Coffee shop employees protesting business closure after they unionized

The only way a worker today can possibly ever get ahead is by job hopping every six months are there about. The best workers are always looking for better and even if it's 2 months pull up stakes and leave. Give one weeks notice and move. Working hard at the same place gets one further and further behind.
Can work? Yeah. Necessary? NO. Private unions are also a factor in rising inflation. Higher wages for some = higher prices for everybody.


It's a power balance. At least in the private sector the balance is kept by things like this. If the demands are too nuts, the business dies.

In the public sector nuts demands are accommodated and the costs punted down the road.
In the public sector nuts demands are accommodated and the costs punted down the road.

Agreed. Public unions get into bed with the politicians and the taxpayers get screwed while the union gets rich. Look at what's going on with the teachers' unions in Chicago and elsewhere, they have the state, county, and city officials by the balls. They get what they want or they strike and the kids ultimately pay the real price. It stinks.
Protest a business shutting down? If these people are that dumb you have to wonder how they were able to make a cup of coffee.
"I am pretty crushed, especially when it's such a blatant response to our union process." - No shit. They closed because they can't afford a union.

These shops were already operating at a loss, and paying decent wages plus health, dental, and vision benefits.

With tips, Alabiso said, employees made anywhere from $15 to $20 per hour, but tips were inconsistent based on the time of year. Most employees' base pay started around $9 or $10 hourly, she said. Her base pay was $13 – among the highest. Feibush said employees made $20 to $25 hourly including salary, tips and benefits.

"Personally, it's all been very shocking," Alabiso said. "I was not expecting this at all, I wasn't expecting for us to not even get into bargaining."

You were bargaining, and you lost. You forgot about the "walk away" option. How's that union treating you now?

The left have never understood that there are consequences to their actions. For every Yin there is a Yang. Even after the fact, they still can't comprehend what really happened.
And nearly every MAGA dolt lines up to cheer that some employees lost their job.

Not good for a business to shut down and people becoming unemployed but the added cost of being union was too much to a small business
Look at all of the ones protesting, they are stupid and greedy left leaning progressives. They think they can call a union in and magically make a living wage working at a coffee shop.

What kind of brain dead moron wants to unionize a coffee shop? They pour coffee into cups, that's it. I guess they don't realize the only reason unions exist is to make money, they make money by taxing the workers with union dues. They make promises so they can get in there to take the money of the people they are there to help.

They got greedy thinking a union would get them all big raises, less hours, they would be protected from being fired, and could basically live on easy street with a non skilled labor cushy job. Problem is, they forgot to realize they are just making coffee and have 0 valuable skills and a couple coffee shops would rather close than have a union ruin their business.
Protesting a closed business?

My first reaction would be to hit the streets looking for another job.
The only way a worker today can possibly ever get ahead is by job hopping every six months are there about. The best workers are always looking for better and even if it's 2 months pull up stakes and leave. Give one weeks notice and move. Working hard at the same place gets one further and further behind.
That’s a one size fits all mindset.
The left have never understood that there are consequences to their actions. For every Yin there is a Yang. Even after the fact, they still can't comprehend what really happened.
Their second order thinking is non-existent for most of them. Life must just be an endless series of surprises for them. A few of them do understand and want those terrible outcomes.
Look at all of the ones protesting, they are stupid and greedy left leaning progressives. They think they can call a union in and magically make a living wage working at a coffee shop.

What kind of brain dead moron wants to unionize a coffee shop? They pour coffee into cups, that's it. I guess they don't realize the only reason unions exist is to make money, they make money by taxing the workers with union dues. They make promises so they can get in there to take the money of the people they are there to help.

They got greedy thinking a union would get them all big raises, less hours, they would be protected from being fired, and could basically live on easy street with a non skilled labor cushy job. Problem is, they forgot to realize they are just making coffee and have 0 valuable skills and a couple coffee shops would rather close than have a union ruin their business.
If you can't afford to pay your employees a decent wage, maybe you shouldn't be in business.

This notion that we should have "minimum wage jobs" that young people are supposed to take willingly and happily, even though the don't keep up with inflation, is silly.

Why don't those lazy leftist fucks start their own coffee shop?
The only way a worker today can possibly ever get ahead is by job hopping every six months are there about. The best workers are always looking for better and even if it's 2 months pull up stakes and leave. Give one weeks notice and move. Working hard at the same place gets one further and further behind.
Just an FYI, I usually pass over resumes that show many jobs in a short time span, not worth training if they leave jobs every 2 years or more.

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