Electric vehicles are exploding from water damage after Hurricane Ian, top Florida official warns

it was 14 out of 10 million

A look at electric car explosions​

Updated: Apr 26

We've previously looked at electric car fires & provided an overview of our initial research findings that show they occur very rarely.

We're increasingly asked about the risk of an electric vehicle (EV) exploding, particularly in underground parking or roadways, such as tunnels. Our research identified & verified fourteen (14) EV explosion incidents since 2010 - that's from a global market of 10 million EVs in operation at the end of 2020.

10? So you go off straying from how many "exploded" in Florida? You don't have a clue. Forget it. It's futile.
10? So you go off straying from how many "exploded" in Florida? You don't have a clue. Forget it. It's futile.
this is what you asked


You weren't specific on location.
they taught us how to build all manner of nasty devices.
When it comes to blowing shit out of the way you can't be anything but nasty.

I briefly entertained going to Sapper school, but I couldn't make the cut physically at my best point in life. Didn't help that I was already 30 when I got out of AIT.
When it comes to blowing shit out of the way you can't be anything but nasty.

I briefly entertained going to Sapper school, but I couldn't make the cut physically at my best point in life. Didn't help that I was already 30 when I got out of AIT.
I showed my ass because they promised me airborne school and backed out. fucking recruiters.
beating an uneducated Google warrier like you doesn't warrant a back pat.
When you say you kicked my ass, I knew that was coming. You ran out of whit long ago, let alone anything worth mentioning. So go ahead and lie to make yourself feel good. Your prerogative. Loser.
When you say you kicked my ass, I knew that was coming. You ran out of whit long ago, let alone anything worth mentioning. So go ahead and lie to make yourself feel good. Your prerogative. Loser.
I must admit it's funny watching a stupid motherfucker prove he's a stupid motherfucker. you deserve a participation trophy 🏆.
They still loathe him, they just pretend to hate him less when he comes out critical of something a republican does, especially if it's Trump. I've been up and down with the Bush aristocracy. I never liked GHWB much at all. He allowed the generals to do the job in Iraq then knee capped us on behalf of the useless and malignant UN. He was horrible regarding the 2A and allowed the democrooks to do serious damage to the country. GWBush was a little better, but still a globalist, still let the democrooks spend money like drunk Kennedy's, and let the media run amok telling lies. He sold us a shit sandwich with Iraq when the simple truth would have been just fine and then allowed the RNC to nominate a corrupt republicrat worm that lost to an unvetted, incompetent, effeminate meat puppet.

I don't think he was the criminal the moonbats insist he is, but I certainly do not hold the guy in as much esteem as I did in 2004.

I'm sorry The Senior Bush offended you. Iraq's President sent a hit squad to assassinate him when another Middle East Country were going to give him some kind of award. I don't recall all the details, since he only had one term in the White House, only that Saddam Hussein went after him with an assassination team. I think if someone tried to assassinate me, I wouldn't like them very much. The other time in his life he almost died for his country was in WWII, and he was in the Pacific Theater, and the plane he was on was hit by Japanese shooters, it crashed, and he was the only survivor on the plane. I read a book on his life, and it's been so long ago some of the details aren't so clear any more. But I did find a little blurb in my search engine:

World War II pilots were shot down at an alarming rate—including Bush. With the wings of his plane on fire and smoke pouring into the cockpit, future President George H.W. Bush parachuted into the Pacific Ocean, where he floated for hours on a life raft, vomiting uncontrollably and bleeding profusely from his forehead.Feb 13, 2019

George H.W. Bush's Dangerous Role in WWII - HISTORY​

https://www.history.com › george-hw-bush-wwii-airman

Image result for George. H.W. Bush plane Crash in WWII
Image result for George. H.W. Bush plane Crash in WWII

Navy aviator George H.W. Bush and his squadron attacked
https://www.history.com › this-day-in-history › navy-a...

On September 2, 1944, future President George Herbert Walker Bush is serving as a torpedo bomber pilot in the Pacific theater of World War II
He didn't run from his situation. I can't imagine his pain at losing his fellow servicemen on that plane that crashed, took all their lives, and he almost died, too.
I must admit it's funny watching a stupid motherfucker prove he's a stupid motherfucker. you deserve a participation trophy 🏆.
LOL... I'll bet they still had him go on some useless errand before they handed those out then pretended there weren't anymore when he came back. You almost have to feel sorry for people like him, until he talks.
When dozens of houses slide off the side of a mountain you may not remember the color of the houses, but you remember that it happened 50 years later. Where do you get off?:
Come on Beautress! Phone a friend and borrow some intelligence. Houses sliding off mountains is NOT due to floods but rain combined with unstable earth where the houses were built. In most states, houses are built with rocks under them, not mud!

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