eliminate minimum wage and MAYBE 3 million immediately employed!

You are exactly right! Some just get the difference of yesterday(bygone years) and today.Guess they think that one making MW can live the American Dream.They are delusional .

You can't even start to live the American Dream on minimum wage. For $2.10 an hour 35 years ago, I could pay my yearly college costs, I could buy a car, I could rent an apartment

You can't even get your foot in the door at minimum wage today
The whole purpose of the min wage is to get your foot in the door. So to say you can't is simply wrong. Most people who work min wage don't do so for long. They acquire skills that make them more employable and command a higher wage. Or they fail out from that and join the OWS movement.

Low minimum wages hold down all low end wages. You may get a $7.25 an hour "foot in the door" wage and still only have growth to $9-10 an hour. Lowering the minimum wage will not add any additional jobs. They will simply be used as leverage to hold down all wages.

There is a large number of working poor in this country. The poor wages they receive is supplemented by the taxpayer in the form of food, housing and medical subsidies. Business makes out by paying low wages and the taxpayer steps in to make up the difference
I disagree. While unemployment may go down poverty would rise. The minimum wage is not even enough to survive off of as it is. I would not advocate raising it but to eliminate it would cause a lot more division between the haves and have nots.

Because everyone benefits when fewer people work, right? Or do you think people currently employed will rush out to take lower paying jobs than what they have right now?

No minimum wage will drive wages down. People making minimum wage or less don't buy cars or tvs so how exactly will this stimulate the economy? They will buy groceries and pay utilities nothing more. Those bills are for the most part currently paid anyhow so what is the benifit? Brag about some arbitrary UE number? No thanks.
Because everyone benefits when fewer people work, right? Or do you think people currently employed will rush out to take lower paying jobs than what they have right now?

Because everyone benefits when people are payed less, right?

Who's going to get paid less, genius?
We have a black teenage unemployment rate of 20%. What are they getting paid now?

Because it will only be applied to black unemployed teenagers.

I disagree. While unemployment may go down poverty would rise. The minimum wage is not even enough to survive off of as it is. I would not advocate raising it but to eliminate it would cause a lot more division between the haves and have nots.

Because everyone benefits when fewer people work, right? Or do you think people currently employed will rush out to take lower paying jobs than what they have right now?

You still haven't shown where lower paying jobs means more jobs

If you pay someone $7.25 to sweep your floors are you going to hire more floor sweepers at $5 an hour?
More of the conservative belief that if we can just make the American working class poorer, America will be a better place.
This is so funny!!!!
How many teenagers living at home without a job would like a job?
How many teenage parents would LOVE to have their kids have a job?

The whole point of minimum wage was another example of continual dependency on the government. And where has that got us all?
We have free cell phones for poor people.
Free rent (Section 8)
Free food (stamps)
Free health care (medicaid).

So where would a person working at no minimum wage have to buy a cell phone, get food, pay rent living at home remember, probably have health care!

But this thread just shows how totally dependent MOST of you EVEN conservatives have grown on the FEDERAL TEAT!

There truly is NO hope.
I'm almost 70 years old. HAVE worked all my life.
SAD.. but unlike me I LEARNED at age 10 what it was to peddle newspapers, get paid $1 to shovel a walk, $3 to mow a lawn...
NONE of those experiences EVER paid my rent/food/etc. BUT it helped my parents raise 4 kids and the best thing..
1) I learned responsibilities (none of you ever got up at 3 AM sundays delivery papers!)
2) Learned business practices... (can't let uncollections go for long)
3) All of these very fundamentals lessons NOT available any more
So which is better..
Having maybe 3 million or more employed people paying Medicare/SS or
3 million people receiving $250/week in unemployment benefits?

By eliminating minimum wage
In 2010 Among those paid by the hour, 1.8 million earned exactly the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 2.5 million had wages below the minimum.2 Together, these 4.4 million workers with wages at or below the Federal minimum made up 6.0 percent of all hourly-paid workers.

