Eliz Banks claims Charlie’s Angels failed because of Sexism

Charlie's Angels has been dead for years. If this is what you snowflakes have to cling to for a win, then I feel bad for you.

Dead for years, yeah, kinda like all your charges, claims and allegations against Trump! Dead on arrive to the USA. I feel real bad for you. Boo Hoo.
Charlie's Angels. Doesn't hollyweird have an imagination? Why do they keep retreading old shit nobody wants to see? AND...they really need to wake the hell up. Nobody wants to see skanky women trying to be ladies with strength. Same as those stupid movies where they have men look like boys with no abs, skinny arms and legs, and are too feminine.

Never mind. Hollyweird will never understand. Which is why they will go broke eventually.
The 2019 reboot/sequel of Charlie’s Angels just opened to a catastrophic $8 million, making it the fifth man-hating, woketard franchise to get wiped out at the box office.

Angels, which was written and directed by Elizabeth Banks, is not only under-performing expectations by about 50 percent, it got run over by Ford v Ferrari, a movie about real men who throw punches and burn fossil fuels. […]

Angels is a failure because it features unappealing actresses who are more interested in lecturing us than showing us a good time. The film’s trailers promised a pretentious feminist lecture full of man-hating… and the sexless movie delivered.

Nolte: 'Charlie's Angels' Is Fifth Woketard Franchise to Die at Box Office
We no longer let the market decide?
Charlie's Angels. Doesn't hollyweird have an imagination? Why do they keep retreading old shit nobody wants to see? AND...they really need to wake the hell up. Nobody wants to see skanky women trying to be ladies with strength. Same as those stupid movies where they have men look like boys with no abs, skinny arms and legs, and are too feminine.

Never mind. Hollyweird will never understand. Which is why they will go broke eventually.

Hollywood is dead. All the great stars are mostly long gone. They are running on fumes now, the "stars" of today mostly just the rich spoiled kids living off daddy's fat wallet and there are no new ideas. They even brought back Terminator for one last try. In 50 years, LA will be a ghost town.
The only successful man hater movie I remember was "Thelma and Louise". And even that movie had to bring in Brad Pitt to provide a sexual spark.
Linda Hamilton looked horrible in that last Terminator movie. Enough already with the retreads.
I tried to watch The King on Netflix. Couldn't get past the spindly bantam rooster looking King so I stopped watching. Same reason I never watched those Vampire flicks with Kristen Stewart. First, that bitch never smiles and has a rotten attitude on and off the screen (she was in this flopped Charlies Angels, too), and the vampire dude looked like a skinny teenybopper with NO muscles, no frame to speak of, and looked more like a girl than a guy.

Did all the beefcake guys finally give up and bail out of Hollyweird due to the feminine guys that are now all the supposed rage? Come on. Even transgenders know women should look like women...hence the huge fake boobs they wear. NOBODY wants to see sticks..male or female.
You guys are so passionate about popcorn movies. Remember a time when we had art for arts sake.
If they want to peddle their propaganda so much, here's a better formula in my opinion. Lure people in with entertainment and sneak your propaganda into the movie here and there. The propaganda itself is not entertaining and will not sell tickets.
Charlie’s Angels failed because it did not show enough T & A
Who was the audience for Charlie’s Angels?

1. Women who like the idea of liberated women in positive roles?
2. Men looking for Tits and Ass?
Nolte: Big Fat Liar Elizabeth Banks Blames Sexism for Charlies Angels Flop – CBD News

The entertainment industry is a business with one job, sell tickets by making movies people are willing to pay their hard earned money to watch. Entertain us or we will not watch your movies. Imagine going to your investors and instead of telling them much money you made, telling them how much money you would have made if the world wasn't so racist, sexist, homophobic etc. Make movies people want to watch, not movies a handful of pretentious film critics fawn over. The customer is always right.

Going to a movie should not be a homework assignment. It is supposed to entertain people as they take a break from life for a while.
Another dumb hollywood liberal

so what else is new?
Nolte: Big Fat Liar Elizabeth Banks Blames Sexism for Charlies Angels Flop – CBD News

The entertainment industry is a business with one job, sell tickets by making movies people are willing to pay their hard earned money to watch. Entertain us or we will not watch your movies. Imagine going to your investors and instead of telling them much money you made, telling them how much money you would have made if the world wasn't so racist, sexist, homophobic etc. Make movies people want to watch, not movies a handful of pretentious film critics fawn over. The customer is always right.

Going to a movie should not be a homework assignment. It is supposed to entertain people as they take a break from life for a while.

I also like this take down of the movie...by...The Critical Drinker......spot on analysis...

Nolte: Big Fat Liar Elizabeth Banks Blames Sexism for Charlies Angels Flop – CBD News

The entertainment industry is a business with one job, sell tickets by making movies people are willing to pay their hard earned money to watch. Entertain us or we will not watch your movies. Imagine going to your investors and instead of telling them much money you made, telling them how much money you would have made if the world wasn't so racist, sexist, homophobic etc. Make movies people want to watch, not movies a handful of pretentious film critics fawn over. The customer is always right.

Going to a movie should not be a homework assignment. It is supposed to entertain people as they take a break from life for a while.

John Nolte is my favorite mover critic... second favorite is the Critical Drinker...

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