Elitism: Romney would rank among richest presidents ever


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Hmmm, imagine that... 50 times richer than poor ole Obama. Talk about being out of touch with the people. Talk about the rich getting richer and the poor, well you know. Talk about elitism.

Romney would rank among richest presidents ever - Yahoo! News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just how rich is Mitt Romney? Add up the wealth of the last eight presidents, from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama. Then double that number. Now you're in Romney territory.

He would be among the richest presidents in American history if elected — probably in the top four.

He couldn't top George Washington who, with nearly 60,000 acres (24,000 hectares) and more than 300 slaves, is considered the big daddy of presidential wealth. After that, it gets complicated, depending on how you rate Thomas Jefferson's plantation, Herbert Hoover's millions from mining or John F. Kennedy's share of the vast family fortune, as well as the finer points of factors like inflation adjustment.

But it's safe to say the Roosevelts had nothing on Romney, and the Bushes are nowhere close.

The former Massachusetts governor has disclosed only the broad outlines of his wealth, putting it somewhere from $190 million to $250 million. That easily could make him 50 times richer than Obama, who falls in the still-impressive-to-most-of-us range of $2.2 million to $7.5 million.
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And Romney wants to lift our poor out of poverty, and help our 'middle class' achieve wealth... how terrible of him.

Stop demonizing people who have more than you... it's pathetic.
And Romney wants to lift our poor out of poverty, and help our 'middle class' achieve wealth... how terrible of him.

Stop demonizing people who have more than you... it's pathetic.

Looks to me like Mr 15% wanted to help himself above all.
And Romney wants to lift our poor out of poverty, and help our 'middle class' achieve wealth... how terrible of him.

Stop demonizing people who have more than you... it's pathetic.

Looks to me like Mr 15% wanted to help himself above all.

Might look like that to you, doesn't make it true. He's wealthy. He made his own money, took his own risks and got rich. That used to be something we - as a country - respected. Helping your kids do better than you did used to be a good thing. Now, it's used as a weapon against them. I find that pathetic.

Looks to me like you're a sad loser who resents the success of others. Shame on you.
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"I'm unemployed too"
"I've worried about getting a pink slip"
"Let people lose their homes to foreclosure"
And so on and so on and so on -

Its not that he's ultra-wealthy. Its that he has no clue about how the real world works. Mormon-funded Bain didn't start saving companies until after he left them. ALL of his money came from dismantling companies and firing people and he still gets $13MILLION every year for destroying those companies and those jobs.

Can't imagine a worse choice for president.

Unless it would be Newt, Santorum or Paul.
And Romney wants to lift our poor out of poverty, and help our 'middle class' achieve wealth... how terrible of him.

Stop demonizing people who have more than you... it's pathetic.

Looks to me like Mr 15% wanted to help himself above all.

Might look like that to you, doesn't make it true. He's wealthy. He made his own money, took his own risks and got rich. That used to be something we - as a country - respected. Helping your kids do better than you did used to be a good thing. Now, it's used as a weapon against them. I find that pathetic.

Looks to me like you're a sad loser who resents the success of others. Shame on you.

No one amasses that much fortune without the assisst of the gov't along the way. This discovery will be exposed hopefully by Obama. It's called loopholes, tax-breaks for the rich. It's called entitlements and welfare for the rich. Gov't hand-outs if you will and all at the expense of the tax-payers of course.
And Romney wants to lift our poor out of poverty, and help our 'middle class' achieve wealth... how terrible of him.

Stop demonizing people who have more than you... it's pathetic.

His policies might do a better job lifting the poor out of poverty and helping the middle class then Obamas... I won't negate that.

It's hard for me to actually believe that he "wants" to do so though.

I have a hard time believing Romney, Gingrich, Obama, etc care ANYTHING about people... period.

Poor, rich, black, brown, or white. I just don't think some of these politicians really care about what's best for "people" but what's best for their campaign, that's why they make such great liars.

It's just not their personalities to "care". Even Clinton (Bill) gave off some illusion that he somewhat MAYBE cared about average people... even though I doubt it.

These politicians we have these days don't care at all about anyone, the closest we have to people who care about people and families and such are Santorum and Paul and YES there is a BIG difference between Santorum and Paul and the other two establishment nutjobs.
Mitt's plan will increase my taxes, I'm not a millionaire.

Nope, I don't think the lower and middle class can AFFORD a Romney presidency.
Looks to me like Mr 15% wanted to help himself above all.

Might look like that to you, doesn't make it true. He's wealthy. He made his own money, took his own risks and got rich. That used to be something we - as a country - respected. Helping your kids do better than you did used to be a good thing. Now, it's used as a weapon against them. I find that pathetic.

Looks to me like you're a sad loser who resents the success of others. Shame on you.

No one amasses that much fortune without the assisst of the gov't along the way. This discovery will be exposed hopefully by Obama. It's called loopholes, tax-breaks for the rich. It's called entitlements and welfare for the rich. Gov't hand-outs if you will and all at the expense of the tax-payers of course.

