Elections Expert Reveals Over 550,000 Registered Voters In Wisconsin Have a Registration Date of 1/1/1918 – 115,252 of Them VOTED in 2020

A person that comes to Arizona last week and has crowds that go further than the eye can see and has cars that stretch out for 25 miles, that’s not somebody that lost an election

how Joe Biden could possibly win when he didn’t have rallies as big as Trump’s

Trump couldn’t really have lost. Look at all of these people! 100 percent, 1,000 percent, 1 million percent Biden didn’t win
Then take your evidence to the DHS.

Why haven't you?

Is it because you have none and have married yourself to a embarrassing fantasy that makes you the laughingstock of the entire world?

Yes. Yes it is.
No, the laughingstocks are YOU and idiots like you who treat pedo CNN, MSNBC, Vox, and the Daily Kooks as gospel. Why haven’t you EVER been able to actually debunk anything? The fact that you defend an incestuous pedophile suffering from dementia that did not legally win his position shows you to be a true moron. No surprise.
The GP and Twitter info came from the Wisconsin Elections Commission. They are claiming that the 1918 birth dates came from a "database error."

The whole Wisconsin Presidential election should be thrown out and redone.

Why does the statewide voter registration database include multiple voters with birth dates of 1/1/1900 and registration dates of 1/1/1918? | Wisconsin Elections Commission
Circumventing state legislatures and making revisions to mail in voting guidelines in the 11th hour under the guise of national emergency, all the video evidence that came to light, all the testimony under oath by eyewitnesses and this isn’t even plausible….hahaha.
The sad reality is none of you sorry ass America haters would dare want to uncover voter fraud to preserve and protect democracy if it meant the mean tweeting Orange Guy that had real Americans kicking ass could claim victory.
You bought all the lies. Nice
More irrefutable proof of the vast election swindle. Of course, all the brainwashed progs will insist there is no proof. The only proof they will accept is convictions of 6 million people for voter fraud. If we had that, there would be no need to have a trial

UPDATE: Elections Expert Reveals Over 550,000 Registered Voters In Wisconsin Have a Registration Date of 1/1/1918 - 115,252 of Them VOTED in 2020 (VIDEO)
Holy crap!!! Have you notified the Supreme Court about this or are you just blowing your nose?
I'm sure if those "voters" are purged from the rolls it will be seen by the dems as just another example of the gop denying the dead the right to vote.

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