Minimum wage workers tend to be young. Although workers under age 25 represented only about one-fifth of hourly-paid workers, they made up about half of those paid the Federal minimum wage or less. Among employed teenagers paid by the hour, about 25 percent earned the minimum wage or less, compared with about 4 percent of workers age 25 and over. (See table 1 and table 7.)

Now there are 27.1 million teenagers from 15 to 19 that are unemployed!

Easily 3 million or more jobs would be open if the minimum wage was competitively based.. i.e would you work for $1/hour.. $3/hour???
Let the market set the wages...

All of a sudden businesses especially minimum wages could lower THEIR prices and economy begins to grow and those out of work.. paying in!

Which is better then paying OUT or 3 million more paying in???

Ahh winning thru deflation of lifestyle.
The great American dream!
This is so funny!!!!
How many teenagers living at home without a job would like a job?
How many teenage parents would LOVE to have their kids have a job?

The whole point of minimum wage was another example of continual dependency on the government. And where has that got us all?
We have free cell phones for poor people.
Free rent (Section 8)
Free food (stamps)
Free health care (medicaid).

So where would a person working at no minimum wage have to buy a cell phone, get food, pay rent living at home remember, probably have health care!

But this thread just shows how totally dependent MOST of you EVEN conservatives have grown on the FEDERAL TEAT!

There truly is NO hope.
I'm almost 70 years old. HAVE worked all my life.
SAD.. but unlike me I LEARNED at age 10 what it was to peddle newspapers, get paid $1 to shovel a walk, $3 to mow a lawn...
NONE of those experiences EVER paid my rent/food/etc. BUT it helped my parents raise 4 kids and the best thing..
1) I learned responsibilities (none of you ever got up at 3 AM sundays delivery papers!)
2) Learned business practices... (can't let uncollections go for long)
3) All of these very fundamentals lessons NOT available any more

60 years ago that small amount of money went a long ways.

These days, you wouldn't even be able to buy a candy bar with a wage like that.
I disagree. While unemployment may go down poverty would rise. The minimum wage is not even enough to survive off of as it is. I would not advocate raising it but to eliminate it would cause a lot more division between the haves and have nots.

Because everyone benefits when fewer people work, right? Or do you think people currently employed will rush out to take lower paying jobs than what they have right now?

You still haven't shown where lower paying jobs means more jobs

If you pay someone $7.25 to sweep your floors are you going to hire more floor sweepers at $5 an hour?

Naah they will probably lay off a few since people will have less money to spend on their products.
So inflation causes layoffs?
You flunked Econ 101, right?

I was specifically talking about artificially induced inflation and not the slow gradual inflation from economic growth. The market will correct itself and even if demand on goods is high at first from the increased wages it will eventually collapse when cost of goods outstrips the ability of the consumers to purchase them. This will cause a surplus of goods and companies will adjust by decreasing production. It is in effect an employment bubble.
The whole purpose of the min wage is to get your foot in the door. So to say you can't is simply wrong. Most people who work min wage don't do so for long. They acquire skills that make them more employable and command a higher wage. Or they fail out from that and join the OWS movement.

Ah yes, the old "pay what you're worth" argument. It's entirely BS, as always. Let me tell you, I'm worth a solid $100,000 a year for the work I do at my job. I save lives, I maintain a the utmost level of safety in my facility, I train and develop other employees to be capable of saving lives when they are the ones in that position, and after all of that I find the time to shmooze clients and their children. But nobody is going to pay me what I'm worth. They're going to pay me as little as they can. :lol: That's what everyone gets paid, as little as possible. :lol:
I disagree. While unemployment may go down poverty would rise. The minimum wage is not even enough to survive off of as it is. I would not advocate raising it but to eliminate it would cause a lot more division between the haves and have nots.

Because everyone benefits when fewer people work, right? Or do you think people currently employed will rush out to take lower paying jobs than what they have right now?

No minimum wage will drive wages down. People making minimum wage or less don't buy cars or tvs so how exactly will this stimulate the economy? They will buy groceries and pay utilities nothing more. Those bills are for the most part currently paid anyhow so what is the benifit? Brag about some arbitrary UE number? No thanks.

