Election Expert Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in GA in front of Judge USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

If laws were black and white, the courts would have very little to do.

Go back and review what the Texas lawsuit was about because you don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.
That's why the legal system is so fucked up.
Trump was right, again! Time to got back to paper ballots, that for some reason were able to be counted within hours not days to determine the winner.

The ballots in Georgia were changed via an Italian military satellite bouncing off the Jewish space laser operated by Hugo Chavez.

Anyone who reads the Gateway Pundit deserves to be lied to.
No it shows that you don't understand it.
The lawsuit wasn’t about violation of the state constitution. Texas claimed violation of the electors clause based on their interpretation that the US constitution forbids anyone other than the legislature from changing the rules of the election.

This is exactly what the governor of Texas did.
Trump was right, again! Time to got back to paper ballots, that for some reason were able to be counted within hours not days to determine the winner.

Here's the problem.
The article you've sourced is shit.

Here is a better article

And then he goes over to the power button, leans down, he holds down the power button for between five to 10 seconds, probably 7 seconds, and it automatically puts the machine in safe mode.

…And this reboot happens. And he then shows the judge the display and it shows a picture of the on off button as he’s pushing it for five to 10 seconds to instigate the reboot. But before you reboot the whole thing there’ll be something that comes up to ask if he wants to go into safe mode, and then he pushes. Yes. So it doesn’t shut it down or reboot. He just goes into safe mode. And that allows him to open up files and change the content of files."

That's more or less what he did. Worrying yes, but the same could be said about paper ballots. We KNOW people manipulate paper ballots. Trump was complaining about ballot stuffing at the last election too.

So, should we stop paper ballots too?
In other words pussy bitch you don't have a clue.


Moans the idiot who actually thinks the governor wasn't challenged...

... do you even realize you're the dumbest, most uninformed poster on this site?

Moans the idiot who actually thinks the governor wasn't challenged...

... do you even realize you're the dumbest, most uninformed poster on this site?
In other words you need assistance from democrat propaganda to speak for your lies

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