El Niño is Here!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced that el Niño has arrived. 2015 may be the hottest year so far.

This article is certain to excite and liven up the Globull Warming crowd. I'm certain this whole ocean warming thing is entire due to Mankind! Read the article @ NOAA Announces Arrival Of El Ni o 2015 Poised To Beat 2014 For Hottest Year ThinkProgress

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced that el Niño has arrived. 2015 may be the hottest year so far.

This article is certain to excite and liven up the Globull Warming crowd. I'm certain this whole ocean warming thing is entire due to Mankind! Read the article @ NOAA Announces Arrival Of El Ni o 2015 Poised To Beat 2014 For Hottest Year ThinkProgress

Well shit! We've just had the HOTTEST WINTER on record...ask those people in Boston. They'll tell ya. And it's not over yet.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced that el Niño has arrived. 2015 may be the hottest year so far.

This article is certain to excite and liven up the Globull Warming crowd. I'm certain this whole ocean warming thing is entire due to Mankind! Read the article @ NOAA Announces Arrival Of El Ni o 2015 Poised To Beat 2014 For Hottest Year ThinkProgress

Well shit! We've just had the HOTTEST WINTER on record...ask those people in Boston. They'll tell ya. And it's not over yet.

I see you're having a hard time with the "global" concept.





The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced that el Niño has arrived. 2015 may be the hottest year so far.

This article is certain to excite and liven up the Globull Warming crowd. I'm certain this whole ocean warming thing is entire due to Mankind! Read the article @ NOAA Announces Arrival Of El Ni o 2015 Poised To Beat 2014 For Hottest Year ThinkProgress

Well shit! We've just had the HOTTEST WINTER on record...ask those people in Boston. They'll tell ya. And it's not over yet.

I see you're having a hard time with the "global" concept.





I ONLY KNOWS what I SEES. And THIS COUNTRY should be nothing but ASHES by now, Sweetheart. What's next? A hard time with the "GALAXY" concept?
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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced that el Niño has arrived. 2015 may be the hottest year so far.

This article is certain to excite and liven up the Globull Warming crowd. I'm certain this whole ocean warming thing is entire due to Mankind! Read the article @ NOAA Announces Arrival Of El Ni o 2015 Poised To Beat 2014 For Hottest Year ThinkProgress

Well shit! We've just had the HOTTEST WINTER on record...ask those people in Boston. They'll tell ya. And it's not over yet.

I see you're having a hard time with the "global" concept.





I ONLY KNOWS what I SEES. And THIS COUNTRY should be nothing but ASHES by now, Sweetheart. What's next? A hard time with the "GALAXY" concept?

Gosh, it's such a dilemma, should I listen to a poster named Porker, or should I listen to credible scientists on this subject?

I think I'll go with scientists on this one, but thanks anyway.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced that el Niño has arrived. 2015 may be the hottest year so far.

This article is certain to excite and liven up the Globull Warming crowd. I'm certain this whole ocean warming thing is entire due to Mankind! Read the article @ NOAA Announces Arrival Of El Ni o 2015 Poised To Beat 2014 For Hottest Year ThinkProgress

Well shit! We've just had the HOTTEST WINTER on record...ask those people in Boston. They'll tell ya. And it's not over yet.

I see you're having a hard time with the "global" concept.





I ONLY KNOWS what I SEES. And THIS COUNTRY should be nothing but ASHES by now, Sweetheart. What's next? A hard time with the "GALAXY" concept?

Gosh, it's such a dilemma, should I listen to a poster named Porker, or should I listen to credible scientists on this subject?

I think I'll go with scientists on this one, but thanks anyway.

You do that, Carla. Those liberal "scientists" are in cahoots with the United Nations to put the world under a "global" government. and you gullible libs are with 'em all way. Have fun with that shit.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced that el Niño has arrived. 2015 may be the hottest year so far.

This article is certain to excite and liven up the Globull Warming crowd. I'm certain this whole ocean warming thing is entire due to Mankind! Read the article @ NOAA Announces Arrival Of El Ni o 2015 Poised To Beat 2014 For Hottest Year ThinkProgress

Well shit! We've just had the HOTTEST WINTER on record...ask those people in Boston. They'll tell ya. And it's not over yet.

I see you're having a hard time with the "global" concept.





I ONLY KNOWS what I SEES. And THIS COUNTRY should be nothing but ASHES by now, Sweetheart. What's next? A hard time with the "GALAXY" concept?

Gosh, it's such a dilemma, should I listen to a poster named Porker, or should I listen to credible scientists on this subject?

I think I'll go with scientists on this one, but thanks anyway.

