When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Why would anybody wanna vote for someone who’s going to murder his own children and grandchildren any day now?

Embryos and Personhood {240503 {post•749}. RobertW May’24 Seapyz: This is not the end game of Democrats. Filicide comes next. Euthanasia as in Oregon arrives in force. The end game is to extinguish human life. •¥•. We who support life reject this as the option. •¥¥• rbrtw 240503 Seapyz00749
I have no clue why.
It is exactly what you said.
Are you really stupid or are you just acting that way??
You said the only way to end the cycle of violence was for the Jews to leave and go back to "Jew York"
Yes, that's what I said. And? What's it have to do with your statement? Did I say all elephants are green too?
..... and since we all know the Jews aren't going to leave, that means endless war, and you clearly show no concern for the suffering this endless war has brought to the Palestinians.
I now have the answer to my question: You really are stupid. :777:
Those are people who believe that Israel should exist. The raging antisemitism of the last two weeks shows us why.
Because we are not okay with war crimes? We made them crimes for a reason. My only question is why do we allow it? Why no punishment afterward?

Stop weaponizing food. There are starving children. You killed 20,000 children. How many more? No wonder they sing that song from the river to the sea. You make them hate you.

I would run the war different and I'd have a 2 state solution. Build a fucking wall.
Israel drew first blood. "Ending the cycle of violence" requires the Zionists to give the Palestinians their land back and then fuck off back to Jew York.

Ending the cycle of violence" requires the Zionists to give the Palestinians their land back

When did they have land? Where?
Side note: I resided beyond the Beitbridge during the mid to late 1970s of the Smith regime
Side note: I haven't been to Beit Bridge town - most of my friends and acquaintances reside/resided in the Rusape and Mutare vicinity.
BTW populated by Lemba tribes members, whereby some are calling themselves "Black Jews", (also existent in SA) who claim to be Semitic, but don't really follow any distinct Jewish believe/tradition, but rather share the well known commonalities with Muslims. IIRC their main synagogue is named Al Jazeera.
They started to receive significant financial and theological support from Israel some 10-15 years ago. :)
I didn‘t think it would. It’s something to be proud of!
Right - the Nazis stated exactly the same and where thus extremely proud onto their actions and policies.
They even kept defending it - after the war.
You don't even know the difference between an Israeli Zionist and an Israeli, becasue you are plain ignorant, full of hatred and racial bigotry.
Side note: I resided beyond the Beitbridge during the mid to late 1970s of the Smith regime
Side note: I haven't been to Beit Bridge town - most of my friends and acquaintances reside/resided in the Rusape and Mutare vicinity.
Rusape and Mutare were garrisoned by RSA military once the bush wars started up in earnest and the road to Beira was closed. I passed over the Beitbridge (never stopping) many times on the way to and from Jo'Burg. Well, obviously I had to connect with the military convoy escort but never going into the town itself. I lived in Salisbury (when it was still called that).
BTW populated by Lemba tribes members, whereby some are calling themselves "Black Jews", (also existent in SA) who claim to be Semitic, but don't really follow any distinct Jewish believe/tradition, but rather share the well known commonalities with Muslims. IIRC their main synagogue is named Al Jazeera. They started to receive significant financial and theological support from Israel some 10-15 years ago. :)
I knew nothing about that. The only Muslims I knew/met were of the Pakistani/Indian sort and the only mosque I can actually recall was the one at KweKwe. I knew there were some Jews in Rhodesia too but there was only one family I knew personally but I think they were originally from Pietermaritzburg.
Right - the Nazis stated exactly the same and where thus extremely proud onto their actions and policies.
They even kept defending it - after the war.
You don't even know the difference between an Israeli Zionist and an Israeli, becasue you are plain ignorant, full of hatred and racial bigotry.
All these Zionists posting here know all about Hamas‘ atrocities and rhetoric, but not a thing about Israel’s hateful genocidal atrocities and rhetoric.

Proof propaganda works on these fools.

Many Israeli officials admit they want genocide, but this won’t be reported by US corporate media.

Israel's Far-right Minister Smotrich Calls for 'No Half Measures' in the 'Total Annihilation' of Gaza

Speaking at an end of Passover event, Israel's finance minister Bezalel Smotrich also said the current talks with Hamas are 'with someone who long ago should have ceased to exist'
Noa Shpigel
Apr 30, 2024

Finance Minister and member of the security cabinet Bezalel Smotrich called on Monday for annihilating Israel's enemies, saying "There are no half measures. [The Gazan cities of] Rafah, Deir al-Balah, Nuseirat – total annihilation. 'You will blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven' – there's no place under heaven."

Smotrich calls for 'no half measures' in the 'total annihilation' of Gaza

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