Electric cars making people "meaner"!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Well..........so says the New York Times >>

In California, Electric Cars Outpace Plugs, and Sparks Fly

100% certainty not a single progressive ever considered this with their fairy tale thinking!!! What else is new?

Imagine that one day, you wake up and find out some gas stations are giving away "FREE GAS!!"

Only the progressive thinks that's a zero sum game!!!:2up:

Evidently, shit is getting out of hand in California..........very few charging stations and lots of people fighting for the chance to charge up = lots and lots of problems. This is going to be the next novel story of somebody snapping and shooting somebody else full of holes!!:spinner:

Progressive idea's are always wonderful until things become operational. These dolts never deliberate on the costs of anything...............if the intentions are good, do it!!!:lmao::boobies::boobies:
In 50 years they'll be laughing at us and our quaint gasoline powered cars.
I love it.

"Black market deals".

What is so funny is that electric has no emissions...that electricity just grows on trees.
Imagine waking up and waiting in line for gas like in the low 70's and it never got better only worst.
Looks to me as if this is a prime opertunity for an ambitious person to make some money.

Except in California, with all the red tape required to start any sort of enterprise, you would be lucky to be up and running by 2018.

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