Electric vehicles are exploding from water damage after Hurricane Ian, top Florida official warns

I don't really recall a significant shift in our relations with any islamic countries.

If anything it got worse with democrook lunatics embracing palestinian groups more openly.
They were doing that earlier than 9/11/2001. As I recollect, the Congressional Democrats were pussyfooting around a leader named Saddam Hussein in order to show the world how much they hated Dubya. Hussein took that as a way to drive a wedge in America, so when AlQaeda was driven out of Afghanistan, they temporarily went under the radar and wound up being rocked in the bosom of Baghdad, and the rest is history in which the alliance from Hell was made between the Democrat Party and the Leftist Lockstep Media. It made me feel a little sick. I liked the Bush family who lived in the city of my birth in the early 60s. Everybody I knew respected and loved the Bush family. Barbara Bush sponsored a huge literacy effort for all the regions' poor children, and GHW Bush represented our state in the US Senate. They were just nice God-fearing people who cared about others, and that's that as far as I'm concerned. I really didn't like the way the Democrats and Press treated their son when he won the Presidency. They hated on him for 8 years.
Before any other states start demanding that their citizens must own electric cars and not gas-driven ones should read up on what's happening in Florida due to water damaged electric cars.

A top Florida state official warned Thursday that firefighters have battled a number of fires caused by electric vehicle (EV) batteries waterlogged from Hurricane Ian.​
EV batteries that have been waterlogged in the wake of the hurricane are at risk of corrosion, which could lead to unexpected fires, according to Jimmy Patronis, the state's top financial officer and fire marshal.​
"There’s a ton of EVs disabled from Ian. As those batteries corrode, fires start," Patronis tweeted Thursday. "That’s a new challenge that our firefighters haven’t faced before. At least on this kind of scale."​

Will California's legislature roll back their insistance/new law that people MUST run electric cars by a certain date instead of gas-driven ones now?
Not much chance of getting waterlogged in California.
Any car fire is dangerous. If they have to pour more water on an EV fire it's no reason to act like they are the Devil. If they can eventually wean us off the Saudi teat I'm all for them.
A battery fire is not a good fire, you can’t just put them out. Rare for a car to blow up, from gas, electrical fires are more common and burn at a high temperature.
We were off the Saudi teat......under Trump. Then the left here in the country gained control and now want to starve Americans of energy so we have to reduce our living standards and family sizes........they know wind, and solar will never supply us with the same amount of energy as coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear power....that is the point. They don't want cheap, reliable, plentiful energy, that just leads to more people, having more kids, over more territory and makes it harder to control them according to leftist desires..........
Liberal, not left.
I never claimed to be an expert, but I've actually suited up and fought fire. have you?
Maybe you should, Mr. Volunteer firefighter. When you learn, you can move to the big cities where there is more of a chance to get experienced. And you know jack about how to extinguish an EV battery fire.
Your point is well-taken, Pete, but I have this vague recollection of the US Government reversing its attitude toward certain countries in the Middle East that were aiding and abetting Al Qaeda and its noxious allies who cheered and danced in the street when the World Trade Center Buildings and the Pentagon was hit with our own planes in an act of Jihad. We lost 3,000 American and a few foreign visitors touring the WTC. Seems I recollect Congress declared war the following day because of the shock of almost all of us, some of whom demanded of their representatives in Congress and the Senate to let the world know how unprofitable it is to hit our nation that had a tradition of welcoming legal immigrants to our shores, with open arms since we became a sovereign nation. I felt so helpless and sad that day as I watched the second airplane hit the tower's twin. I had been online and was alerted by others to turn the tv on. No sooner had I done that when it showed the second plane hit, and later, the Pentagon, and even later, United Airlines Flight 93 nosedived into a Pennsylvania pasture shortly after takeoff when some very brave Americans tried to stop the well-prepared hijackers who immediately went down 90 degrees into the earth with no chance of any survivors whatever in a suicide decision spot on to fatal disaster. :(
Your recollection of the events is very poor. The last time Congress declared war was December 1941. Flight 93 was airborne for quite a while, not right after take-off. Otherwise, you made a good post.
Maybe you should, Mr. Volunteer firefighter. When you learn, you can move to the big cities where there is more of a chance to get experienced. And you know jack about how to extinguish an EV battery fire.
I do it for my community, you on the other hand only handle a hose at the gay bar most Friday nights.

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