS.
6) Small/acute issues/news stories dont matter in general elections ( ie: Hurricane Sandy). Big issues do.
7) All these polls are weighted DEM.........big..........no way they turn out in 2008 numbers ( watch early Virginia returns tonight )
8) State economies' health = 100% predictor the last 9 elections Updated election forecasting model still points to Romney win, http://www.colorado.edu/news/releases/2012/10/04/updated-election-forecasting-model-still-points-romney-win-university
9) 23 million people out of work
10) You cant bamboozle independents twice in a row.........they decided 2008.........they decide it today.

Virginia polls close at 7PM tonight.............Romney will be on top. Conservatives can start celebrating because it will be THE measure on countrywide turnoout............and make todays polling #'s moot.
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Oh, and, my opinion is that when you consider the lies about Obama, the vote buying, the voter intimidation, the voter suppression ............. I think its very possible that Mitt could win.

And, what a nightmare that would be.

My polling place required a photo ID this morning. It was satisfying seeing all of the poor, elderly, illegal alien and colored folks outside with their noses pressed against the window wanting to get inside......but the KKK did a great job beating them back into disenfranchisment.

fuck them.......no id.......no vote. I hope they freeze their asses off out there. If they can show up and wait out there, they can find a way to get to their local DMV.

fuck those meatheads...............:D:D:D............I'd be there laughing my balls off at them!!!!
Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

GOP Rally Round The Flag Boyos!!! :lol:

Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

Although many professional prognosticators see President Obama as the favorite tomorrow, some notable conservatives are dissenting. Their maps show everything from a slim win by Mitt Romney with 275 Electoral College votes to a 325-vote landslide, with some maps putting Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and even Michigan in play.

One thing these seven maps agree on, however, is a Romney win in Ohio. (Updated: Ben Domenech's map, added below, does not include Romney winning Ohio.)

Dick Morris: Romney 325, Obama 213

George F. Will: Romney 321, Obama 217

Michael Barone: Romney 315, Obama 223

Dean Chambers: Romney 311, Obama 227

Andrew Beyer: Romney 284, Obama 254

Karl Rove: Romney 279, Obama 259

Ben Domenech: Romney 278, Obama 260

Leslie Sanchez: Romney 275, Obama 263


Karl Rove’s Record Of Failed Predictions

Karl Rove: Romney 279, Obama 259

How miserably wrong they were.
Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

GOP Rally Round The Flag Boyos!!! :lol:

Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

Although many professional prognosticators see President Obama as the favorite tomorrow, some notable conservatives are dissenting. Their maps show everything from a slim win by Mitt Romney with 275 Electoral College votes to a 325-vote landslide, with some maps putting Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and even Michigan in play.

One thing these seven maps agree on, however, is a Romney win in Ohio. (Updated: Ben Domenech's map, added below, does not include Romney winning Ohio.)

Dick Morris: Romney 325, Obama 213

George F. Will: Romney 321, Obama 217

Michael Barone: Romney 315, Obama 223

Dean Chambers: Romney 311, Obama 227

Andrew Beyer: Romney 284, Obama 254

Karl Rove: Romney 279, Obama 259

Ben Domenech: Romney 278, Obama 260

Leslie Sanchez: Romney 275, Obama 263


Karl Rove’s Record Of Failed Predictions

Karl Rove: Romney 279, Obama 259

just sayin'

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