When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

If 1 child is injured in Ukraine, Putin is an evil dictator, a war criminal, and is purposely targeting civilians.
If 100 children are killed in Gaza, Israel is the most humane Army, is only defending themselves, and is just going after Hamas
Well golly gee. Do you think maybe Hamas made a big mistake first attacking Israel killing around 1400 Israelis & taking hostages many of whom still are not released? And you imbeciles blame Israel & not Hamas for giving Israel good reason to move on.
Israel drew first blood. "Ending the cycle of violence" requires the Zionists to give the Palestinians their land back and then fuck off back to Jew York.
By which you are saying you endorse endless war to destroy Israel and have no regard for what that is doing to the Palestinians. If you support the Palestinian cause, which is to destroy Israel, then you can't honestly claim to support the welfare of the Palestinian people.
By which you are saying you endorse endless war to destroy Israel and have no regard for what that is doing to the Palestinians.
I said all of that, did I? :auiqs.jpg:
If you support the Palestinian cause,
Most definitely.
... which is to destroy Israel
Only if it's necessary.
... then you can't honestly claim to support the welfare of the Palestinian people.
:blowpop:You've got a terrible fantasy!
A lot of Americans refuse to vote for Biden. Due to his own faults.

Why would anybody wanna vote for someone who’s going to murder his own children and grandchildren any day now?

Embryos and Personhood {240503 {post•749}. RobertW May’24 Seapyz: This is not the end game of Democrats. Filicide comes next. Euthanasia as in Oregon arrives in force. The end game is to extinguish human life. •¥•. We who support life reject this as the option. •¥¥• rbrtw 240503 Seapyz00749
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I said all of that, did I? :auiqs.jpg:

Most definitely.

Only if it's necessary.

:blowpop:You've got a terrible fantasy!
It is exactly what you said. You said the only way to end the cycle of violence was for the Jews to leave and go back to "Jew York" - you trying to be clever - and since we all know the Jews aren't going to leave, that means endless war, and you clearly show no concern for the suffering this endless war has brought to the Palestinians.
That's not a bad idea. And stop building new Jewish settlements in that territory. I head that's one of the things that pisses them off the most. Jews say they promise they won't then suddenly one day bulldozers appear and apparently their word means nothing.

Reminds me of our promises to the Indians. We lied.
Stop Hamas and Gaza will be free.

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