Eli Manning: A Media Matrix for TrumpUSA?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The two-time Super Bowl winning NY Giants QB Eli Manning (younger brother of the equally-celebrated NFL Super Bowl winning QB Peyton Manning) has become a very popular American athlete.

Everyone thought Peyton would dethrone the titan Patriots QB Tom Brady, but in fact, it was Eli who took down Brady and the Pats in two Super Bowls!

People remember this fact for two reasons --- a little brother did what was expected of big brother, and what he did provided a breath of fresh air and intrigue to a NFL becoming tedious by the monotonous domination by the New England Patriots.

This sort of 'media-storytelling' (in sports, entertainment, etc.) reveal a modern social investment in 'human themed lifestyle marketing' (for lack of a better phrase), which is why perhaps Americans like lifestyle magazines such as People, Playboy, and PC Magazine.

This is the sort of 'culture conversationalism' that separates the modern age from the time of our fathers, something we should consider for any valuable critique of our arguably commerce-temporal 'TrumpUSA.'


TRUMP: You must be happy with the NFL...
MANNING: My brother and I both are, Mr. President.
TRUMP: We don't want terrorism to deter the fun of American sports!
MANNING: I agree, which is why we like productive endorsements and appreciate TV-time.
TRUMP: NFL Sunday has become an American tradition...
MANNING: I like to think the Giants contributed to that.
TRUMP: They surely have, and I expect that the White House will enjoy future Super Bowls.
MANNING: The Patriots have dominated the NFL in the last 2 decades.
TRUMP: Sure, but there have been other spots --- Steelers, Giants, Broncos, etc.
MANNING: Sure, but we have to keep that motivation going...
TRUMP: I agree, which is why the Trump Administration will continue to support 'sports marketing.'
MANNING: Television is the new 'matrix.'
TRUMP: It sure is, and marketing is the new business...
MANNING: We hope you'll attend the next Super Bowl!
TRUMP: Maybe I will, and I'll bring my camera.
MANNING: American athletes appreciate celebrity attention...it contributes to fanfare optimism.


Eli Manning (Wikipedia)


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