Eight years to get to 5% unemployment?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
Isn't Obama doing a wonderful job on the economy? I can't think of a single time when we had such a low unemployment rate. It is to bad Obama can't be in office another eight years because I'm sure by then we can get to 4.9% by then and sustain that indefinitely. I'm sure if Obama counted the unemployed in a different way unemployment can be at -1.2%. The only reason he doesn't is to give republicans a chance because who can beat an incumbent president when the economy is doung so much better than any other president in the future. It wouldn't be fair to look at the unemployment numbers of the three previous presidents because we know Obama will kick their capitalist ass down the street. Obama rocks just like my 20 hours a week job. Who wants to work that many hours anyways?

Let's not talk about the economy. Ecause it is a literally a dead issue.
obama has the media covering for him, as will any Democrat. They put him in office, they are the real enemy.
What we need is free college tuition paid for with someone else's money. That way, we would see an uptick in the education level of the posters on USMB because more would be college educated and unemployed.
Go out and get another job. When a person has two part-time jobs, he is causing the employment rate to skyrocket.
What we need is free college tuition paid for with someone else's money. That way, we would see an uptick in the education level of the posters on USMB because more would be college educated and unemployed.

I totally agree. Those degrees in English lit really pay off.
The unemployment rate is a prime example of the phrase "There are lies, there are damn lies, and then there are statistics".
"Eight years to get to 5% unemployment?"

Remarkable and impressive given the depth and severity of the December 2007 recession, the most catastrophic economic event since the Great Depression.

Indeed, remarkable and impressive in light of republicans' efforts to do everything in their power to hinder the economy's recovery for some perceived partisan gain.

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