Electric Vehicle owners thought they would avoid the gas tax.....they will tax you by the miles you drive....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And the smug greenies thought that they could rub the gas tax in the faces of people who don't want EVs.....they don't use much or any gas...so they don't have to pay the gas tax.....

And that was stinkin thinkin because the government will always get their money.....

They are placing trackers on your EV and will simply charge you by the mile......

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Taxes are necessary for dog's sake Americans!

Any debating that's tax related needs to be about where the tax burden is placed.

Do the very wealthy have a responsibility to bear more of the burden or does it have to fall on the backs of the middleclass?

Work on it for dog's sake!
And something tells me it will be more than the gas tax........
'Something' tells you a lot of strange things!

The question is elementary and you should be figuring it out for yourself.

Should EV use be taxed? Duhhhhhhh!
Or should gas car drivers bear the whole burden? Duhhhhhh!
Everything the greenies touch turns to shit (Just like all democrats).

They forced wind mills upon us and now they bitch about the piles of dead birds under every wind mill that they have caused.

There are dead zones where nothing grows (for hundreds of miles in every direction) where they put the old EV's because the batteries start leaking into the environment. There's not even bacteria in the soil.
Has anyone bothered to research how long tires last on EV's due to their weight?

Why would anyone want to look at another down side to EVs? You are just supposed to buy one and if you can't afford it, get your ass on a bus or train....or a bike....or just freaking walk....
They're going to get their money somehow.

Oregon's constitution requires gas taxes be used only on road building, maintenance and repairs ... nothing else ... our Supremes have always ruled this way ... it's a natural balance ... better economies wears out the roads faster, but we're collecting enough money to stay up with repairs ... worse economies doesn't wear out the roads as fast, and not as much taxes are being collected ... HOWEVER, we always have money for repairs, no matter the economy ...

It's 30 ton semi-trucks that wear out roads ... not these 4 ton F-250s with snow plow and small sanders ... and not a 2 ton Toyota or EV ... we don't even need roads if everyone road motorcycles ... motorcycles pay very little in road taxes ...

I think we're raising PUC fees on the commercial truckers to cover the EV losses ... tax the workers, that's all they're good for ...

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