Electron and atomic model

Don't like honest, helpful info? Cool. Quit humping my leg.
this calls for a poem
Keep a Nuts away

one day
Nuts say
don't like good info?
as the fan mail
comes in
from Nuts
big win
the letters
crush him
and Nuts say
Keep a Nuts away
from heavy weight
its reason for
Dr. Butts would have us believe that the earth was once a gas cloud that collapsed into a rocky planet.

what causes the spin of the earth


The spin, or rotation, of the Earth is caused by its initial angular momentum, which was acquired during the planet's formation. Several factors contributed to the Earth's spin:

Conservation of Angular Momentum: When a rotating object contracts or collapses, its rotational speed increases due to the conservation of angular momentum. This principle can be seen in action during the formation of celestial bodies, including the Earth. As the primordial cloud of gas and dust collapsed under its own gravity, it began to spin faster, resulting in the rotation of the forming Earth.
Collisions and Accretion: During the early stages of the solar system's formation, there were numerous collisions between smaller bodies, such as planetesimals and protoplanets. These collisions imparted additional angular momentum to the growing Earth, contributing to its spin.
Tidal Interactions: Tidal interactions with other celestial bodies, such as the Moon and the Sun, also play a role in the Earth's spin. The gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun creates tidal forces on the Earth, which slightly deform its shape. The interaction of these tidal forces with the Earth's rotation gradually affects its spin rate over long periods of time.
It's important to note that the Earth's rotation is not constant but undergoes slight variations. Factors like the redistribution of mass within the Earth, atmospheric and oceanic motions, and even the gravitational influence of other planets can cause these variations, known as axial precession and nutation.

Overall, the Earth's initial angular momentum, acquired during its formation, is the primary factor responsible for its spin, and subsequent interactions with other celestial bodies and internal processes contribute to the complex dynamics of its rotation.

What were some key experiments or observations that helped establish the conservation of angular momentum?


The conservation of angular momentum has been established through various experiments and observations in different fields of physics. Here are some key experiments and observations that have contributed to our understanding of this principle:

Spinning Objects: Observations of spinning objects, such as spinning tops and gyroscopes, provided initial evidence for the conservation of angular momentum. When a spinning top is set in motion, it maintains its spin unless acted upon by external torques. This observation led to the understanding that angular momentum is conserved in the absence of external influences.
Falling Cats: A famous experiment known as the "falling cat phenomenon" demonstrated the conservation of angular momentum in a dynamic system. When a cat falls from a height and wants to land on its feet, it rotates its body to conserve angular momentum. This observation highlighted the conservation of angular momentum in living organisms and dynamic movements.
Projectile Motion: The study of projectile motion, such as the motion of objects thrown or launched into the air, also provides evidence for the conservation of angular momentum. When a projectile is in flight, its angular momentum remains constant unless external torques, such as air resistance or gravitational forces, act upon it.
Collisions and Rotational Motion: Experiments involving collisions between rotating objects have contributed to our understanding of angular momentum conservation. Observations of the behavior of rotating objects before and after collisions demonstrated that the total angular momentum of a system remains constant if no external torques are present.
Astronomical Observations: Observations of celestial bodies, such as planets, stars, and galaxies, have provided additional evidence for the conservation of angular momentum. The rotational motion of these objects, their orbital dynamics, and the behavior of rotating galaxies all adhere to the principles of angular momentum conservation.
It's important to note that these experiments and observations, along with the mathematical formalism of angular momentum, have collectively established the conservation of angular momentum as a fundamental principle in physics.

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