How will lowering the min wage drive wages down? Either the jobs that exist are worth the current min wage or they don't exist. When was the last time you saw a movie usher? They dont exist because the min wage made them too costly. There are dozens of jobs like that that would open up if you could pay that. Any more than that and the jobs aren't worthwhile at the higher wage, so don't exist anymore.
Most min wage earners are not the breadwinner in the family but kids or spouses looking to get back in to the workforce.
Because everyone benefits when people are payed less, right?

Who's going to get paid less, genius?
We have a black teenage unemployment rate of 20%. What are they getting paid now?

Because it will only be applied to black unemployed teenagers.


That would be a start, of course.
No, genius. It would be applied to employers, who would create jobs because it wouldn't cost them an arm and a leg to find out if their new worker was decent or worthless.
So inflation causes layoffs?
You flunked Econ 101, right?

I was specifically talking about artificially induced inflation and not the slow gradual inflation from economic growth. The market will correct itself and even if demand on goods is high at first from the increased wages it will eventually collapse when cost of goods outstrips the ability of the consumers to purchase them. This will cause a surplus of goods and companies will adjust by decreasing production. It is in effect an employment bubble.
OK, you really did flunk Econ. Assuming you ever actually took it.
The whole purpose of the min wage is to get your foot in the door. So to say you can't is simply wrong. Most people who work min wage don't do so for long. They acquire skills that make them more employable and command a higher wage. Or they fail out from that and join the OWS movement.

Ah yes, the old "pay what you're worth" argument. It's entirely BS, as always. Let me tell you, I'm worth a solid $100,000 a year for the work I do at my job. I save lives, I maintain a the utmost level of safety in my facility, I train and develop other employees to be capable of saving lives when they are the ones in that position, and after all of that I find the time to shmooze clients and their children. But nobody is going to pay me what I'm worth. They're going to pay me as little as they can. :lol: That's what everyone gets paid, as little as possible. :lol:

So you're worth jack-shit.
If you aren't designing it, building it, selling it or servicing it you aren't contributing to the top or bottom line.

If no one will pay you 'what you are worth" then you aren't worth that much. Something is worth only what people are willing to pay.
Total nonsense...

If there was money to be made off of hiring new people, they would. What are you going to sell? Who is going to buy it?

We get this same thread every time they raise the minimum wage....."We are going to have to lay off poor working teenagers". It never happens

I used to make $2.10 an hour minimum wage and I could buy a heck of a lot more than someone making $7.25 today
You betcha.
You can't even start to live the American Dream on minimum wage. For $2.10 an hour 35 years ago, I could pay my yearly college costs, I could buy a car, I could rent an apartment

You can't even get your foot in the door at minimum wage today
The whole purpose of the min wage is to get your foot in the door. So to say you can't is simply wrong. Most people who work min wage don't do so for long. They acquire skills that make them more employable and command a higher wage. Or they fail out from that and join the OWS movement.

Low minimum wages hold down all low end wages. You may get a $7.25 an hour "foot in the door" wage and still only have growth to $9-10 an hour. Lowering the minimum wage will not add any additional jobs. They will simply be used as leverage to hold down all wages.

There is a large number of working poor in this country. The poor wages they receive is supplemented by the taxpayer in the form of food, housing and medical subsidies. Business makes out by paying low wages and the taxpayer steps in to make up the difference

Rabbi did not think of that. Will he retract his bullshit?
So companies never lower their prices? Is that what you are saying?
Apple Tweaks ‘Nano’ and ‘Touch’ iPods, Lowers Starting Prices | Techland | TIME.com

What a fucking 'tard.

Good thing I never said companies never lower prices. I said they will charge as much as the consumer is willing to pay. Apple isn't reducing prices because they're saving on labor. They're reducing their prices because the CONSUMER isn't willing to pay.
So you never said this:
You think businesses will lower their prices? Why would they do that? The consumers have already shown a willingness to pay the higher prices, they aren't going to suddenly settle for less.
Sure looks like you're saying businesses never lower their prices.
Sales of Apple products appear steady, so the consumer is obviously willing to pay. I think you need to find a new thread to post in because you're getting your lunch eaten here.

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