Drink less KoolAid, kid. Seriously, learn to think for yourself and stop relying on Obama to do it for ya. This whole 'class warfare' shit is getting old.
He is nowhere near as rich as JFK was, nor is he anywhere near John Kerry's wealth, but yet we never heard a peep out of you guys when it came to them. So this rich smear only applies to the GOP?
Also, Romney earned his wealth, he did not marry into it like Kerry did and he did not inherit it like JFK did "Romney donated his inheritance, is that also bad?".
You guys show your hypocrisy more and more each day, america is getting sick of hearing about it and could really care less. The only people who care are those of you on the left, and you dont vote republican anyways so who gives a shit?
Mitt's plan will increase my taxes, I'm not a millionaire.

Nope, I don't think the lower and middle class can AFFORD a Romney presidency.

:lol: Now that is interesting. I thought you were living off the government.... you having served the nation for 20 years.

Actually, I earned my retirement by serving 20 years in the military. When I signed the contract, part of that contract was that if I invested 20 years, I'd get a pension for the rest of my life.

Hey........isn't that what Mittens did, invest himself in something so that he didn't have to work anymore?
And Romney wants to lift our poor out of poverty, and help our 'middle class' achieve wealth... how terrible of him.

Stop demonizing people who have more than you... it's pathetic.

Looks to me like Mr 15% wanted to help himself above all.

He earned it, he never stole from the government or the tax payers, good for him. He is the type of person young adults should look up to and try to emulate. Which also makes him a threat to the lefts agenda, kinda like herman cain, hmmmmm. :cool:
He is nowhere near as rich as JFK was, nor is he anywhere near John Kerry's wealth, but yet we never heard a peep out of you guys when it came to them. So this rich smear only applies to the GOP?
Also, Romney earned his wealth, he did not marry into it like Kerry did and he did not inherit it like JFK did "Romney donated his inheritance, is that also bad?".
You guys show your hypocrisy more and more each day, america is getting sick of hearing about it and could really care less. The only people who care are those of you on the left, and you dont vote republican anyways so who gives a shit?

What do you expect of sheep but to follow their Shepherd? Obama tells them 'hate the rich', classic Alinsky. They obey without thought.
"I'm unemployed too"
"I've worried about getting a pink slip"
"Let people lose their homes to foreclosure"
And so on and so on and so on -

Its not that he's ultra-wealthy. Its that he has no clue about how the real world works. Mormon-funded Bain didn't start saving companies until after he left them. ALL of his money came from dismantling companies and firing people and he still gets $13MILLION every year for destroying those companies and those jobs.

Can't imagine a worse choice for president.

Unless it would be Newt, Santorum or Paul.

Are you actually saying that romney has no clue how the real world works, and that Obama does? Because if you are, then that makes you one of the most ill informed human beings I think I have ever talked to.
He is nowhere near as rich as JFK was, nor is he anywhere near John Kerry's wealth, but yet we never heard a peep out of you guys when it came to them. So this rich smear only applies to the GOP?
Also, Romney earned his wealth, he did not marry into it like Kerry did and he did not inherit it like JFK did "Romney donated his inheritance, is that also bad?".
You guys show your hypocrisy more and more each day, america is getting sick of hearing about it and could really care less. The only people who care are those of you on the left, and you dont vote republican anyways so who gives a shit?

What do you expect of sheep but to follow their Shepherd? Obama tells them 'hate the rich', classic Alinsky. They obey without thought.

Got a link to back that up, or is this another "fact" like when you stated that Mormons aren't required to tithe?
Looks to me like Mr 15% wanted to help himself above all.

Might look like that to you, doesn't make it true. He's wealthy. He made his own money, took his own risks and got rich. That used to be something we - as a country - respected. Helping your kids do better than you did used to be a good thing. Now, it's used as a weapon against them. I find that pathetic.

Looks to me like you're a sad loser who resents the success of others. Shame on you.

No one amasses that much fortune without the assisst of the gov't along the way. This discovery will be exposed hopefully by Obama. It's called loopholes, tax-breaks for the rich. It's called entitlements and welfare for the rich. Gov't hand-outs if you will and all at the expense of the tax-payers of course.

Just because you can't imagine someone making there own way without the government helping does not make it true. People like you cannot make it to the top without government help, that much has been proven. Other people...like romney did it on there own. Be careful what you wish for, one day you might actually get that nanny state, and you wont like it.
Hmmm, imagine that... 50 times richer than poor ole Obama. Talk about being out of touch with the people. Talk about the rich getting richer and the poor, well you know. Talk about elitism.

Romney would rank among richest presidents ever - Yahoo! News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just how rich is Mitt Romney? Add up the wealth of the last eight presidents, from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama. Then double that number. Now you're in Romney territory.

He would be among the richest presidents in American history if elected — probably in the top four.

He couldn't top George Washington who, with nearly 60,000 acres (24,000 hectares) and more than 300 slaves, is considered the big daddy of presidential wealth. After that, it gets complicated, depending on how you rate Thomas Jefferson's plantation, Herbert Hoover's millions from mining or John F. Kennedy's share of the vast family fortune, as well as the finer points of factors like inflation adjustment.

But it's safe to say the Roosevelts had nothing on Romney, and the Bushes are nowhere close.

The former Massachusetts governor has disclosed only the broad outlines of his wealth, putting it somewhere from $190 million to $250 million. That easily could make him 50 times richer than Obama, who falls in the still-impressive-to-most-of-us range of $2.2 million to $7.5 million.

Imagine that, almost as rich as John Kerry or the Kennedys.

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