Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

GOP Rally Round The Flag Boyos!!! :lol:

Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

Although many professional prognosticators see President Obama as the favorite tomorrow, some notable conservatives are dissenting. Their maps show everything from a slim win by Mitt Romney with 275 Electoral College votes to a 325-vote landslide, with some maps putting Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and even Michigan in play.

One thing these seven maps agree on, however, is a Romney win in Ohio. (Updated: Ben Domenech's map, added below, does not include Romney winning Ohio.)

Dick Morris: Romney 325, Obama 213

George F. Will: Romney 321, Obama 217

Michael Barone: Romney 315, Obama 223

Dean Chambers: Romney 311, Obama 227

Andrew Beyer: Romney 284, Obama 254

Karl Rove: Romney 279, Obama 259

Ben Domenech: Romney 278, Obama 260

Leslie Sanchez: Romney 275, Obama 263


Karl Rove’s Record Of Failed Predictions

Karl Rove: Romney 279, Obama 259

just sayin'

and what was the purpose of bumping a year and a half old thread?
what your doing is the equivalence of a foot ball fan wanting to bring up last years season because this season his team sucks
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Oh, but it was so beautiful!

I'm going to go look for more. I won't bump them though.
Oh, but it was so beautiful!

I'm going to go look for more. I won't bump them though.

I'm thankful for all those bumps. This was totally fun to read.

So, while Righties were frothing at the mouth, spewing everything they could to prognosticate a win that was NOT being shown by the state numbers, I calmly and quietly put together 8 electoral landscapes, the final of which came out on the morning of 11-06-2012:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond: Bonncaruso's FINAL Electoral Landscape (No.8): Obama 303 / Romney 235

My prediction: Obama 303 - Romney 235, with the possibility still open of Obama winning Florida as well. All based on polling numbers. All 1,900+ polls can be found in the report.

I also did a final battleground report two days before:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond: FINAL Battleground Report 11/04/2012: T-minus 2 days, DELUXE VERSION

And, I kept an election night blog.


[MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] - thanks for bumping this thread. Betcha knew I would find it!

PS: Now y'all understand my sig file.
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Thanks for bumping this, reading it was a real treat. Seeing skooker post the Colorado guys never gets old. He probably made that same post 250 times pre-election but didn't post once about them post-election.

Here are a few more that I bookmarked for shits and giggles.




I can understand Dick Morris being so wrong about the election. He is clueless

But George Will also had Romney with 321 electoral votes. How on earth could Romney have reached 321?
I can understand Dick Morris being so wrong about the election. He is clueless

But George Will also had Romney with 321 electoral votes. How on earth could Romney have reached 321?

In the minds of those whackadoodles who really were convinced that ALL of those polls were skewed.
Oh, but it was so beautiful!

I'm going to go look for more. I won't bump them though.

And, just think ...

We have another one to look forward to.


Yes, indeed.

October 11, 2016:

"Five independent polls of Ohio show Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leading her Republican opponents by over 15 points"

Drudge/Townhall and co:

"SKEWED POLLS, SKEWED POLLS, GOP whathisname is actually ahead!!!"

Oh, but it was so beautiful!

I'm going to go look for more. I won't bump them though.

And, just think ...

We have another one to look forward to.


Yes, indeed.

October 11, 2016:

"Five independent polls of Ohio show Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leading her Republican opponents by over 15 points"

Drudge/Townhall and co:

"SKEWED POLLS, SKEWED POLLS, GOP whathisname is actually ahead!!!"


Oversampling of Democrats

Romney won I tell you...Romney won
And, just think ...

We have another one to look forward to.


Yes, indeed.

October 11, 2016:

"Five independent polls of Ohio show Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leading her Republican opponents by over 15 points"

Drudge/Townhall and co:

"SKEWED POLLS, SKEWED POLLS, GOP whathisname is actually ahead!!!"


Oversampling of Democrats

Romney won I tell you...Romney won

I can understand Dick Morris being so wrong about the election. He is clueless

But George Will also had Romney with 321 electoral votes. How on earth could Romney have reached 321?

George Will hasn't been the same since he sided with Reagan after being against Reagan.'

and the answer to your question: "George Will also had Romney with 321 electoral votes. How on earth could Romney have reached 321?"

is: "Cons Wet Dreams"
I can understand Dick Morris being so wrong about the election. He is clueless

But George Will also had Romney with 321 electoral votes. How on earth could Romney have reached 321?

George Will hasn't been the same since he sided with Reagan after being against Reagan.'

and the answer to your question: "George Will also had Romney with 321 electoral votes. How on earth could Romney have reached 321?"

is: "Cons Wet Dreams"

When I watched the Dick Morris segment, coffee spewed out of my nose, I was laughing so hard.

The Dude was crazy enough to actually think that Minnesota, then a 9-for-9 DEM state, now a 10-for-10 DEM state, was gonna go for a GOP challenger to an incumbent DEM president. It's 13-for14 DEM state since 1960 and an 18-for-21 DEM state since 1932 and a . It took a Richard Nixon +22 national win to pull Minnesota across the line to the GOP in 1972. Reagan never won the state, not even in 1984. If Ronald Reagan cannot win this state, did anyone really think that Romney could win a state with such a deep, deep, deep Blue DNA, as John King likes to say?

Clinton won MN with +12 in 92 and by +16 in 96. Obama won it by +10 in 08 and by +8 in 12. Carter won it by +13 in 76 and by +4 in 80. Kennedy won it by a razor thin +1 in 60 but his successor, Johnson, whalloped here with +28, well above his national margin.

MN is absolute fool's gold for the GOP. But it keeps trying, which I think is wonderful. Let the GOP waste it's money.

More info here:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond: Rank 21 / 31: Minnesota
to bad for the wingnuts the vote was not after the first debate ... but considering how little the Administration has accomplished, has the outcome really mattered ?

stay tuned 2014.

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