You do that, Carla. Those liberal "scientists" are in cahoots with the United Nations to put the world under a "global" government. and you gullible libs are with 'em all way. Have fun with that shit.

Are you wearing your tin foil hat?
Well shit! We've just had the HOTTEST WINTER on record...ask those people in Boston. They'll tell ya. And it's not over yet.

I see you're having a hard time with the "global" concept.





I ONLY KNOWS what I SEES. And THIS COUNTRY should be nothing but ASHES by now, Sweetheart. What's next? A hard time with the "GALAXY" concept?

Gosh, it's such a dilemma, should I listen to a poster named Porker, or should I listen to credible scientists on this subject?

I think I'll go with scientists on this one, but thanks anyway.

You do that, Carla. Those liberal "scientists" are in cahoots with the United Nations to put the world under a "global" government. and you gullible libs are with 'em all way. Have fun with that shit.

Are you wearing your tin foil hat?
Are you still running around with no underwear? When all else fails for liberals...they resort to this old weather-beaten bullshit.
My goodness, ol' pig, you are sure proof of the wonderful willfull ignorance of 'Conservatives'. Even with a weak El Nino, it is going to be an interesting year.
March 2015 ENSO discussion El Ni o is here NOAA Climate.gov

Emily Becker
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Over the last several months, we’ve seen warmer-than-average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the tropical Pacific, including the Niño3.4 region, which we track as one indicator of El Niño. The seasonal Niño3.4 Index has been at or above 0.5°C since September, and the most recent weekly Niño3.4 index was +0.6°C.

The El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a coupled phenomenon, though, so we also monitor the atmosphere for signs that it is responding to those positive SST anomalies. For the last few months, we’ve been seeing some suggestions of borderline atmospheric El Niño conditions, but until this month we were below that borderline. This month, we’ve finally crept above it, and thus NOAA is declaring the onset of El Niño conditions.

Now who should we trust on this? Ol' Billy Boob, of the 98.6 degrees, and energetic molecules from the sun, or the scientists at NOAA?
There's a lot more yellow in the Pacific than blue. That means El Nino. Billy seems to be the only person incapable of reading such a simple temperature chart.

The PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) may be flipping as well. Those run in 15-30 year phases. We've been in the overall cooler negative phase for about 17 years, but over the last year, it's shifted to a run of positive values

There's a lot more yellow in the Pacific than blue. That means El Nino. Billy seems to be the only person incapable of reading such a simple temperature chart.

The PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) may be flipping as well. Those run in 15-30 year phases. We've been in the overall cooler negative phase for about 17 years, but over the last year, it's shifted to a run of positive values

If only you knew how to read the graph.. Blue is way below the 0.5 deg C threshold required.. But the Boys over at NOAA need propaganda to put up that the earth is going to burn before massive cooling sets in further.... Just following Dear leader Barrack Obama and his lies to keep the socialist dream of smashing america to bits alive..
There's a lot more yellow in the Pacific than blue. That means El Nino. Billy seems to be the only person incapable of reading such a simple temperature chart.

The PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) may be flipping as well. Those run in 15-30 year phases. We've been in the overall cooler negative phase for about 17 years, but over the last year, it's shifted to a run of positive values


Without an active solar input the flip will take much longer to happen.. The desperation is stunning..
So how did the flip to extremely positive happen at all, given your theory says it shouldn't have? Your theory clearly needs some work.

So, after 2015 sets a new global average temperature record high, will you admit you were totally wrong? Probably not. All of your predictions of cooling in the past have failed hard, but your ice age faith hasn't wavered a bit. After 2015 is a new record high, you'll still be screaming about the big cooldown right around the corner.

Oh, the El Nino. When the line averages +0.5C for 3 months, El Nino. That happened. There are other factors involved, which the link discusses.

March 2015 ENSO discussion El Ni o is here NOAA Climate.gov

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So how did the flip to extremely positive happen at all, given your theory says it shouldn't have? Your theory clearly needs some work.

So, after 2015 sets a new global average temperature record high, will you admit you were totally wrong? Probably not. All of your predictions of cooling in the past have failed hard, but your ice age faith hasn't wavered a bit. After 2015 is a new record high, you'll still be screaming about the big cooldown right around the corner.

Oh, the El Nino. When the line averages +0.5C for 3 months, El Nino. That happened. There are other factors involved, which the link discusses.

March 2015 ENSO discussion El Ni o is here NOAA Climate.gov


Wow.. The month they started homogenizing the SST temps resulted in a flip... Why am I not surprised... Original raw data sets say NADA... Homogenized and altered data set say its happening... who to believe... Those who need it to be warming to continue the left wing agenda or the unaltered data sets....

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