CDZ ELECTION PSYOP 2020: The Well-Hidden Back Story


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Please read this entire article prior to replying to any post in this thread.

It presents claims regarding why Donald John Trump defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton, why he backed off on efforts to prosecute her and send her to prison, why he appointed several "do-nothing" people, why he was denied a second term, why he and his family are being and will continue to be persecuted, and how the USA has long been manipulated by a global cabal of powerful families whose bloodlines can be traced back to ancient Egyptian rulers.

No....someone is over thinking this....Both sides of DC hated Trump....look at all of the leaks from the white house and the DOJ during Trump...we have had zero leaks under Biden...the senate and house roll over for Joe but fought Trump every step of the way....
Doing good things for the people meaning making them self sufficient will not win friends in the swamp....its that simple....and throw in the money addiction with people doing business in China and you have a near impossible task placed in front of Trump....that being said he still did a great job....
Please read this entire article prior to replying to any post in this thread.

It presents claims regarding why Donald John Trump defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton, why he backed off on efforts to prosecute her and send her to prison, why he appointed several "do-nothing" people, why he was denied a second term, why he and his family are being and will continue to be persecuted, and how the USA has long been manipulated by a global cabal of powerful families whose bloodlines can be traced back to ancient Egyptian rulers.

Ancient Egypt had Jewish Pharaohs?
No....someone is over thinking this....Both sides of DC hated Trump....look at all of the leaks from the white house and the DOJ during Trump...we have had zero leaks under Biden...the senate and house roll over for Joe but fought Trump every step of the way....
Doing good things for the people meaning making them self sufficient will not win friends in the swamp....its that simple....and throw in the money addiction with people doing business in China and you have a near impossible task placed in front of Trump....that being said he still did a great job....
You took the trump haters to school.
Please read this entire article prior to replying to any post in this thread.

It presents claims regarding why Donald John Trump defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton, why he backed off on efforts to prosecute her and send her to prison, why he appointed several "do-nothing" people, why he was denied a second term, why he and his family are being and will continue to be persecuted, and how the USA has long been manipulated by a global cabal of powerful families whose bloodlines can be traced back to ancient Egyptian rulers.

:thankusmile: Wow excellent stuff there everyone should read especially the link in there on the zionists character assassinated trump taking him out and how they used deadly force to take out trump usingn the CIA to do their handy work.they have always worked hand in hand together.trump initially played the zionists game but when he refused to invade Iran,they took him out with the most massive vote fraud ever.Biden will probably invade Iran and start world war 3.

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